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Messages posted by: Rocky Marciano
Forum Index » Profile for Rocky Marciano » Messages posted by Rocky Marciano
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HOF is not about legendary people. You have got it all wrong madman.
Talk about hijacked thread. This thread failed like all other similar ones.
I support Yacoob.
I just performed bunch of tests and main problem is way too high packet loss. Everything seems to be fine in Europe and everything is fine in USA. Just something causing too much packet loss when connection goes intercontinental.
Redneck most likely it has nothing to do with the server and nothing to do with your own connection. Most likely it has everything to do with increase in overall traffic going over transatlantic lines. One research firm estimates that bandwidth requirements will grow massively between 2008 and 2015, and trans-Atlantic capacity will be exhausted by 2014. We are getting taste of what it is going to be like during peak times if nothing is done.

Reason why I say it is most likely all about trans atlantic lines: I use connection provided by Univertisty network. Basically everything is fiber optics, fully optimized etc. and all this backed by virtually unlimited funding. Goverment institutes such as Universities get direct access to top level domain be it direct connection to the root domain (be it a generic top-level domains or country code top-level domain or whatever) and lot of other things and stuff you can not get no matter what.

As far as FPS etc. go you are most likely playing on servers located on same continent you live on. If you a loaded then host a OB2D server on the continen you live on
I do not really play this game anymore and have not been playing "seriously" for a good while. I just pop in and out every once in awhile. Not that I could play seriosly as for some reason OB2D skip lags a lot these days. Might be related to server, might be transatlantic connections etc.

Anyway HTF and I had a match. Neither of us play actively anymore so it was a fair setting. He sent me a challenge and I accepted. Since it was HTF I decided to take it seriously and not mess around.

Here is the match:

and here is the play by play and explanation of strategy:

Round 1: HTF came out aggressively, which took me by a surprise. 10-8 round to him.

Round 2: I decided that if that is really the way he wants to box against me I will return him the favor. 8-10 round to me.

Round 3: Having had success in round 2 with more aggressive strategy I made a strategic call to really check his defense. My goal was to force KO him. His defense proved to be too good and I noticed that I might lose too much stamina so towards the end I slowed down. 7-10 round to me.

Round 4: I started with less stamina than HTF, which made me bit worried but since my strategy was working well I decided to slow downlittle bit but still keep the heat on. I started out well but then he got "inside" of my timing and managed to land a couple good ones. Since I started out well I did not want to give him this round and went for my own moves. He kept landing solid so it was a toss up.

Round 5: I decided to go forwards and managed to corner him but he did the rope a dope. Now from experience I knew he is very good at that and did not really like what is going on in the ring. I started to pay attention to his main power punch combination he relies on.

Round 6: HTF falls back for counter punching. He is very good at that and I knew I am in bit of a trouble unless I get inside of his timing. He was also losing the stamina war and I did not want him to recover his stamina. His point boxing and counter puching stamina saving strategy killed me in this round.

Round 7: Round starts and I am determined to unriddle his point box counter style. I go forward and start the work towards figuring it out. Basically what I do is try lot of different moves and combinations. My mistake was staying too stationary and not controlling the distance enough. Well HTF controlled the distance, which allowed him to land more and better quality. I lost my stamina advantage and knew that I am only leading by 1 point. Total socre is now 64 - 65 to me.

Round 8: Round starts with both having quite even stamina. HTF goes for rope a dope while I am still trying to figure it out. I get hit bad and fall back which forces him to follow. He tries to go for the KO but finds it hard to land in a decisive combo. Close but no cigar. HTF gets good points but it costs him quite a lot of stamine

Round 9: Round starts and I just decided that if he wants to back up for the rope a dope he can do that but I do NOT have to follow him. I stay at the middle and we box a little. By now I am aware of his powerpunch combo, respect his power and get an idea how to counter that rope a dope. I decide to go in to see if this idea works. I work with patience and am extra careful for his power punch combo. I am both landing more and landing more quality punches, which leads to 9-10 round to me and total score is now 83 - 82.

Round 10: HTF comes out with different strategy since his rope a dope got coutered in round 9. He uses the so called "Edder defense" couple of times. I know that defense well and decide just to bulldoze forwards and manage to get him. Since it is round 10, I am leading the stamina war and it is beginning to be hard to recover I decide to return the favor and go for the kill. Close but no cigar. I get good points but it costs me quite a lot of stamina.

Round 11: This is the round that is THE so called "winning round". Trying to KO/TKO HTF in round 10 cost me a lot of stamina but it almost does not matter since I am leading. I start the round with a goal of flooring him once in my mind. I wanted to floor him once, which would have enable me to just ride out and chill rest of the remaining rounds for point victory. I go in strong and find that to be a horrible decision especially against elite fighter like HTF. I get tagged and then tagged more and find out that I can not recover "health" to fight back.

