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Messages posted by: mike watson
Forum Index » Profile for mike watson » Messages posted by mike watson
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sterlihalla wrote:lol again u surprise me that u dont know the truth a bout that fight.
liston rubbed something into ali's eyes so he cudnet see anything for a round then when he knew he cudnet beat him fair he quit on his stool and liston was bigger puncher then foremen by a long short the guy knocked out someones teeth with a jab.
Everyone knows ali has weak points and ali has been caught alot of times with a nice left hook e.g. frazier and cooper knocked him down with it.
cooper had a nice left hook and ali been hit alot with hooks but only been down a few times by them this includes coopers knockdown.
yeah but bruno knocked out bugners teeth with a jab in the first round...does that make it that bruno hits harder and a better puncher thanm liston and foreman?

different punches man liston had maybe the hardest jabs of all time...but to say that he was a harder puncher than foreman

and the left hook theory well he can get dropped but the men who dropped him was joe frazier....the left hooking supreme and henry cooper british left hooking sensation enry's ammer had knokced out hte best.

to say he was weak to left hook is wrong it's the man driving it these to men are maybe the finest left hookers.
ali was the king of phsicological warfare tyson was a very unstable man mentally and with ali able to take alot of punishment, his hands speed would keep tyson of balance and clicnching abilty to lock him up on the inside...then wham tyson goes dorment losses the fight by ud
HTF wrote:
sterlihalla wrote:hey manfredo isnt a good boxer by the way golden boy i dont think you have much knownledge of boxing or even into boxing lol.
I was wild guessin gatti's age despite how old he is fact is he was way past his prime lol.
I dont believe u can say manfredo is a gd boxer lol! even oscar had to step in there

I dont think you have very much boxing knowledge. Peter Manfredo was a good legit prospect before the contender and still was before his lost to Joe. Many of people never heard of Peter until the contender show and really you really cant judge his fight vs Gomez on that show because they edit sooooo much.

Manfredo is a decent boxer.

you obvously dont do your home work if you guess a fighters age and then base things off of that. But I do agree Gatti would have knocked gomez out in his prime.

But other then that I think its funny that you talk like your a student of the game but you need to do a bit more research before speaking!
also the luck of the draw was that 16 fighters and on ecomes out on top...there has to be a winner in every fight so the chances of winning are so slim.
mora, manfredo, salmaci,de la rosa,najai all of them were hot prospects and you have to boil them down it's a shame becuase one man needs to fight the other takes it like a hobby
sterlihalla wrote: everyone has there opinions my opinion is peter manfredo is a crap boxer and so is gomez and im not judging on just one fight and plus i dont like gatti very much so i dont know that much about him but i have seen his fights and know he is a gd boxer.

what a load of bollocks gatti was an awful boxer...he has no defence he actually prides himself on taking the shots.

his skills are so basic it's awful look how every fighter looks good against him. all he had was monsterous power and that disappeared when he went up in wieght, great slugger awful boxer.

to the other side of the coin. gomez has fought the way a boxer should up the rankings. fighting good comp. if you look at peter manfredo you can see he was protected in his career.

look at this record becuase he has lost doesnt mean he is a bum
1 loss to manfredo which was a close fight and should of got the cards and a man he had beaten before
1 loss to sugar ishe smith who is an amazingly slick boxer with great skills for his calibur...and gomez had this on his 2nd fight!!!!
and 1 loss to the one time prospect and in that he was robbed of a full fight.

gomez is a journeyman king he has never taken the easy route gatti did but sunk low on picking his opponants later in his career.

also about manfredo. he is clinically flat footed and uses his chin punch and skills (he was a very accomplished amateur 200 fight smethinks??? i'll look it up later.
goldenboy88 wrote:i wouldnt say 3rd i and i wouldnt say you are higher either mike. no offence
yea but i got ranked by joel yea

i think you wernt on the list real shame
* Kimbo went offline
Reaper> U WIL BE A HOE
Peter Spence> That's why I'm 2nd in my weight in my region?
* Reaper went offline

LMFAO!!!! Stunned.

There was more about when he said that Boxing in reality doesn't require a gym lol! And also he doesn't understand what a weave is.
let me preper for this WAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Yohncc1 wrote:

Dang Mike!! Don't punch so hard that your break your computer man.
funny guy

nah it did some wiered shiznit (whew got a way with that one) the screen went blue and said restart your computer...i did and the same screen came up
how smart you mean he is the champion he should have the right to.
BlackBear wrote:I was wondering if it would be possible to have a stats chart at the end of each fight, just like a scorecard.
For Example,

Punches Thrown:
Punches Landed:
Average: %

Then we could have a rankings system, showing who has the best punch accuracy.

Not sure if it would work, but i think it would be great to include it into OB.

Feel free to post any other ideas/comments.
cool but keep it away from the score cards

most 'real' fighters say that they won the fight due to punch accuracy but like in mosley - de la hoya II mosley won the fight through winning the most rounds but oscar threw and landed more punches in the later rounds....big difference.
mike watson is back in the ring against many unamed opponants on his comeback after breaking the computer....(real shame) well he is all back on track and ready to take a wooping.

anyways hos everyone been
1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:
sterlihalla wrote:lolol viper

???? nice comeback kid
lol funny shiz
Rocky Marciano wrote:Reaper is just like Yacoob.

They both go down easily and bitch and moan and duck.

and if they get miracle lucky punch and manage to get a lucky win all they both do is run and duck and talk BS.

I lost the count on how many times I KOed you today Reaper. Sorry. Was it 10 on 20 in a row?
but yacoob is all tongue in cheek he doesnt mean to be he just does it to have a laugh...this man actually thinks he is tha shiznit who is improving and turning into a champ soon...well he is ranked 3rd best prospect...afteer me then after lennox lewis
blue budgies.......
oh my fucking god how the hell did yo uhave time to write that all
he is as arrogant as they come he wins 6 matches in a row and thinks he is the dogs bollocks.

he complains about boring styles when he was the man who fucking stayed on the ropes FOR THE WHOLE FIGHT.

he isnt a boxer/counter as he says he is his jab is lazy slow and unpreductive and would rather give up than try and get the honour of getting to the end of the fight.

every win i get over him is taken away from me becuase of ping problems

reaper i respect you as a onlineboxer but jesus get ship-shape

mike watson says Peace xxx
Forum Index » Profile for mike watson » Messages posted by mike watson
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