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Messages posted by: Rocky Marciano
Forum Index » Profile for Rocky Marciano » Messages posted by Rocky Marciano
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A conversation I just had with Redneck (Devilback) that portrays situation of having a title(s) well:

The Rocky> Does anyone want a title shot?
The Rocky> OBC or OBW
Devilback> i dont want a title shot. i am in war with titleshots since month now.
Devilback> if you got the title everyone is killing your nerves...
Devilback> i hate this.
The Rocky> true
The Rocky> if you have a title everyone jumps on you
Devilback> yes.
Devilback> and you cant fight they think you are an asshole.
The Rocky> so true.
Devilback> thats just not "boxing and have fun"
The Rocky> can I use this conversation please?
Devilback> sure you can.
The Rocky> thanks
".i just wanna play Boxing and have some fun. "

Same here
"Rocky get off my nuts. I told you before. If someone like you...with the boringst style i ever faught on OB fights me..i fight boring back."

Fair enough. I just block opponents punches and try to land my own punches, plus keep my eye on score making sure I at least win the round. I suppose I should be doing something else if it is so boring.

"I also told you hennes that it is my first fight of the evening and i am not warm."

Yes you did but I fail to see how this is relevant and what your point is. Is there some issue I dont know about?

"Now you run to the forum and talk shit."

Uh I just called you a good boxer. (?)

"All you do here is blabla here bad stamina and blabla there bad stamina...."

Lot of people have been critizising this stamina change including some of the very best boxer on this game ever (HOFfers) Only you are Yacoob are perfectly happy with it. Perhaps I should be happy with it too as now it seems that beating Fatny is actually possible.

"I just stopped fighting in the 6th(?) round cause you bored me to hell and back."

You got KOed and were on your way losing by big point margin so I find that irrelevant.

"I swear you now that i will never fight your boring ass again."

Well that's fine by me.

"And by the way...what do you wanna prove with your "Your style is still the same"-posting here?"

Absolutely nothing. You seem to like this new stamina change and make arguments supporting it. I just do not find your arguments to be true or "hold water", just like your claim of having/using new style due(or it enabling you to do it) to this stamina change does not seem to be true in practice.

"I like the new stamina system...with new style or old style."


Redneck wrote:
I dont understand all that crying about the new stamina system. I changed my style, too (i used to make my opponents tired and than boom boom i won in the last rounds...i won the matches but very boring i think.


I just boxed you and failed to see any difference in your current style with this new stamina compared to your old style with old stamina. You still backed to your own corner and tried to fish for KO using nothing but power shots. I do not mean any offence as it really is a legit strategy and you are perfectly free to use whatever strategy you want. I am just saying that I really did not see any difference. Perhaps you really have new style. Maybe it just did not work against me for some reason and you were forced to try the old one.

Anyway a good match and you are a good boxer.

Regarding new stamina: Since Mikkel is determined and standing behind this change we all just must learn to live with it.

It seems that you love arguing about everything and anything, no matter how trivial it is, and regardless of if it has something to do with the topic or not. Basically I am not going to entertain you and play your game. It is total waste of time and I have better things to do. So basically whatever Ray. I am not interested.

Ps. Just in case you plan to debate/argue more I suggest you to save your time as I am not going to check this thread again, which means I will not be here to read your possible reply.
Only part of your post that I actually read:

" Says who? I'm sorry, I missed the rules section. Wanna link me to it? "

Have you ever heard of common sense? Use it.

Frankly said and absolutely no offence meant but I did not even bother reading your whole post as I noticed it has absolutely nothing to do with topic of this thread and as such is total waste of time. Go flame somewhere else.
Ok lets get this thread back on track and hope that Ray does not make more irrelevant "troll" posts.

I do not have any problems with the new stamina system. If anything it has made winning even more easier for me. You can no longer wish for random change to flash KO someone like me to happen.

Fatny is online almost every single day.

It was boring to you only because you did not fight back. You chose to back up to your own corner for whatever reason unknown to me. That's perfectly legit for you to do if you wish so but most likely boring for both your opponent and you. That being said it is nice to hear you no longer do that.

New stamina system makes fights boring and here are the reasons:

- less skill is required now to win rounds
- flash KO's are much more rare so that feeling of danger is gone
- most effective strategy is to spam
- it makes it extremely hard to wear opponent down with combination of precise power punching combos and good defense
Hey Mr. Grammar King English is not my native language. I amazed you have failed to comprehend that despite having been told about it multiple time. I am disappointed, I expected more from you. Maybe you are not as smart as I thought you are.

That being said I do understand where you come from with this. You are just trying to be a smart ass but fail badly. How about you show us your command of a foreign language or two? How about you try typing in lets say French or lets say Germany for the next couple of months?

If you have no intention of posting anything relevant to the topic of a thread do not post on it. You are just spamming totally irrelevant posts. Your post is not relevant to the topic and as such not needed. Have a nice day.
You are wrong Redneck. It is not balanced at all. When you have people like Fatny saying this there really is an issue. It really is now possible to spam the whole round punches without losing any significant amount of stamina. In fact you can keep up doing it for whole 12 rounds without stamina becoming an issue. I have tested it a lot and my opponents have done the same. Actually that's all they do now but end up losing anyway. Difference is that I still win, it is even easier now BUT MUCH LESS FUN.

This new stamina means following: Pure sluggers have even less change of winning now. Perhaps stamina used to be a problem but now it has gone to just another extreme where is virtually does not exist. It would seem pretty much every single A-class boxer on this game is saying this.

Redneck there is nothing unfair in not boxing people who have huge ping like 200+ or 400+ and there seriously is nothing unfair in not boxing people who have decent looking ping but horrible packet loss which results in horrible skipping/freezing etc. It is called the game being playable, fair and not taking 10 min real life time per one single round, which is totally unacceptable.

