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Messages posted by: mike watson
Forum Index » Profile for mike watson » Messages posted by mike watson
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catfish2 wrote:oh sexy larry, how in the world do you need a big brain to play this? you just need a lot of spare time like fagny or donny. or you for that matter.

unlike you, i have a job. i know, it's crazy isn't it? and i have other things to do then play this 24/7. not that i don't like this game, i love it. i come on whenever i can. but that isn't enough is it?
but larry has been playing it since ..... saying that he has alot of fights doesnt mean that he has been playing 24/7 you maybe play more than he does.
good one yacoob i will cherish this post
lol can i show you the worse boxing records in history

the anti-marciano eric crumble

the 2nd most fights in boxing history
and one more thing

My fav boxers are de la hoya ghatti Ali and tyson in his prime

if you said that list on a boxing forum you would get crucified.

de la hoya-is an amazing athlete but his politics to get belts and stay well clear form mandatories is unheard of.... at least ray leonard forght the best in thier prime hearns,benitez,lalonde .but going form super feather to middlewieght is unheard of(though he did get a hiding and should of lost to sturm)he is the most luckiest fighter i have ever heard of. got gift and i mean GIFT judge calls.

quartey-ike left hooked his way to victory all night and not at one time did delahoya stop the hook coming

sturm- as a i mentioned above was jabbing moving staying on his feet didnt get tapped hard while oscar just tried to barge his man out the way which he couldnt do.

even in the mosley fight he was only 2 points away from getting a draw how bad is that.
he is a celebrity not a boxer

gatti-was a punch bag that fought back. everyone wants to fight him not becuase he is a great opposition but becuase he makes everyone look like sugar ray clay jones jr out there makes them look like amazing fighters. his power was incredible but only becuase he kept coming was the reason why he koed guys.the worst defence form a modern fighter hands down (see what i did there i said hands down becuase that where he leaves his hands man im one funny guy).

ali and tyson- great choice but it's a bit blatent. if you asked someone on the street who thier favorite fighter it would be tyson...then ali.
but both men were superb fighters in total comparisons.

Larry Holmes wrote:Lol Ray Sefo has NOT better hands than everyone. In fact they are at best average.
if he was trained to be a boxer then i would let him into a pro fight but throwing him in with a boxer puncher with a decent record and he aint gonna last.

k-1 is a far closer comparison. if sefo had trained in boxing for alot longer and learnt the skills to defend all punches then it would be far more interesting.

i would say he did have good power but for a heavywieght it was light contact...not alot of technique just raw throwing fist to point A to point B
well shock and awe im a taekwondo/kickboxing and i feel that going 12 rounds compared to 5 rounds is the same thing

in sparring it takes a toll to throw kicks and best to use them rarely. but if you see pernell whitaker who throws(on average) 100 punches a round...what do you expect from a mma fighter who is trying to compose his energy and strength for one big hit...

i have seen mma guys gettin gkoed by a JAB now the first defence is to BLOCK why is a man relying on his slippign skills when a left hand parry would scuttle it away.

the point about boxing is that it is about skill and ability. in mma the biggerman has the better chanceand i dont mean by big being butterbean esque just heavier in stature...the defence in mma is to weave away it's good but you WILL get tagged sooner or later.

im not against mma it's just this belif that it "pwns" everything is rediculus tell me if kimbo had fought ray mercer in a boxing match what would be the sure it would be a jab and cross win for mercer. using his reach his stamina and his regular workrate.

they are totally different things and to say that one is better is comparing wood to plastic yea they can be used to make shelves and equipment...but they are in no way the same.
possibly the most clinical fight i have ver fought
Donny_king wrote:I know what you mean by getting bored and letting them win, I've done it a few times and some people have taken offence.
well come on man it's unsportsmanlike...even though this isnt a sport nor are we proffesionals but the point is that you are here to fight...if you dont then whats the point at all
take the bitter with the sweet
how does this work?

we just all go online and fight....sounds familiar.
ok enough pissing around.

i would like to join but i need some info on what and how its run
is it possible to have different rings for different occasions?
or is this making the game bigger?

oh my god look at this is it me or is this blaten plagerisism
the movment the punches the crownd allmost exactly the same
Ray Johnson wrote:Pretty good. Should direct some people to it.

Mike Watson wrote:
I want some people to use real boxing may say oh its just a game. and well done you are correct but i have seen some people do basic mistakes that get them koed or in bad trouble.

Definately go with you there. I messed up all the time and got myself body KO'd by round 3. Otherwise, i would have done well in my fights.

Edit: It could do with fixed grammar

my grama isnt' perfick but it i be change it.
im editing as we i i editing it after i have posted this.
Oscar wrote:Nice idea man. Good of you to do that. It's a nice guide for new starters - C- class.

Few mistakes to point out, you can't do a V-step on OB. Describe it as constat movement and it'l be easier for people to understand.

Jab and Grab doesn't necessarily work as you can get caught with counters or shovel punches easily if your stepping in. Put to jab then fight your way inside to get back to outside boxing or something.

Totally agree with the feints thing. I find it great to confuse people.

Nice work.
well the jab and grab isnt really a jab more of a tap and grab would be more accurate.

just a body jab then block on the way in.
or a head jab then hooks.
are you good...gcse's or as levels?

im doing btec so no exams for me
man it's odd fighting guys who were before faceless
now you have a face...interesting
Forum Index » Profile for mike watson » Messages posted by mike watson
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