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Messages posted by: Dick
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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Vargas, did you or did you not spit in Vipers face?
If so, bad BAD boy!
Okay, fair enough, we get the point Mikkel. How much $ you need?

My bank charges me for sending money from Bolivia abroad US$60, just the fee. Maybe there is another way to do it.
Viper please send me US$10.000. Please please please, I am begging you!
I cant believe you did that Viper, taking a risky fight against OB Great before fighting for all 4 belts.

Well the good news is that Rocky wont become Superchamp. Let´s hope he starts defending against better opposition than the Toosmooths and Edders of OB. He is a good fighter but defending against bums is only hurting his legacy.
You always write you will ignore people Rock, and at the end you never do.
You wrote you would never read this thread again Rocky, how come you did?

ps: I know you always will swedish rocker
Okay okay you got a point there Nigel. But as a fan of the game I like to see great match ups and not someone who is only defending his title to people he is sure of beating.

Thats what I like about Viper, it may not be the smartest things to do but he takes on everybody.
Rocky had just 1 serious defense over the last 2 weeks against Vargas. He declined all the other requests from the best fighters around. Yes, I do think Rocky is a good fighter (altough I have his number) but it´s a shame to see he doesnt want to be in any tough match ups.
Rocky had only 1 serious challenge in the last 2 weeks against Vargas, just 1!!!! The guy is a paper champ and a disgrace to OB.
Check his record guys

The last really good fighter he defended against was Vargas on March 9, what a fraude!
well done mikkel, if there is one guy that deserves the titles its Red Viper
now unify rocky and viper!
It is like OB has gone 7 years back with the new stamina system. How can anyone prefer a version where less skill is needed above a version where skill is requiered? I havent seen anyone run out of stamina yet ....

But I hope I am wrong and that more players will log in and play this game. It is interesting to see if Fatny can be so dominant as he was before.
I know you are a proud man Mikkel but I think you should change it back. The game requieres less skill now.
Nice point Paul. Would be nice to adjust (until a certain level) your own:

- punching speed
- punching power
- stamina / endurance
- ability to take a shot

ps: Mikkel, I can throw 10 right hands and 4 big hooks a rd and still end the fight with a full stamina bar

ps2: Mikkel is not giving in is he Paul?
I understand Mikkels point but imo the change made it impossible for anyone to run out of stamina. Mikkel says you can lose half of your stamina by rd 7-8, I dont know how, maybe by throwing 20 power shots per second, thats not real either.
Maybe Mikkel can meet me, Paul, Fatny, Bear, Reaper and Rocky half way?
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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