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Messages posted by: Rocky Marciano
Forum Index » Profile for Rocky Marciano » Messages posted by Rocky Marciano
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Fatny is too modest so I'll make this thread for him.

Congrats to Fatny. Why? He exposed Unpredictable as VERY predictable and a bot.

Just go watch Fatny KO unpredictable with his alt.

Here is a hint to all given by Fatny: A bot known as unpredictable can not see big hooks for some reason (bad script >.> and eats jab's.

Formula to beat Unpredictable is (courtesy of Fatny): Jab jab jab jab jab jab jab jab jab jab and more jabs and nothing but jabs plus KEEP DISTANCE plus when he gets low on "health" plant the big hook and it is over.
Ok this is humour but...

I think this has become technical issue. Unpredictable keeps schooling everyone including fatny like they were 5 year old kids.

Now obviously we "mortals" need some unfair advantage coded in to be able to box against Unpredictable.

Ok we need a new class for Unpredictable as he is in whole different league. Lets say A class is like first division and unpredictable boxes in premier league.
Seriously Unpredictable needs to be in HOF.


He came and he conquered just like that. No one and I do mean absolutely no one can offer any resistance whatsoever. He single handedly KOed all active HOFer's in 1st round. Ridicolous even HOF'ers can only pray to make it past first round against him.

He could take all belts and hold them forever if he wanted to and there is nothing anyone on this game could do about it.

I say Unpredictable into HOF. Yeah he has not around for long BUT NO ONE HAS EVER SUPRISED EVERYONE LIKE THAT AND BEATEN ALL JUST LIKE THAT.

I am now convinced that what Fatny said is true.

Fatny said that he is Mikkel.

Now almost every time unpredictable logs off onlineboxing website also goes down (server goes down). When he log's back on website also goes back up.

This would indicate that he indeed is Mikkel who is testing some scripts and codes. So yeah he boxes using scripts and can not really be beaten other than with lucky flash KO.
Seriously who is this person?

UNPREDICTABLE is obviously best boxer ever to play this game

I have boxed against Fatny, Larry, HTF and rest of the HOF's and elite veterans


non of them come even close to UNPREDICTABLE (no offence meant)

I mean seriously who are you? By what name did you use to go before you made that alt?
Unpredictable just took the title from Fatny and

seriosly he is even better than Fatny
heheheh Boxa

I am not some HOF using shadow name to check out Fatny.

Relatively new guy here but this game is not so hard.

Boxa is defĂ­nately B level as am I. We are closing in on A.
So what's up all?
OB ID: Rocky Marciano
Times(s) Available: 8-10pm (GMT)

Weekdays: I prefer after 4pm but other times can be arranged
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Forum Index » Profile for Rocky Marciano » Messages posted by Rocky Marciano
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