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Messages posted by: Dick
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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Golden you should eat a little more, yur all skin and bones.
Sure even the outcome of an automatic script will be subject to debate. Google´s search ranking are too, but most people see it as very reliable.

We could discuss if the script should be openly published or kept secret,
like Google's algorithm.
Everyone´s top 10 is subect to debate. That´s why I suggest Mikkel writes a script and based on that script the top 10 is automatically generated each month.

We are cool Obama, but cant you just fight me instead of talking to me on the forum?
I was impressed by HTF performance the other night. He went 12 rds with Rocky Marciano (and all his alts) and won 10 out of 12 rds. Id like to see a tourney with Obama, HTF and Fatny.
Bring it on guys.
Whose yur gf, the pretty one or the ugly one?
Nice work Paulie, you deserved this title!
Agree with you Redneck, Goldenshower stands for Tyson intelligence here.
Do you really think Goldenshower will ever get paid 100K?
Yea you are right, it is a shame Chuck hasnt won the Nobel prize yet
Dana White, now THAT is a smart guy.
Being succesfull and being intelligent are two different things. Goldenboy gets paid US$2800 a fight (where is the big house, the girls ... ?). Thats not a lot of money. Maybe it is for you.
If you are saying Chuck Liddell is a smart guy I think I made my case. Are you an MMA fighter yourself too?
In name of all the laggers and former champ I would like to congratulate TKO on a great performance.

Redneck, yur a good fighter. Pls throw away the alts, fight everybody and you will only get better.
Goldenshower, your argument doesnt make any sense. But being a professional MMA fighter, I guess you are not the smartest guy out here.
I know Vargas' style pretty well.
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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