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Messages posted by: Dick
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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Poor Rocky. Ever since I beat him I cannot post on the forum without Rocky starting about my lag. Its kinda fun and sad at the same time.
Rocky I am sorry to read tat you still havent got over your losses to me. Grow up and play boy. This post is not about my lag, it is just to share a funny moment.
Check out this fight:

In round 1 02.12 I get KO´d by a phantom punch.

He drops me like a bag of potatoes.

Awesome KO!

Rocky needs to retire again or at least take a CAT scan and stay away from this game for a few months.
Ok, if you all say Larry is great this is for Larry
Reaper, the OBC title was handed over to you by Mikkel because you were the number 1 contender for a week. You never beat a champ for that title. Then I beat you (for the second time in 2 days) inside 3 rounds and I was champ. Vargas destroyed me in 2 rounds so he is the man now. The legitimate champ who is respected by all OB players.

Correct HTF I am a lagger and therefor I will never receive any credit. But what does this have to do with Larry?
Iam not criticizing Larry, I was just wondering why this guy is considered to be so good. Just a general question about OB history. Ive been playing this game for 4 years now off and on, sometimes with long breaks up to a year. But everytime I am online, I see Larry getting dominated by Fatny, Unstop, HTF and/or Bear.

So I wondered if Larry always been second best. If that was the case I wondered why he would be in the HOF. But someone told me that back in the days Larry dominated everyone. So now I understand why he is in the HOF.

I have nothing with or against Larry, was just wondering why ppl think he is that good. And appearently in his prime he was awesome.

Rocky, good to see you are back
Ok, good post. So when larry was in his prime he beat everyone else out there. Good point!

And now hes like the gatekeeper for the future HOF´ers. Fighters that beat Larry over and over again when in their prime like Fatny, Unstop and Bear are HOF candidates or already made it to the HOF.
Well if you defeat all top 20 contenders over and over again that should get you into HOF too eventually.
The punches of the true HOF´ers must have been causing some brain damage Larry. Iam the biggest lagger out here, hands down. On work days my ping can go up to 900, without downloading anything. African keeps his ping below 300. Only on Sundays and at night my ping goes down to 200.

But again Larry, dont be offended. Your a great fighter, I just never seen you dominate a prime Bear, HTF, Fatny or Unstop.
´Larry has been there since the beginning´ --> TRUE, SO?

As I said Ive never seen Larry dominating HTF, Fatny, Unstop or Bear when they were in their primes.

Nothing personal against Larry though. Hes a great fighter.
And Reaper, I dont think iam so big. In fact I think many people are better than me like Vargas, Fatny, HTF, Bear, Larry.
With 1 belt guys like me would never be champ and if we get a lucky win (not a legitimate win like when i beat yur little arse) we would lose our belt soon.
Hmm too bad. People should be obliged to make a number of defences against a number of contenders each week. Too bad all focus is on 3D now.
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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