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Messages posted by: Dick
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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My guess is that Reaper is still in the shower bending over reaching for his soap while his mates are enjoying their share of Reaper.
Correct Jigsaw. Ed may not be OB´s geatest talent but he beat Red Viper (a legend of his own) 2 days ago by 9 rd ko in a true war where edder showed heart and skill.

1) Who wants to fight me for the title? I have 34 defenses.
2) I have an advantage because of the slow connection, so thats why I offered Yacoob 2 shots at my title against me having 1 shot at his title.
3) I would love to play this game with a faster speed too, but unfortunately I cannot. And I am not going to retire because of my connection.
4) Yes, Viper has more chance of beating me at high speed. I am not denying that, so I have thought about that. But I am not going to retire because of my connection. There are still plenty of players out there that fight me like Trpche, Red Viper, Eddie, Chopper, Tigeruppercut etc etc. I also beat up Yacoob and Skillz last week as they challenged me.

And in answer to Reaper. I beat Red Viper twice in a row. True, I fucked you over in the past. Dont regret it, but I admit it.

I defended my title against Red Viper (a lot), Cali Kid, the Reverend, Chopper and Yacoob.
Its basic but I get the job done. I took the belt from Viper and defended it 34 times.
Pls explain how I have fuked (?) people over?
Dear Mr. Obama,

If it was possible to upgrade I would be the first one to do it, but I cannot. I live in Bolivia and here it doesnt get any faster. It sux, I know. But hey I can be beaten with lag too, proven by many fighters. I called out Yacoob but I know he will not accept my offer. He knows who his daddy is.

Regards, DD
Congruits on your win Viper. What a final that would be, the Viper against Boon!
I defend my title a lot and I will lose it in one of my defenses. I am beatable, even with lag. Yacoob is just complaing because I knocked him out twice in the first round yesterday. It was an old school ass whooping.
When you come into my house we play by my rules Yacoob.
Shame on you you cant beat this guy boys. Rocky aka Contender or better said Pretender is 0-4 against the current OBC champ. He tried to beat me, he couldnt, he tried to get me banned, he couldnt.

If he cant see my punches coming with a slow connection just imagine what I would do to him with a fast connection

Another interesting fact. Contender keeps saying only Bear and Fatny beat him on a regular basis. But out of his 17 fights against Red Viper, Viper beat him 10 times!

It gets even better. Rocky fought Boxa 13 times and Boxa beat his ass 10 times!

You still rank yurself #3?

Keep training Pretender, dont give up.
0 out of 4 for our pretender:

Your current OBC champ ladies and gentlemen.
I beat him once, he beat me numerous times. With or without lag, Fatny is way too good for me.
It is absolutely amazing how some of you guys are obsessed with my lag. Absolutely amazing ....
Look, my connection is slow. We will never know how good I will do in a fast connection, maybe I will do bad, maybe I will do good. Point is we dont know. What we DO know is that I beat Contender (or better said Pretender) with lag. Sorry Rock. Pretender.
Boon won first fight, Bear didnt want no more due to the lag.
Boon moves on.
Boon vs Black Bear? Wow, what a match up, thx!
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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