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Messages posted by: Rocky Marciano
Forum Index » Profile for Rocky Marciano » Messages posted by Rocky Marciano
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What's the point of waiting?

What's stopping you two from duking it out?
So who won?
LOL it worked.


not perfect. It was not all in red
Question is: is he even trying or just messing around?
During last weekend I logged on to OB3D to check out any possible improvements.

Well to be frank the game has improved a lot. I suggest you all start playing it as there is now single player mode where you can go and sharpen your skills against computer.
There are fighters that have zero "boxing skills" that do quite well. I wont name any since I dont want anyone to post a huge post all in red.
Fatny could and would dominate easy if he wanted to - this under these new settings too.
Actually you are wrong Viper.

This game is not about boxing skills. This game is all about reflexes and being smart (knowing what to do, when to do, how to do and how to trick your opponent into doing something).
I play myself and make my own music. Anyway most of the so called big time "artists" just play and sing music composed of other people. Actually making and creating music is difficult while just playing and singing is much easier. People who compose music are the artists not the monkeys who get to the stage and act like it is their music.
Honestly how long did it take for you to come up with and write all that in your sig?
Yacoob in round 2 via size of sig.
"Nobody is taking your retirement posts serious anymore Rocky."

so what?
It is totally irrelevant if you take this "200 fights and I am done for good" thing seriously or not. I just do not care.

By the way one round in your lag takes same amount of time to play as 6 rounds in normal speed.
That sig (of Salvador's) is going to make people like Viper mad.

I trained for 2 days and then boxed number one contender Mr. Boon. Here is the fight:

I am back too but just to box 200 matches.
Forum Index » Profile for Rocky Marciano » Messages posted by Rocky Marciano
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