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Messages posted by: Rocky Marciano
Forum Index » Profile for Rocky Marciano » Messages posted by Rocky Marciano
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johnbludger wrote:

But its a statistic that I dont record. Other than that you are correct.

Well it does not matter if you record that statistic or not because others do and it is still true. Captain America for the win!
Officially? I take you have been boxing unofficially then.
Well one of the multiple Smashing Machines is. Dont know which one.
My alt Smashing Machine is a bust.
Make it 101 now. I just joined the club. ALL HEIL CAPTAIN AMERICA!
Rocky Marciano 999999999999999999999999999999 alts.

and all those combined best win loss ratio.

Also Captain America having 100 fanboys IS a statistic.
Well what happened to your come back?
I support this thread and thank you MaxDick for saving my time. Now I do not have to bother to log on just to correct what is wrong since you fixed the situation nicely.
MASTER! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...


Way too surreal Fatny.
It has been around 3-4 months since I last logged on and boxed a match. It is nice to see OB2D is alive and doing ok

It would seem Fatny is still the king so nothing new under the sun there. I boxed a match and lost quite easily. A big sad face here. Then I returned the favor and beat several of the title contenders. Good fighters in their own right but bit one dimensional, which made it possible for rusty old me to practice some pugilism. In the end I got schooled by Ken Norton as he is not one dimensional fighter and as such not that easy to beat out of blue.

BEHOLD I SAW THE MADMAN LOG ON. Nothing has really changed as he began his never ending monoloque as soon as he logged on. You should all bow to Madman as apparently he is better than Fatny and only reason he has ever lost to Fatny, is because of his inferior computer, which is no longer as problem as he has bought a SUPER COMPUTER. (his nick fits him well)

Well personally I dont know about that as he and his super computer got KTFO in the ring... again... nothing has changed... However at this point I was forced to log off as the madman filled the chat with his monoloque with newfound fury and as a rusty veteran I can no longer handle that much text.

Oh well see you in a month or two
I just boxed my first match for a long time. These new settings look ok. This being said unfortunately I will most likely not be playing. I moved so no more university provided super connection. My new connection is also fast but my PC died and I bought a new laptop, which is what I needed anyway. So no more table top computer for me and boxing on a laptop just sucks a lot.

and just to Mikkel: yes now I can install OB3D since I no longer need admin rights from the University to do it.
this all being said I suppose I am going to have to log on to check these new changes to the game. It sounds it has become playable again.
Dick E. Boon 2 wrote:YES! Just had my first fight again and stopped Rocky in 2. It will be interesting to see if with the new settings John can be so dominant as before. We might be in for a surprise!

No you did not. I have not been playing OB at all. End of story.


Rocky Marciano

Ps. You should know better anyway. I dont exactly have a habit of boxing you due to your bad ping with exception being those rare times you can get it below 180.
"Gf no excuses"

and then

"im always at a disadvantage when it comes to fighting yanks cause of where im from always gta wait late at night before i can get a fight."

I mean "Gf no excuses"

Oh I remember that one too. Reaper talked all though on internet but when it came time to back it up in real life...
Forum Index » Profile for Rocky Marciano » Messages posted by Rocky Marciano
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