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Messages posted by: Rocky Marciano
Forum Index » Profile for Rocky Marciano » Messages posted by Rocky Marciano
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Red Viper wrote:
So what your basically that me winning those two titles were a fraud. No, I am not a fraud because I actually earned those titles and successfully defended them.

So I actually improved from that new stamina system. No, I did not improve because of that new stamina. I imrpoved because I fought more intelligent and used a lot of patience of winning fights.

Based on that I am not a fraud.


You are by far the most insecure person I have ever met. You seriously need more self-esteem.

NO ONE said you winning two title was a fraud. I definately did not say or write anything like that. It's your own extremely low self-esteem and fragile ago that takes and turns ALL AND ANYTHING THAT IS SAID as negative regardless of if it includes you or not, if it is positive or not. You take is so far that you somehow ignore anything positive said to you in the chat like you were living in some dimension of your own where possibility of anyne saying anything positive about you does not exist.

It is just too funny when you go berserker in the chat after losing to 2nd best fighter on this game ever (Larry Holmes) filling the chat with negative sentences like "I really suck." and "Now you all laugh at me.".



Yes his style has benefited most from the stamina change. He used to both get hit a lot and punch a lot which lead to him losing stamina very fast. Now he can keep doing what he does without fear of losing stamina.

It took couple of days for me to get used to it. I had to change my style. I just punch more now which seems to work fine since I dont lose stamina doing it.

Oh and BTW. Red Viper is no longer unified champion.
He just lost that title.

He chose not to defend (he had zero defenses) and boxed same guy over and over again. He just failed to realise that by losing his opponent was getting up in ranks (server was slow to update rankings).

I suppose he did not even realise that the last match was for the title. Well he lost it and his opponent ran with the title with no intention of defending it ever.
Congrats and good job.

I just got a title too so please log back on and lets start trading shots.
This boxing style is underrated:

That's new stamina for you!

This is MUCH better example of what this new stamina make this game all about:

Me vs. Red Viper with me punching all kind of punches in the air after each knock down in an effort to make my stamina go red while waiting for viper to get up.

Oh and the way I get those knock downs is also just too funny (retarded spamming from me without aiming at all).

OB2D requires no skill whatsoever with this new stamina change.
I start the spamming at end of round 1 and keep it up all the way till round 4.
This is what this so called new stamina is all about:

Yes i did all that stupid spamming on purpose. By round 4 or 5 my stamina should have been less than half. Instead of that I lost only little and with one round of resting it would have been back to full. No offence but I should have not been able to win that match after all the retarded spamming I did - I only won because of the stamina change (My opponent was Edder.).

Spamming is a way to win rounds when you know you are losing the fight on points or a way to go for the TKO/KO in same situation. Nothing comes free and so spamming has a drawback and that drawback is risk of losing too much stamina. Now this is the way it used to be. Now this risk/drawback no longer exist. What's the point of doing anything else now than madly hitting keys spamming?

Frankly said and no offence meant this so called "new stamina" takes lot of the skill away from this game. Timing and accuracy mean lot less now. Heck even defensive skills are less important now. Most efficient strategy is to spam like a fool because when you fill the air with punches some land for sure regardless of what your opponent does. Spam hard enough just filling air with punches and you will be winning rounds.
Here is my list based on my personal experiences in boxing these gentlemen:

1. Fatny

- Fatny has been around for a good while now. He is the best player on OB2D ever. He has not only dominated but has made even best of the HOF look like they don't have a change against him. Other thing about him is that he can take months away from this game and then return and continue dominating after only couple of matches of shaking off the rust.

2. Larry Holmes

- Larry has been on top since the very beginning of OB2D. No matter what era Larry has been there on top winning titles. Larry has shown ability to win titles and dominate regardless of changes and era.

3. HTF

- Dominated during his era. On paper rivals Fatny for the title of best ever. What "drops" HTF to third place is the fact that he has not shown same ability to make a come back from retirement as Larry and Fatny.

Other than these 3 rest of them are mortal and perfectly beatable.

What a sad day. I was looking forwards into testing my skills against very best of the HOF meaning you (HTF) and Larry.
Nigel we should start trading title shots.
HTF wrote:I have seen a person give a title before.

I gave Boon a title as a x-mas gift.
So he lagged the game more on purpose.

Sounds very familiar.
Oh this is going to get good

Popcorn + soda and watches this thread explode.
Just lol at these lists.
Forum Index » Profile for Rocky Marciano » Messages posted by Rocky Marciano
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