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Messages posted by: mike watson
Forum Index » Profile for mike watson » Messages posted by mike watson
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tigerwoods wrote:isn't jermain taylor a boxer?
he's a punch bag now form what i heard.....oooo boyd no taylor is a very talented and still young fighter who can achive alot with his heavy jab ...ayada yada yada
top of the screen if you scroll the whole applet up..there is a button saying send challenge...and at the bottom (if somone has sent you a challenge). you can accpet or cancel a challenge.

just put in
Larry Holmes wrote:
He will be a world champ for sure but that aint difficult today with 2000 titles floating around.

5 main sanctioning bodies...3 wieght divisons that he could fight in.
15 belts to win basicly not a bad bet he would win won.
17 going to be 18 on. 0ctober 10th...BETTER RECOGNISE
Rant wrote:
sterlihalla wrote:
Reaper can fix everything with a lol and a what a comeback from sterlinghaha woooth !!!!
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha the best quote ever so true you know when he says lol that he is actually shook. and cant think of a way of gettin gout of it
Couture wrote:paper champ
not even that old wet newspaper champ
how on earth peter was going to be the best heavywieght in the division and then he gets totally hurt and dropped by a non finisher. what a shame

hope he doesnt get defencive becuase of camacho
anyways sam peter the youngest top 30 fighter looks vulnarable...what do you think will happen to him in the future
yeah he's better than some people say he is...if he wasnt with frank warren then it would of been a better move. when your a olympian it's easier to get and make fights so he could fight anyone he wanted with the feeling of an "indie" boxer.

with warren he is a pure cash cow...warren will keep him away from danger unless it makes enough money to have the chance that he would lose.

it's a shame becuase i dont think he has a weak chin nore have anyting uncheacked it's more his confidence as he isnt proving himself ans you can dropping his hands trying to be cocky and also trying to be an ego which so isnt his style.
i hope his family take over .
Rogue wrote:ive got one. What year did reaper fight a 13 year old girl for the strawweight title? Hint He got knocked the fuck out
my minds blank i can tthink of that oen really one side if i remember grainy footage aswell but clear as day when a that jab form "13 year old girl" koed him...
to be honest dates arnt really my bag
well it was after marciano had retired so around 1954
moore would of had to be champion and then that means....i know nothing

sorted....why not tell me how you would help?
then wait....jeez calm down man you aint gonna miss anything you have nothing else to do.
right peeps i want you to make accounts on differnet boxing sites and try to get them into the craze

kepp it coming comrades
also there was a guy called nicolino loche....i actually think he was the hardest to hit. had little power but had handspeed chin and basicly was the precurser of ali's rope a dope. i actaully rate him higher than floyd really. very fun to watch. youtube it you might get somthings
Forum Index » Profile for mike watson » Messages posted by mike watson
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