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Messages posted by: Dick
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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But I like 2D (that is if you dont seperate the Boon from his belts again).
iam OBA champ now and i just defended the title
Yea, I asked Red to change his style. It was too predictable and he was only dangerous for 1 or 2 rounds. Now he is more relaxed in the ring, saving his stamina and is dangerous until very late in the fight.
Last time we fought he beat my ass in the 8th rd or something, while back in the old days I practically won when I made it to rd 3.
He is also using his jab now and is not wasting his stamina anymore on 5 straight right hands at once.
He is good.
Nice work red, you deserve that belt!
I agree. Vargas is an ass. When I was champ some months ago he begged me for a shot. I gave him one and he won. He was and is the better fighter.

Now yesterday he practically sucked Reds dick for a shot and took his title. When I asked for a shot he told me I didnt give him one when I was champ 2 days ago. True, I gave Red a shot first as he is one of the few guys who always fights me. And Red beat me fair and square.

So yeah, Vargas is an ass and fuck him. We all know that he is a paper champ as Fatny would break his neck.
OB is not reapers only life. He has another one, his Youtube life, which is even sadder. Enough said.

Dick Boon
Other news is that Fatny seems beatable. He lost 4 times yesterday.
In my opinion the best of the division now are Bear and Reaper.
grim take yur head out of reapers arse
you aint much if you aint dutch, now fighting out of bolivia, south america
How long has it been, 11 days?
Reaper stop hyping yurself like Audley Harrisson. Oscar is right, post a video when you can really some improvements. Why you post this man? Do you like to get hurt? It doesnt look good, and that is being nice. If you really want to be a good boxer get yur ass in the gym instead of playing online boxing games 7 hours a day.

you just cant stop can you?
Again Donny please stop sending me private messages.
That ad was meant for Donny King.
Jigsaw has the tools to go all the way.
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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