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Messages posted by: Dick
Forum Index » Profile for Dick » Messages posted by Dick
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You can post all the links in the world Rocky, but still I see no stats that show us you are way better than these guys as you stated.

Let me help you to explain why. Because you are not

Again no stats no proof Rocky. Dream on wannabe.
And you fail to post any head to head stats that show us that you can beat these guys without any trouble as you stated in your hilarious post. We all know why, because you cannot .... Exposed buddy.

(Rocky now goes through all of his 967 alts to see if there is 1, yes just 1, alt he made that actually has a winning record against the top fighters)
Are you so stupid or am I so intelligent?

Where is the proof (head to head) that you can beat the likes of Vargas, Benn, Bear, Viper and Reaper without any trouble?
Rocky, my point is you are a joke. If you beat all the fighters you mentioned easily, show us the proof. Where is it? You cannot, because you are not better than them at all
This is hilarious. Rocky wrote: ´Yes I can beat every single person on that list, most without any real trouble.´

Ok, lets go the facts:

1) Rocky vs Black Bear. Rocky has a losing record over their last 10 fights.

2) Rocky vs Nigel Benn. Rocky has a losing record, they only fought 6 times.

3) Rocky vs Fernando Vargas. Rocky has a losing record over their last 10 fights.

4) Rocky vs Red Viper. Rocky has a losing record over their last 10 fights. To be precise, Rocky lost 11 fights in a row to Red Viper!!

5) Rocky vs Reaper. This is the ONLY fighter Rocky has positive balance against.

6) Rocky vs Dick E. Boon. We fought 4 times and I beat him 4 times.

Keep working Rock, and be a little more realistic!

Replace David Hayes name by Red Viper and you have a great story:

Red Viper, The World's Most Exciting Heavyweight - Bar None!
Nah Fatny, I was only trying to point out that Vargas isnt giving you that much of a test as you ko him all the time. But it is true that for the guys fighting in the Fatny era, it is harder to be on top than a few years back.

Fatny you beat Vargas the last 23 times you guys fought ( Vargas heard the final bell only once in those 23 fights. So he isnt giving you a real tough fight now is he?
So if you do good against top players, winning rds and all, you can be considered HOF Fatny? Come on. Imho you need to beat the top players to be even considered for HOF.

But then again, this is only the opinion of a humble lagger who can be paid to change his opinion.
I would like to be Vipers promoter though. With his action packed I ko you or you ko me style he is every promoters dream. Viper is never boring and is always good for an exciting fight.

Paul, Viper already signed up with you?

And no, vargas not for the HOF either. As Fatny wrote he is always second or third best, never dominating.
No. And let me explain why. Red Viper never dominated the game like other HOF´ers. He was never on top for a period of time. Yes he can beat anyone out there except maybe for Fatny, but he doesnt dominate them over a longer period of time, like other HOF´ers.

Having said that, Red Viper is a great guy with a very recoignizable and exciting style. I really like the way he fights and I like his dedication to this game. What I also appreciate is that he fights everybody out there. He is not afraid to defend his title against top players or laggers. He doesnt duck anyone. Also he is probably THE most recognizable fighter out there, but not HOF.

Redneck, that you dont rate me is ok, I lag, but ranking yourself number 2 is ridiculous, and I am sure you know it.
So true, Rocky is a self proclaimed top 5 fighter. In the real world he should be at the tale of the top 10.
Same here. 2 belts taken away and 0 points. No reaction from Mikkel, didnt get the belts back either.

Really takes away the fun of this game.
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