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Messages posted by: Dick
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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I wonder what the next step will be, take away the sound? Go from OB2D to OB1D? Black and white instead of color?

Stamina was such a good element in the game, now it has no meaning whatsoever anymore.
If you want to be take seriously as a champ you should defend your title against anyone. You fought me on an alt twice and I beat you twice yesterday and the day before. Now I challenged you for the title and you refuse. That shows us what kind of champ you are. At least guys like Reaper and Viper take on all up and comers.
Enjoy your title in your own little world and keep refusing challenges!
True, but it doesnt answrs Pauls questions to why the change was made.

Its like fighting with full stamina bars for the whole 12 rounds. You can take the stamina bar out of the game like this.
Stamina used to play a role in a fight, it doesnt anymore. You cant wear anyone down anymore, make them miss, take their stamina away and take them out later on. You can throw endless bombs with new stamina rule.

I dont think the new stamina rule is any good. I do understand Mikkel wants to try something new. Maybe Mikkel can put it somewhere in the middle between how it was and how it is now.
Viper I dont know if you are that guy on that pic, if you are, you are still my OB friend. No worries.
(please tell me it isnt you viper)
kool from now on I only log on to OB wearing my PDP t-shirt.
I did turn up only I was a little late due to the .... laaag.

No seriously Iam online everyday, cant remember having missed a fight. But fights against Maragon or Edder is not why I signed with PDP in the first place. Iam 33 years old, I want to be in the BIG fights paul!
Paul, I wanna give you back my PDP contract. You haven´t been able to deliver the career defining fights I was hoping for (vs Viper, Benn, Vargas Rocky, Reaper, Captain America, Bear, Fatny, TRPCHE). Iam no spring chicken anymore and I have a family to maintain. I am sure you understand my reasoning as you are an intelligent guy. If the money is right you can always call me.

Id like to see GSP step up in weight and fight Anderson Silva, what a fight would that be! Both are very athletic and Anderson Silva has such a great timing.
I have about 50 DVD´s of the UFC. I especially like the early ones, where a boxer faces a Ji Jitsu fighter etc. Now they are all some well rounded in all disciplines.

I agree with Obama, Fedor is the best P4P. Too bad Dana can´t sign him up. Have you guys seen the fight where Anderson Silva gets caught in a flying scissor heel lock? see
Red I dont care if you are gay, just so you know.
Id have to say John. Lots of talent, but not the work ethic that could make him one of very best. Guy never lived up to his true potential.
Nice one, made me laugh.

Maybe with some more media attention Iam able to get some more big fights.

I was hoping Paul Dion could set up some career defining fights for me but so far he only lets me in as a substitute.
high quality post
no idea who is behind it but keep posting
Red Viper is one funny guy.
´Not really´I hear him say now.

I dont laugh out loud a lot reading the forum but I did this time.
Excellant answer, Red Viper
He even had the patience to wait for somebody to reply on his post before replying himself. Excellent work.

This post is the crown on his work for the last few years. And I ask myself again, how can this guy not be in the HOF?

English is not my first language Edder, but before you start correcting Profs grammer, your own signature says: Best Opponets:redneck,Redviper,BIGMAC,vargas

I think there is a letter N missing there. Made a screendump so no denial please.
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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