Round 12: Well all bets are off. Round 11 destroyed my strategy and now. I know it has to be perfecly even steven. Nothing left to do than to go and box him. I manage to win the round but notice that both of us have most of our stamina gone, which means we both are in position of not being able to recover from getting really hurt.

Round 13: Round starts with my body being hurt. I figure that I am leading in points but also think that whoever lands first strong combo will win via TKO or KO and start planning landing my own first. Well HTF manages to land a power shot into my head which puts me in position of having both head and body hurt and me having to defend. I try to buy time by defending carefully while timing for a strong counter punch. HTF is not falling for it and backs up a little. Then he comes forwards using careful timing and care. Since even a jab counts for a lot now he can afford to really pick me apart. There is no recovering even from weakest punches. I try to fish for counter but am forced just to defend like a turtle. HTF is careful and just too skilled to mess up in a situation like this. Too little stamina for recovery and too much time reminding in the round. He knows it and takes the win.

Round Judge1 Total Judge2 Total Judge3 Total
1 10 - 8 10 - 8 10 - 8 10 - 8 10 - 8 10 - 8
2 8 - 10 18 - 18 9 - 9 19 - 17 8 - 10 18 - 18
3 7 - 10 25 - 28 7 - 10 26 - 27 7 - 10 25 - 28
4 10 - 9 35 - 37 10 - 9 36 - 36 9 - 10 34 - 38
5 10 - 9 45 - 46 10 - 9 46 - 45 10 - 9 44 - 47
6 10 - 9 55 - 55 10 - 9 56 - 54 10 - 9 54 - 56
7 9 - 10 64 - 65 10 - 9 66 - 63 10 - 9 64 - 65
8 10 - 7 74 - 72 10 - 7 76 - 70 10 - 7 74 - 72
9 9 - 10 83 - 82 9 - 10 85 - 80 9 - 10 83 - 82
10 7 - 10 90 - 92 7 - 10 92 - 90 7 - 10 90 - 92
11 10 - 8 100 - 100 10 - 8 102 - 98 10 - 8 100 - 100
12 9 - 10 109 - 110 9 - 10 111 - 108 9 - 10 109 - 110
13 10 - 7 119 - 117 10 - 7 121 - 115 10 - 7 119 - 117
Only reason Boon is posting anything positive about Reaper is because of Reaper being pretty much only person to give him title shots despite of Boon's horribel unplayable 220-400+ ping. And the only Reason Reaper did/does that is because of him knowing he can beat Boon in Boon's lag. If there was a risk involved Reaper would not give Boon any shots just like he ducks all elite level boxers.

Here is how it goes:

A) Reaper does not have a title

He spams challenges and works the chat in order to get as many shots as it takes for him to win a single match to get the title. If you are in his opinion inferior to him he gives you the rm. If you are better than him he ignores the rm, makes excuses, talks bunch of BS and logs off.

B) Reaper has the title

He only boxes people he knows he can beat for sure. People who are better and are likely to beat him do not get shots at all. Instead of that he fills the chat with excuses and typical Reaper BS.

C) You are better than Reaper and Reaper has actually agreed to box you

Changes are that Reaper will freeze KO you from get to go. Now if that does not happen he will box you as long as it takes for him to realise he is going to lose the match. When that happens he will either start a dowload in order to slow down the match by upping his ping to 400 + or just freeze KO you and blame the server/Mikkel/just something as long as it is not his own fault to freeze KO you. After that he will duck the RM, mame bunch of excuses, fill the chat with BS and log off.

Truth hurts so I fully expect involved parties to whine and cry. Go ahead and make my day.

Not that any of this matters anyway because Reaper has actually tried to make a come back couple of times only to find out that his style does not work anymore due to both everyone having improved and changes made to settings. He got beat by basically everyone. This being said Reaper stop whining your nowhere close to HTF's level.

Sounds nice but for that to work this game would have to have player base of at least 16 fighters.
So Edder is the new champion now making him number 1 in top 10.
This being said I just logged on and would like to fight a person from that top 10 list.
1. Whoever has the title

Regarding rest of the top 10: I do not have a clue because I have not been playing other than logging on maybe once every other week. I think I would make top 10 quite easily taking into account that every other week I have boxed a random person from that list of yours John and won.
Huge thanks to Mikkel for creating this great game.

I should go and school him in the ring like I have most likely done multiple times. which is the reason he is bitter. That being since since he really did pull a lame dishonorable trick/lie on you and since you posted all in red...

Go get him Viper. He is decent but not anything special. He does not even have faith in his own abilities, which is why he hides behind alt name. I predict you will terminate him.

I'll wait till you are done with him.
A person hiding behind alt name makes a promise to you acting like he wants to just help you.

and you go and believe him

and it turns out he just lied to you big time


and you end up screwing yourself big time

so Red Viper are you stupid for real?

Oh and huge thanks for breaking your word and deal with me.
Forum Index » Profile for Rocky Marciano » Messages posted by Rocky Marciano
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