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Messages posted by: Triangle Man
Forum Index » Profile for Triangle Man » Messages posted by Triangle Man
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Mikkel wrote:IF you dont understand it I cant explain it. Just dont make that sig and accepts cats.

Absolutely fuckin' not. If his stays, I'm making mine. If I get punished for it, you're being a one-sided racist biggot, much like the ones blacks fought against in the 60's and 70's. The fact that things are suddenly different because it's a white guy defending himself instead of a black guy defending himself, is a very racist outlook in itself. That's not equality - the thing you guys fought for, the thing Rosa Parks and MLK fought for, etc.

Just giving my outlook before I get banned or whatever for defending myself while racists are allowed to say and do what they please.

And don't cop out - be prepared to explain and back up the things you say or don't say them imo.
Mikkel wrote:Cool it triangle cat dont mean it like that. Stop it or I'll stop locking and deleting these topics

Then lock and delete it.

Tell me, how else can he mean it?

If I see that his stayed, I'm putting, "I eat big dumb niggers" as my sig, and I better not hear a word about it.

It doesn't matter how he meant it or not, it's singling out and pissing on my race in writing, it's a racist comment no matter how you wanna take it, and I'm not gonna stand by and have a giggle and ignore it, when I know that if the shoe was on the other foot, a black guy would pipe up and I'd be banned instantaneously.

Enough with the double-standards. Either make him change it, or let me make my sig. It honestly doesn't matter to me either way, I just want equality. Equality, just like they fought for in the 60's and 70's. When Martin Luther King does it he's a saint and a hero - when I want equality I'm a baby and I get threatened with lockouts. Wtf is that, LoL.

So is his being changed or can I make mine? Either way is fair.
Oscar wrote:he's white himself.

Irrelevant. And I see the point you were trying to make, but alot of whites use "nigger" without a complete hatred of black people; but when they say it, it's still racist, and it's still viewed as a huge deal.

I don't know what's not believable about how much offence it's caused me. He's openly singling out and pissing on my race, how is that not offensive? LoL. Again, that's like me having, "I eat big dumb niggers" as my sig, and then you saying, "Lol, I can't believe how much offence that sig has caused you Ray (or whoever)" when they say something about it.

Doesn't that sound pretty funny when you put it that way?

I guess I wont say anything further cause the first thread was locked for a reason, but yeah, just needed to point out that the fact that he's white is irrelevant. Racism is still racism; the fact that it's against his own people is yeah, irrelevant.

Now like Donny said, back to boxing.
Should've been locked after the post I ended with "Thank you.", imo, before any racism (aside from cat's sig) exploded in the thread. Little too late but I think we all blew off our steam and tension and it's back to normal/we're back to being friends/back to tolerating each other/whatever the case

He's still got it in his sig btw.

Guess it's over and done-with now as long as the sig goes.
monkeytail wrote:ok

ok. Glad the message was recieved.
First of all sterlihalla, "or whoever your elitist and/or attempt-at-forum-alpha-male-status ass is", I found 3D through my brother, who found it from searching online, I'm not an alt.

Second of all, Gamespot isn't always very accurate with reviews from what I've seen in general (I stopped even looking at them almost 2 years ago), and while IGN is usually pretty good with theirs, they've bombed a few in the past. Some of the best games I've played in my life have had horrible reviews, you can't always trust these sites.

You need to get it out of your head that guys that work at these places are super genius game connesuers (spelling). They're lucky guys who found a niche in life that allows them to squeeze out a living talking about video games which they get to demo for a whole 30 minutes, a week before a game's release. Most of these guys don't even know what a good game IS.

Half the time they rate games by how many modes the game has, hahahahah. If it's a PHENOMINAL game, but doesn't have eonugh "modes"' it gets a 6 instead of a 9.7, stuff like that.

Or they'll be like, "The game overall was unbelievably fun to play, however in the mission 'Randall Heads To Wisconsin', I noticed the 346th blade of grass on the right side behind the third building turns orange for 2 seconds as you're rounding the corner, which unfortunately forces me to bring down what would've been a 9.8 scoring game to a 4.6. In today's day and age, you just can't let those kinds of errors through.", LOL.

Site reviews are a joke. You need to hear it from a good group of gamers, not carebears who demo a game for 30 minutes, get frustrated if they get owned or didn't fully understand the controls yet, and then have a hissy fit and write a bad review because of it.

