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Messages posted by: Dick
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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Goldenboy, how are you so sure it was Vargas?
Sal is not only ducking me as a fighter, he is ducking my questions too
I rest my case.
Please stick to the subject Sal: when I am champ I should give you a shot and when you are champ you dont give me a shot ....?
So let me get this right:
When I am champ I should give you a shot and when you are champ you dont give me a shot ....
You are a funny guy Sal.
And how funny that you DID want to fight me when I was champ
Both of you duck fighters, both are duckers.
I even gave Goldboy a shot. Lost and didnt ask for a RM.
Obama is too scared to lose his title to me.
Sal yur a ducker. A true champ fights everybody.
Obama, what gives you the right to tell Redneck against who he has to defend his belt when all you do is duck me?

True champs like Reaper (terrible person but good fighter), Fatny and Red Viper defend against everybody. Including the ones that have bad connections. That makes them true champs.
´Dirk ........ continues to be the most contriversial player´
How about: Boon
And you can keep yur shorts, pls ...
Accept the deal Redneck. For the first 5 rds you hit him 1 time per round. Dont waste any stamina. After 5 rds you are leading with 5 pts. Then you only need to win 3 more rds and you are champ. Sounds like a good deal, although I think you will still lose.
Congruits Sal!
Chop, stop whining. You always make excuses when you lose. Trpche is too boring, I increase my lag during a fight (?) and now you quit again.
Learn to take yur loss like a man.
I dont understand why we are having this discussion. Fatny is the best ever. The guy is so superior he doesnt need to change styles. HTF tried to make a come back a while ago and was pounded into retirement again by Fatny. Maybe his style is boring and maybe he worked the game out, but it is up to us to beat him, and nobody can.
Been playing this game for about 5 years now and Fatny is definitely the best, hands down. Dont know or care how he does it but he seems unvulnerable.
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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