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Messages posted by: mike watson
Forum Index » Profile for mike watson » Messages posted by mike watson
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oi peeps i made a manual on the forum read it come back to me.curse me thank me anything just have a look

onlineboxing manual
look it's rather rare you have to hit them with a cross form a certain distance so that when they drop infront of you ,you can hit them with a body shot to the head (if that makes sense)
the point is it may be unsportsmanlike but this isnt like we are causing punishment to a human being only a polygon creation.
i want to make a boxing manual not saying im a good man for the job but there are too many people doing basic mistakes.
i want some people to use real boxing may say oh its just a game. and well done you are correct but i have seen some people do basic mistakes that get them koed or in bad trouble.

the martini shape-
when you stand up you must move back and then forewards.
for example when your bending over and you stand up your defencless for a split 2nd which is easily timed by a right hand.
your head should do this motion <

this is such an important part of boxing most people are using the guard which is good but when you can slip the punches it deters them from using a jab. also when your inside if you slip to the i think the right you can block almost all but the left hook to the body.

inside boxing-
being on the inside doesnt mean your a bralwer being on the inside of the long shots and hooks is a good helping hand when you hurt. you can block all the head punches while moving away with the body to not get hit to the body.becuse between the body jab and the body shot is a dead zone which they cant get you at.

outside slugging-
vitali was a master of it hitting hard while on the just jab and wait and wait then right hand and left hook. loads are getting caught in the mid range when it crosses over from the uppercuts and hooks and the striaghts.

jab and grab-
prepare for ruiz tactics of jabbing and then...grabbing. the clinch is the most underated technique in boxing you can win a fight in the clinch.
wehn i mean clinch i mean when you get pushed apart for this game only. the point is you can win some easy points and not get into trouble.

now this is so useful the fient. at the moment i find that the faked left hook is best it's wide and dangerous. you launch a left hook but only half way...they prepare for a hook and you drop a right hand instead.

now the 3 punches that are best in this game are the liver shot (or whatever you call it) with the uppercut and a mini hook. interchange for maximum effect.

jab jab jab-
none (but the best here, larry your making your namesake proud) jab it's the most usful weapon in your arsenal. you can use it to counter big shots you can use it to distance them use it to push people back use it with the left hook and right hand very effectivly....ive seen people throwing right hand leads non stop.if somone jabs it takes one motion if you throw a right hand it takes about 2 motions now with a jab you can tell when they are coming to throw a right.just jab it will connect on the chin they will freexe up and you can throw another jab or a right hand.

bob and weave -
dont bob and weave when you are bending over you are a sitting duck for anything below borderline. the point of it was to get under the jab and rise up with powershots..see frazier and marciano for examples.

um there is loads more....and i do feel it's the kettle calling the teapot black..cause i aint got a good record nore have i been here for long.

but i know boxing more than 4/5ths more than most of the usual gamers.

im only here to improve the sport

Skillz wrote:lennox do u kno what u just said??? dude when HTF knocks off the rust hes 5x better than Fatnys ass plus fatnys reign will probaly be overshadowed by a faulty server HTF was the best by far when there were countless A class fighter not like todays 4 or 5.
ive read a post on who was the best boxer and the best slugger....htf came 1st in slugging and 2nd in boxing.

i wanna know how he is that good it does
^agreed dont complain if your able to get there in the 1st place
Yohncc1 wrote:

Maybe he can fix the server problem Sugar. Oscar before you speak about my punctuation or what I watch at least try to get to know me because your I.Q. is falling faster than you when you box.
IQ doesnt drop it's a test of how fast your brain workes out equasions.

so no his iq wont drop

sugar ray mercer rofl
the other two dont have short clips but if you look at the highlights of both fights.

hearns totally disrespected cuevas's power and abilty and just saw him as a small man that he was goignto dominate...and he did a right hand made pipino do this lean back technique...which isnt in the boxing manuals.
so hearns hit him again...he was aloud to he was going to get knocked down and koed why wait.

and been vs g-man benn was knocked down and the g-man was just fired a 5 hit combo on benns chin
Yohncc1 wrote:

In a real fight it would be a disqualification. Just because something is legal it doesn't make it right!!
nah no way would it be disqualification

good examples would be

i understand it feels a bit underhand but it's boxing it's a sport that uses fighters
yeah it's been almost 5 hours...i need my ob shot man im getting the itch
same...just telling you nothing has changed
oh didnt know it was a whole year back
wait wait wait you can make your own servers....could we have a european server? pretty please say if this is true
and about experience im a am boxer so i dont do the usual hook and right's all in the jab

yea ray you do very well for 6 months i mean ive got a 70 fight record and have only won and lost in equal measure youve just improve and whats your secret?

thats not cheating man what you thinking...if somone is falling face first then it's is almost 90% chance that he is koed.

so just throwing a body punch or jabs to the face is just insult to injury it aint like we need the ko so we need to double up it's just a motif.

Forum Index » Profile for mike watson » Messages posted by mike watson
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