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Messages posted by: Dick
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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i beg yur pardon jigsaw ...
Dirk Diggler aka Boon vs Jens Oso, 2-1
Diggler moves on
Glad to se Redneck finally comes out of the closet.
Am I getting under your skin Redneck?
1) I think you missed the first part where redneck was defending the acts of the Germans during the second world war, saying the jews lend money to the germans and they charged too much interest.
2) Well a Jew can be Dutch and vice versa.
Little correction here: I dont like Germans and nothing that Redneck says can make me change my opinion. He made too many sick jokes about jews. If this makes me a racist, so be it.
Yacoobs filling the hole Reaper left behind.
goldenboy, jigsaw, and eddie are right, you cannot be trusted redneck.
I will be more than happy to stand in for emmj and put the garbage redneck outside this tournament.
Who is my next opponent Jigsaw? I hope it is redneck but it is a elite tourament so I guess he is not participating.
I beat unbeatable. I want to be matched against a stronger opponent like Rocky, Chopper or Red.
red just do what you do best, beat him KO1
dont bother what everyone else thinks or writes, if you react to everything things get worse
take this advice from an old man whose been around the block a few times
Is it true Red are you gay? I wouldnt mind, justed wanted to let you know.
If I can fight Viper you can have him, I beat him with ease.
after 24 hrs he rematched me and lost
of course he blame it on the lag ... whats new
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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