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Messages posted by: Rocky Marciano
Forum Index » Profile for Rocky Marciano » Messages posted by Rocky Marciano
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Soooo Redneck vs. Skillz it is only on pay per view!
I am not English.
These lists are funny.
Just play both Edder
Well well now I know who you are... and you have been getting your ass kicked by Vargas like I told you would get months ago. Nice "retirement"...
Boxer name: Cheat

Username: Cheat


Someone get rid of this guy for good (general opinion of about everyone watching him do it right now as I write this).
we need specific 3D forum to tackle these issues.
Oh well Nigel is online but no shot so I am off.
People are REALLY having issues with getting OB3D to work. It is not that they dont want to play. They do want to play but have hard time getting it to work properly.
I am waiting.
NAD or firewall blocking the P2P.

That heavy bag training is bit bugged. It's too fast. Try the multiplayer and box someone. It'll be great!

I am in process of getting new computer. I hope Mikkel has taken a deep look into body hooks by then
Mikkel please open a new subforum for OB3D.
Before last weekend it had been a good while since I played beta/demo version of OB3D.

OB3D has undergone lot of development and as a result of that has changed as a game.

The Good

- OB3D is now FUN to play. Previously OB3D was lacking in fun factor for good number of reason. Most of the issues have been fixed and it really now feels very different. Sure I don't know moves and how to really connect with my punches yet but none of that mattered. Just going out there trading with my opponent felt very FUN. I can not stress this enough since this fun factor is the most important thing for any game. To be precise OB3D felt more fun than OB2D does.

- You can now really be master of many moves. With 3D come all kind of punching angles, all kind of different punches, different stances, bobbing and weaving and... and..and.. Well to cut the story short this list is long. What this all means is that there are countless if not near infinite number of possible strategies, tactics and approaches. Variety is always good and makes a game better and this is one of the strongest points of OB3D.

- OB3D is now P2P. What this means is that it is FAAAASSSTTTTTT. No more lag. Enough said.

- OB3D is as realistic as you can get at the moment with present day technology and yes this is a good thing.

WOW! Just WOW! All I can say is that you all should go download the updates and try out OB3D again. The game has changed a lot and it is NOW REALLY FUN!!!!! It is a good game now! Yes it is not perfect yet. It is still undergoing development and despite that it is already a better game than OB2D is now.


I agree with Salvador. Pretty lame.

I am almost done training.

After that I will destroy you both. Make no mistake about that. If you manage to stop me, good more power for you! I hear you two have trouble with Red Viper (No offence meant Viper). I don't... so don't get too cocky yet.

I initially had some trouble coming back but today I got my timing back and have been back on track winning against everyone without really having to give my all. No offence meant.

In fact I'll log on and take one title right now if either of you is online.

Forum Index » Profile for Rocky Marciano » Messages posted by Rocky Marciano
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