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Messages posted by: Rocky Marciano
Forum Index » Profile for Rocky Marciano » Messages posted by Rocky Marciano
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Yes you sure logged on honoring the deal we made.


then you proceeded to perform epic failure

Instead of trying to get all four belts and become a super champion you...

Go and box some unknown alt (OB Great) after that alt promises that he will let you KO him in a RM provided that he wins the first one. Well HE LIED and WTF did you expect for real?

You really should know better than trust a person who has repeatedly refused to log on his main and reveal his identity. He even refused to log on his main when I offered him a title shot if he logs on his main.

Apparently whoever is behind that alt is a real scumbag liar and lacks self confidence too.

Red Viper all you had to do was to wait till my match with Trpche is over but no, you just had to go and do something incredibly stupid such as trusting some guy hiding behind an alt name.

You broke our deal and you screwed your own changes to get all 4 titles.
OK I am online now.
Dick wrote:You wrote you would never read this thread again Rocky, how come you did?

ps: I know you always will swedish rocker

True I did write that. That being said I noticed Red Viper has posted on this thread - something you can see without actually opening the thread. Frankly said setting up these title shots with him is more important than ignoring you, so I had to go and read it plus reply to him.
Red Viper wrote:
I don't know i can make it tomarrow because

1. I got to leave for school at 3:00 PM

2. I got two classes from 4:00 to 6:45 PM

3. I get home at 7:30 at night

4. I got a quiz/test to study for the next day.

I'll be free anyday except on Tuesday. But will see on Tuesday.

Apparently you could not make it. It does not matter we can always try some other day. How about tomorrow? Can you make it tomorrow?
Welcome back.
See you in the ring tomorrow Viper. I promise you'll have to pull of your best performance ever If I go down, I just go down and more power to you. If I win well... good for me.

ps. I already gave Vargas another change. After losing against me (he boxed me to get enough points for a title shot) he said he is done or something and logged that alt off not using it again. All he needed was enough points for a shot to get the title for free.
You are so funny Boon.

Why dont you make up your mind? I mean first you call me extremely good boxer and great champion and the next minute you cry me a river. Having hard time making up your mind? Maybe the fact that I told you , that you should fix your connection before spamming challenges, made you sad.

Now seriously why don't you stop crying and fix your connection. Whining will not get you anywhere with me. It just hurts your changes.

I started my title run after I came back. I won multiple ones and lost multiple ones and then won some more till I decided that I am ready for super champ run and started new main for that.

My current title run over all from the day I came back

1. Last person to make it to super champion

- logically it does not get tougher than that

2. A guy who beats you all the time in your kingdom of extreme lag

- where you have advantage and yet fail to beat him

3. Pretty much anyone who logs on when I am on and wants a title shot.

- obviously this does not include people with horrible ping like 200 something and the one person I do not play this game with (Reaper).

If there is a specific person you would like to see me to box please make sure that the person in question actually still plays this game and also make sure that the person logs on when I log on. It is kind of hard to box people who dont play this game and kind of hard of to box people who log on rarely and mostly when I am not on.

Last and not least I could care less what you think Boon. I am perfectly happy and confident. Your opinion is frankly said irrelevant.

Anyway Red Viper and I made a deal to trade title shots. Can you make it online tomorrow Viper? I got some free time tomorrow to do that.

By the way I will not click on this thread again and read whatever irrelevant BS you are going to post as a reply so go and do yourself a favor and use all that time to something more constructive. Your only crying because I, just like many other people chose to do, do not box you and that is just because of your extremely high ping.

PS. How nice of you Boon to call people like toosmooth, trcphe, red viper etc. garbage because that's what you just basically did.

sterlihalla wrote:Well to be honest ur another problem u will never defend against me yet i have given u shots in the past.
Your defences have been against below average fighters i mean why not give htf a shot? or even boxa? black bear these guys stil come online at times or even fighters like john etc.
Makes me sick that u avoid me because im a challage and he same thing with the tournement champion dum ass alt he is.

Well to be honest my defenses have been against both people who beat you and people who give you extreme trouble so please... That coupled with the fact of me having history of schooling you in the ring. Well go figure... You do not even belong in the same ring with me.

It makes me sick that you still complain about the tournament title. You were given a shot and you failed to win. It is your own problem and your own fault. The current title holder there decided not to box you again AFTER you acted like a total prick and little kid filling the chat with insults and excuses. Learn to say gf and nothing but gf regardless of the result of the match and do not act like a retard next time. What exactly do you expect after carrying yourself in such appalling manner? Again your own fault . Please stop crying.

In then end none of these things matter. What matters is that I do not want to play this game with you at ALL. Titles or no titles I DO NOT want to play this game with you. You have been told this multiple times and last time BEFORE I won any of my current titles. Now which part of me not wanting to play this game with you at all do you NOT get?

You really just do not seem to get it so let me put it this way:

- I do not like you (...has something to do with your conduct)
- You carry yourself in very appalling way.
- I do not like you (...has something to do with your conduct
- You have a history of cheating
- I do not trust you (...has something to do with you having history of cheating
- You lag matches on purpose depending on the situation
- I do not trust you (...has something to do with you lagging matches on purpose
- I was told by several OB VIP's not to box you at all. (gee I wonder why...



Heck I do not even like replying to you so I am going to stop here.

ps. Why an earth did I even write this, taking into account that I decided to ignore you forever and wished you happy life?

There already is a solution for this problem, a solution that has existed for a good while. It is called title script. It is supposed to automatically strip champion who fail to defend their titles in reasonable amount of time.

OBF title was last held by Larry Holmes. He chose to vacate it instead of defending it. Sorry Larry but that's about the truth. I do not know why he chose to do it. I can only speculate.

OBA title is held by Judah. He simply put does not defend that belt at all. Title script should have stripped him already (for not defending) but for some reason he still has that belt.
Red Viper wrote:
[color=red][b]If I get those other belts, than I will give you a title shot for those belts.

Judah should be stripped. What happens if I have two titles and you have titles, than we should do a superchamp fight because we both deserve to be superchamp.

Sounds good. If you get the two reamaining titles we definately should both try to go for the super champion status. You really should get the two remaining titles just like Nigel Benn was handed those two belts in a similar situation.
sterlihalla wrote:ITs been like this for a while and i think its more down to the champions sitting on belts and not defending its pathetic.
People get bored when they cant achieve anything on this game and having a title is almost everything so they jus hold on to it or pick the easier opponant to beat.

I agree. I am the only title holder that defends actively. Frankly said it is rather boring (for me personally) that I am the only one giving people shots and don't get shots for the other two remaining belts at all.
Hey Mr. alt why don't you actually try to beat me for a change instead of getting KTFO 9 out of 10 fights.

Even TheMadMan does better against me than you do.
Since apparently I am so not getting shots at two remaining titles I might as well come and try to take PDP championship.

Sing me in please!
Are you experiencing writers block Yacoob? Lately your quality has gone down. I expect more from you.
If only I could trust Ray I would use this and only this instead of regular OB, just to box while not having to deal with the nonsense people type into the chat.

That being said I just can not trust you enough to actually download this and unzip it. I don't want any of your trojans, spy stuff like key loggers, tracking stuff or whatever it is you have most likely put in there. After all I do you my computer to manage my bank accounts.
Forum Index » Profile for Rocky Marciano » Messages posted by Rocky Marciano
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