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Messages posted by: Dick
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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Same here. Last night I hold 2 belts, OBC and OBF. This morning nothing. That sux Mikkel. Please re-install me as champ.
Guys, please send your best whishes to Goldenboy and his family. Last night Goldenboy was a 2 time belt holder. He thought he could defend his belt easily by taking on John. John outboxed and outpunched Goldenboy for 30 rounds and walked away with the title (2 x UD15).

John boxed like a very talented kid. Peppering Goldenboy with jabs all night long. He was clearly the better boxer. When Goldenboy and John brawled it was even, when John decided to box he showed what a ring general he is. With Boon in his corner giving him some proper advice John fought with his head. Great performance! Anyone who says that Goldenboy has improved a lot should rewatch these fights. Id say John can beat Goldenboy 8 out of 10 times.

Goldenboy took a tremendous beating. The question is if he can come back, or will he be damaged goods? Not only did John beat Goldenboy, he took his heart and flushed it down the toilet. Lets all hope Goldenboy is OK after the beating he took and will continue to play this game.

The fights can be watched here:

Amen, Boon
Thank you for not disliking me Obama, as if it was compliment ....

Also thank you for addressing a personal message to me and only me in your vacating the titles post. Dont know what I have done to deserve that but thank you.

You are not a bad guy either Obama, but I would have preferred to fight you for the title. You never gave me a shot once ....
I think Calzaghe doesnt have the power to KO Jones. And I think Jones is still the better boxer. So Jones by UD.
OMG Mr. Viper you write this all down in a diary or something?
Smashing Reaper into pieces for the title and then NOT rematching him which made him REALLY desperate. He begged for a rm which I never gave him because of him being such as ass. Not good sportmanship I know but it sure felt good. It was my first title.

African, with all respect bro, but TRPCHE aint top 10 material. In our last 31 fights I beat him 30 times.
Earnie Shavers posted an up-to-date pic of Fatny which has been removed.

Fatny definitely seems in better shape since working out in Thailand.
I wouldnt mind if it was a golden shower. Or even better, a golden shower combined with position 69.
Why boys are posting half naked pics of themselves on a boxing forum????

Please post photos of your girl, sister etc but I dont really appreciate (like Redneck does) looking at a half naked body of a guy.
26. Best Comeback By a Vet - HTF

27. Biggest Ducker - Sal

28. Fighter W/Most Alts - Fernando Vargas

29. Fastest Hands - Red Viper and Skillz

30. Biggest Attention Whores - Yea that would have to be me

1. Most dominant: Fatny

2. Most improved: Paul Dion

3. Best up and comer: Redneck

4. Most overrated: Rocky Marciano aka Good Fight aka Smashing Machine aka numerous alts

5. Most underrated: Xtreme Skillz

6. Ko Artist: Red Viper (hands down)

7. Best technical boxer: Boxa

8. Best style: Fatny

9. Best defence: Fatny

10. Most declined: edder1234

11. Most resiliant: Red Viper

12. Best shit talker: Reaper

13. Most respected: Fatny

14. Most hated: Redneck and Reaper

15. Least improved: Ken Norton aka Cindy Brady

16. Biggest complainer: Chopper

17. Fastest rising star: Redneck (but he needs to stop avoiding fights)

18. Most fights of 08: Edder

19. Best slugger: Red Viper

20. Wounded tiger. (most dangerous when hurt): Red Viper

21. Best pressure fighting: Black Bear

22. Most boring style: Trpche (sorry man)

23. Most exciting style: Red Viper

24. Best rivalry: cant tell

25. Next HOFer: Xtreme Skillz if he gets his shit together
What about me? Ask Viper how good I am.
Thanks for clarifying that for us Golden, I was getting a little worried.
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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