There's a great forum full of mature gamers that my brother always looks to check on how games REALLY are, but I forget the name right now, I'll ask him later and come back and post it. Most of the people there actually give real reviews on games, not reviews written by A.D.D. cases who think a game sucks if they can't absolutely dominate it within the first 3 minutes of picking up the controller when they don't know the full controls yet.

This is why it was rated a 5 on one of those sites - because the guys demo'd an exhibition match (which in those they fight like htey do at the very end stages of career mode - very hard and alot of pressure), when they didn't fully understand the controls yet or how to defend very well, they got the shit knocked out of them, and then gave it a bad review.

When you don't know what the hell is going on, and you get knocked to the canvas before you can even get a feel for what's going on, yeah, you're going to think the game is a cheap piece of shit. Keep in mind too that the tutorial is in career mode, and you need to spend some time with it before you even attempt to have an opinion on the game.

This is all evidenced even by the game's official forum. The first *8* pages are filled with, "OMFG THIS GAME ---SUCKS--- don't waste your money!! The movement is so sluggish and it's just a haymaker fest where you get knocked out in two rounds!! DO NOT BUY THIS GAME!!!"... And then around aboutt he 10th to 12th page you see guys coming back going, "Ok, after learning the controls a bit better, I lasted to the 8th round and barely lost after letting my guard down for a little too long and got caught with an overhand, and I won my following 2 fights! Oh yeah, and the movement isn't as sluggish as I thought, turns out you have to double-tap the direction you want to move if you want to move quicker or create some distance and move around a bit. Turns out I'm liking this game alot after-all!"

I read every single page (all 32 at the time) of the "Impressions" thread on the official forum before making the decision to buy, because of a few things I was scared about. I thought they'd overdo haymakers, make them take no stamina, that there'd be huge massive stumbles everytime you take a hit, that the movement would be trash, etc.. And after reading the first 8 pages I was starting to get sick, until about the 9th page when I realized that yeah, the first 8 pages are filled with people who wrote a review after literally fighting 1 round in exhibition, who never went through the tutorial or even looked at the controls in the book really. They got the shit beat out of them, then came back and complained about how "bad" the game was, when they literally didn't even know how to use their footwork yet, LOL!

As far as the game itself, it's more sim than any other mainstream boxing game out there. Your distance has a big effect, if you're throwing haymakers left and right you lose energy very quickly, and lower stamina means much slower punches as well as much weaker punches, the ring movement is LEAGUES better than FightNight ever was, etc. Infact I wrote a huge explanation of stuff to my brother on his computer and saved it to his desktop cause I was going to write a review on the site with alot of what I had there. If he didn't delete it, I'll copy and paste it here.

I love the classic 30's venue as well as the 70's and 90's one, was a great touch!

Again, I think the single-player gameplay is great, but they messed up online with the hyper-recovering health - there's no chance to turn the fight around with a big punch, and definately no chance for a flash K.O. as it is now. Again people are petitioning to have it changed so I'm sure they will, it ruins online. There's no reason to make a game more than 3 or 4 rounds at this point, as nothing will change in later rounds due to the massively beefed up (online only) health recovery.
F.F. wrote:Yes Mikkel we need more taunts the only thing i can do is put my hands down and shake my head around, which usually gets me brutally koed by dread.

Which is how it should be. What kind of man taunts AFTER a guy is knocked down? The whole point of a taunt is to do it in the middle of the action - that's what makes it a taunt. It shows the other guy that you're apparently so good that you can drop your guard and be silly in the ring without getting knocked out becuase he either can't phase you, or you'll just dodge if he tries to hurt you anyway.

If you talk shit and get knocked out, you got what was coming to you . You failed in your attempted show of superiority; justice is served and all is well and back to neutral.

That's how I see it anyway
I think the jabs are fixed now, thanks! If you even tweaked with em? I might've just found a better way to use left jab idk.

I think I see what he was trying to do. If you're pivoted all the way to the right and lean back a bit, you can kinda fire off the left jab to what seems like your side, like what you see some fighters do irl, especially when trying to kinda inch closer without getting rocked. That probably only works well for that particular stance, but idk, I've got it working for me now when I need it.

