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Messages posted by: Dick
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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Chopper beat me for the OBC title and didnt rm me. Just wanted to let you know. I cannot complain because I did the same once when I beat Reaper
Oh, and Ive been playing this game now for about 6 years (started out back in Holland) and Fatny is definitely the best and most dominant fighter Ive seen. Maybe HTF was the best fighter of the 90´s. I wouldnt know.
IMHO 2 names are missing on Boxa´s list: Vargas and Reaper.
HTF if you are sooo good and current fighters that bad, unify the belts. You sound like my grandpa talking about how good you and your buddies were. I only know from the beatings Fatny gave you. Show it or shut up.
HTF only talks about the past. Its kinda pathetic. The guy should retire, the current players are just too good for him. I remember Fatny destroying HTF completely.
LOL they modfied my post .....

I remember HTF from announcing his comeback about 6 months ago, only to retire short after when he found out he could not compete anymore with the current champs.
Who the f*ck is this clown?

OH my bad hes my god and i love him
Thank God the OBC title belt holder still is a legitimate champ.
African the Cotto Margarito fight rememberd me of the OB fights we used to have. You could box beautiful for a few rds but eventually I always walked you down and knocked you out.
One should carry his lag with dignity. It is something that makes us special, what sets us apart from ALL the others. You have to treasure that lag. Hell, it brought me the OBC title.

Good luck Jens and hopefully we will fight again soon.

Dick Emanuel Boon
Skillwise we are light years apart.
And you should be proud of your lag, God only created a few real champions, the other ones he gave low ping.
African get that ass back in the ring.
Coto by early ko
Red Viper should be added.
.... and pit bull is going down in three.
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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