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Messages posted by: mike watson
Forum Index » Profile for mike watson » Messages posted by mike watson
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p4p hardest punch.

anywieght class if they wieghed the same and hit an object who would hit the hardest.

my pick would be a very underated jnr middlewieght called julian jackson.

julian had agood boxing skills but was rather timid not non aggresive just he wouldnt want violance...but then if you did fight him and tried to trade with him...whap left hook or a right hgand would of obliterated you i have seen hard chinned opponants like mcClellen take shot that really rocked the boots.
his ko over a weak chinned but tough terry norris and an incredible hard chin in graham could just been blown apart by these shots.

doesnt follow the sport:tyson
half fan of boxing:foreman
knows a bit more about boxing:shavers
knows even more about boxing scatterfield
knows too much of boxing especially the early days:fitzsimmons
underated:julian(as i have said),zarate(fucking scary power but not one shot),foster

and to delaholics: oscar delafuking hoya

anyways your choice my good friends

That 1 Dope Mexican wrote:mines right now is Juan Diaz, comes to fight and makes you fight, and has really good stamina
he is rubbish awful technique, has to fight becuase he has no power to knock you out with,and has the scum of the earth asa a manager.

he has to fight joel casamayor to be lineal champion...and thats final until then i have no notice of his titles.
sterlihalla wrote:i agree mike
wait we....we...we..agree on somthing
Jens Oso wrote:tyson got nothing on marciano he would be ahead then ko by right hook jus like joe louis got ko'd
yeah but that joe was 38 or somthing horrible like that shouldnt be in a ring
Oscar wrote:

Ooooo. Oscar fights at a slow pace but generally outboxes his opponent, fair enough it's not happening now but it did, and although his pace was slow he still had a sharp powerful left hook that finished alot of his opponents. He was obviously fast enough to become world champion sorry man but you dont have to be fast to be world champion

joey maxim is a VERY good point in this.even Shannon 'i pass out of exhuastion past round 3 and just stay infront of the guy till the last round and try to ko him' Briggs

i have no problem with his skills i just think he isnt as good as people have made him up to be. against sturm he was horribly outboxed and beaten. his best opponants were a VERY old chavez,an even further out of his prime whitaker lost to trinidad and if i would do somthing is not run around the ring and actually try and win. ike quartey which was a robbery.

apart from that yeah good record....6 wordl titles even if 4 were bogus that takes some talent.

bhut not as good as people say

is this not the hardest man to hit.
wheres pep and floyd stay locked up ina guard this guy doesnt have one.
sweet pea Pernell Whitaker

search in youtube you'll get amazing moves by him he made oscar look like the slow robotic prick that he is.

against ramirez when he sits on the bottom please watch someof his stuff.

willie pep was good but he was very much a outside fighter once you were inside on his he could be crampd and hurt.
sterlihalla wrote:erm do u all realise that its a fake fight? it never happened it is a computer generated fight lol it was on some show rocky went on and they made that fight happen using computers lol.
But i gues everyone already knows about that for ages yeh its fake but i think everyone knows on here lol or maybe not
it wasnt computer generated
thats actually them

it was when ali had refused to join the marines to go to vietnam(good on him) and marciano was thinking of having a comback so sombody thought well get both of them paid see what happens.

basicly they went round after round of different situations so they could edited it later
EDDIE54 wrote:EXATLY ZAB JUDAH KNOUKED HIM DOWN but the referre didnt count it
well to be honestzab can bang with his left hook/uppercut.

and it was more of a push punch than floyd being stunned.

i agree with reaper we may never know how hard his chin was his family all had terrible chins so you never know
sterlihalla wrote:i do like how he destroyed gatti so he isnt crap by a long shot i dont think eddie watches boxing lol
do you know boxing at all...gatti has no defence NO DEFENCE when you stand infront of a combonation hitter like floyd yeah your going to get sparked wat was he tinking

tatlor his level of ops is amazing few could beat spinks/hopkins/hopkins again(and even if some say a robbery it was a very close fight and taylor did deserve it)/ouma/winky wright

when you fight the most defencive fighters in the world...yeah your not going to look good.

pavlik i have llittle love for to much use of blunt force power and little tactics.

taylor by stoppage
though pavlik took alot of hard punches from a world class hitter in miranda. he doesnt have the stasmina to fight with a major athlete
im broke and i aint playing to pay for what it's worth it's a great game and paying would cut out alot of trash talkers but.i dont think this is the way to do it.

maybe we could have an elite room or somthing like only certain people can go in. and really really advertise ob anywhere and everywhere
sterlihalla wrote:rocky hands down
with rocky's hands by his size ko in the 1st
Donny_king wrote:
hattons left hook i believe

Meh you can tell how much I watch (pay attention to) boxing can't you.

and about ufc i did like it great fun to watch if you want a fight then wham you got it but i just saw the last one and man that was Ultimute Fucking Crap almost all of them did a defencive style just so they didnt get hit and when they did pure flat out addidas running to the otherside.

then they will stare at each other for about a min(1 min is alot of time in a fight) then they circle around....then they collide fall to the floor and just see them trying to land punches on each other.

but yeah boxing and mma is a different world with the same attitude like rugby and american football both have try goals and the idea is to grab the ball and put it on the other side...and in that both sports can play the same rules. my 2 peneth

I guess you only watched the Bisping fight then man

I'm just messing with you but there were four knockouts, two in the first and two in the second round. We also had four decisions also though so I understand what you mean (why you think that, I enjoyed them) but atleast they weren't twelve rounders ay man.

Anyways I won't hijack the thread with my UFC talk, thanks for your two peneths
yeah it can go either way in ufc in boxing you have to be consistent in ufc or any mma one punch actually does change the fight where as in boxing so many rules and regulations slwo down the fighting process.
Ray Johnson wrote:
mike watson wrote:
Ray Johnson wrote:
1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:lol eh it would be a great fight.i dont know who would seems like you cant tell in boxing.and watson you didnt have to cuss me out after i beat you

Jigsaw is right, in Boxing you can't tell who would win but only the most likely outcome. I would guess Rocky would get in a few jabs winning the rounds wearing tyson out, but there could be an unexpected turn around.
wrong thread man
rocky rarely jabbed and in that tyson had a better jab.

and mythical match ups...yeah i know it's impossible to say what will happen maybe a different factor will come into play that we wouldnt of seen in earlier fights.

but it's just fun man and verbal sparring..anyways lewis by strong ud

ah yeah sorry, i was in a rush.
lets just see how many times we can quote the quote the quote the quote
Forum Index » Profile for mike watson » Messages posted by mike watson
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