Laggers should stop crying and fix their ping because it is THEIR problem. People who skip like there is no tomorrow should go get better ISP or stop using some stupid wireless BS connection because that's THEIR problem.

If you opinion on this happens to differ... We just disagree on this strongly. Other than that cry me a river. Not my fault - not my problem.

Anyway no offence meant but care to get your facts straight Redneck before making these kind of posts. Go ask just how many shots I have given to people like Trpeche and how many titles they have taken away from me... zero (or some small number like that). I don't mind medium amount of of lag like Trpche so get your facts straight. Skipping is a no go as it is unplayable, the same goes to large amount of lag. Takes forever to play a single round too which is ridiculous.

Btw. Your so called real champ-status people have failed to beat me so go figure.

"from what i gather rocky hasnt even rematched any of the champions he won belts off.
To make matters worse he was offering his titles to vargas a while back claiming he didnt have time for ob no more yet hes on the forum claiming he gives out title"

You are wrong as usual. Then again that is hardly surprising. Go buy new glasses because you obviously need some. I won my title fair and square and then later on won more by the way of trading title shots with other title holders. If you had a brain you would have figured that out.

Now please go on and cry me a river. Your just someone who is not only stupid, got punked in real life, hated by everyone and can not beat me.

I gave Vargas change to beat me for my title and then later on beat me to get enough points for more title shots. He failed to both beat me in a title match and to beat me to get points for more on his alt. Good matches, he is very good and would whoop you bad Reaper and against me it was just not his day. Yes it is true that initially I thought of just giving Vargas my titles by letting him KO me in the first round / fixing the match. If you had some sense you would realise that by doing that instead of just removing myself from rankings I would save Mikkels time and the game would have new title holder IMMEDIATELY for everyone to try to beat. I chose not to do that and wanted to see if he can beat me for real.

I am going to go and write my Master's Thesis and graduate from University so most likely I will not have time for OB. You do what? Post BS on internet (youtube being one good example) and waste your life. You can not even spell properly. English is not even my native language and yet my command of it is better than yours. I mean come one... What is even more sad is that we all thought all this is just an act by you (spelling wrong on purpose, acting like a retard on purpose to get reactions out of people) till it was confirmed that you really are like this in real life too. How sad.

Now bug off I have wasted enough of my time dealing with you so go cry me a river if you wish. I could not care less. Boxing you makes no sense since you can not beat me legit. You have to freeze it or lag it to hell in order to even have a change. It's been like this from the very first day and it still is like this. Talking with you makes even less sense since you practically never have anything intelligent to say.

...and if you have nothing better to do than post BS here why don't you go and dream about your non existent Pro-Boxing career for a change. You know the career you talked so much about claiming to have similar level of talent as famous world champions. All that from a guy who never even had a single amateur match.

"stop making alts instead of defending ur titles thank you"

I just checked your record and looks like you have been getting horribly beaten by bunch of guys such as Banana Banana, Red Viper and Juan (Fernando Vargas).

Frankly said if you can not get past Banana Banana and Red Viper you have no business to be in the same ring with me. Both of them are very good boxers, in fact they are better than you, but just can not take me till they improve and get to the next level.

While I do understand the reason why you came into conclusion that the guy who basically schooled you in the ring multiple times is me, after all I have a history of schooling you bad in the ring time after time, I do have to point out that this time it was not me. I'll repeat it once more: Yes I have been schooling you from the day you started playing this game. That being said this time it was not me.

For past couple of days I have been online a lot waiting for people to show up and get title shots. It seems that people just dont like the stamina change and dont log on anymore. I even posted on forums asking people to log on and get their title shots yet no one came other than a guy with ping over 400 (totally ridiculous).
Dick wrote:If you want to be take seriously as a champ you should defend your title against anyone. You fought me on an alt twice and I beat you twice yesterday and the day before. Now I challenged you for the title and you refuse. That shows us what kind of champ you are. At least guys like Reaper and Viper take on all up and comers.
Enjoy your title in your own little world and keep refusing challenges!

You do not like my rules - it is your problem, not mine. I could not care less.


No one in their right mind goes and defends against you or boxes against you in general including members of the HOF such as Salvador so go figure. You are just complaining because you want a title shot and are trying to talk me into doing one against you. which is completely unreasonable. It will not happen unless you fix your horrible ping that makes your matches completely unplayable. That is a fact so there is nothing more to say about it or to argue about it.

Worst problem is that I don't have time to box you for 120 minutes (just one match against you takes that long to go trough). I have a life and got better things to do. It is so slow that it is not fun and it just takes too much time which I don't have. I am not the only one who has said this and feels like this. In fact these things have been mentioned by good number of people multiple times so it really is not anything new.

Fix your ping and problem is solved. It really is YOUR problem and up to YOU so why are you making these posts?

Other than that I have both lost and won against you in your lag the rare few times we have boxed. Recently I did one match against you and lost.
It happens, nothing new so go cry me a river.

I defend against all people like Vargas who recently lost his title shot against me. Oh by the way Vargas destroys you and I beat Vargas so.... go figure.

Too bad that people do not seem to log on anymore. This game is dying fast. Oh well I waited just like I did yesterday and the day before. *logs off*

It dont affect punching power so if you didnt get koed was just luck.

It kind of does... See people are kind of forced to spam in order to have any change of winning rounds which leads to them not having good punching power most of the time which leads to.... less flash KO's.
Is it just me or have people started to log on less and less ever since the stamina change?

Maybe people dont find it to be fun anymore.
Forum Index » Profile for Rocky Marciano » Messages posted by Rocky Marciano
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