The speed and flow of the game has improved tremendously the last week or so, as has the ring-movement (which is huge!), along with the clutching being worlds better. Looks and plays better all the time!

My brother thinks the stamina should go down just a notch, I'm undecided. At firstI thought so too, as it seemed pretty hard to run out, but then I got in kind of a close-quarters brawl for a little bit, and not thinking about it too much, I looked up and realized my bar was now red after a pretty intense flurry exchange, so, eh, it's hard to say. Maybe just a hair down? Bleh. Idk, I'm contradicting my own thoughts here as well as my brother's, so, feel free to add your own LoL.

[EDIT]: The punch sometimes sticking inside of the body until pulled apart again needs to be fixed but I'm sure you already knew that . The short right hook seems to almost punch through the armpit right now (though I think the left is ok?), heheheh. And I think you can still throw normal hooks by letting go of block, but it doesn't always seem to work, sometime it still throws short anyway. Do you have it designed to throw either short or long depending on distance too right now or something? Idk, I'll try an play around with it some more.
Prizefighter is a great game, it's leagues better than FightNight ever was. The career mode is great, but the biggest let-down is the online (the sole reason I bought the game). Don't get me wrong, there is NO LAG at all, the connection is FLAWLESS, but unfortunately for online they made your health bar recover wayyyyyyyyy too quickly. I've yet to dish or recieve a knockDOWN online much less a KO. Between all of my brother's games and mine, we've seen 1 KD which was a KO but only in the 11th round of a 12 round fight I think it was, and he had to do it with a guy that had extremely high dexterity (punch quickness ingame) and a fairly high amount of stamina to keep throwing punches. The fighter wasn't even all that strong. Yet the other guy was very strong, but strength online is practically useless.

Put it this way - the closest I came to a knockdown was a guy I made that had full stamina, 185 dex (out of 200), 15 strength, and no agility. Go figure.

Aside from that, most of the reason people say the game sucks is because they jumped right into it, never did the tutorial, never bothered to learn the controls or how ot play defense, then got the shit kicked out of them and went back to the forum and said it sucked.

Sad, because it's a great game imo.

Players are petitioning to get the life-bar regen lowered online. It doesn't regen even *NEAR* that fast in the single-player, so idk wtf they were thinking.
Hmm, maybe I should try changing stances. I thought D was just for switching to southpaw or something, though I thought I remember hitting it by accident the other day but couldn't figure out exactly what it was doing. I'll have to try that, maybe it's a little more accurate in a different stance and that's why. Thanks! I'll try it later and get back to the discussion later and see if it made any difference.
I think the power for the jabs are fine. If you've ever taken a straight right solidly to the chin irl, you'd know it's force believe me, LoL. I've been hurt much more in fights irl by straight jabs to the chin than I have by hooks to the side of the head/face an equal amount of the time. Your jaw kicks back and it makes your whole head and body turn into jello invoulentarily.

Should the left jab be damage reduced? Idk. Maybe for other hitboxes, but the chin is so weak even a stiff left jab will mess you quite a bit if it lands flush. People can talk big and tough and say how solid their jaw is, etc, but scientifically you're just not that strong where your jawbone connects to your skull (comparitively). When you get rocked, left or right hand, in the front of the jaw, it hurts not only the tip where you got smoked, but also that hinge, and pushes it in unnatural ways and weakens the knees just by the natural motion of your body's reaction to rock back to absorb the blow and/or get away.

The only thing I think should be changed about them is that I think the left jab should be a little bit straighter, maybe not even by much. I've found how to make it work, and I've knocked someone out with it at least once (I've only been playing for 3 nights, late at night, so I don't get many matches to begin with), but the motions that it landed almost seem unnatural.

It seems to just swing wayyyy to the left. I know fighters do that in certain situations irl too, but like.. I have to pivot all the way to the right, my body practically facing the stands on the right side, just to land a left jab on someone who must be leaning to their right (my left), whereas in real life, that angle would generally have you punching straight, or possibly slightly left. That of course leaves you wide-open to a smashing right to the face, but that's the risk, heheheh.

Idk, maybe it's just me. Opinions?
sterlihalla wrote:funny...people can talk the way they want u dumb fuck welcome to the internet.

And people can make fun of other people for their inability to write at a 3rd grade level. Welcome to the internet!
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