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Messages posted by: Triangle Man
Forum Index » Profile for Triangle Man » Messages posted by Triangle Man
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Professor wrote:

Yes, for a good 40 years, lern2history you dumbass faggot.

Not sure which group you're talking about, and you just agreed with me, so apparently I know the same history you're talking about here "you dumbass faggot", so there's nothing to "lern". You'll have to clarify before I can really respond.


Basically what it boils down to guys is this: I found it offensive, and instead of showing some respect and class and removing it (whether you agree with it or not), you basically told me to stfu, untwist my panties, suck it up, and deal with it.

So when I'm the same way in return, and I have shit in MY sig that's offensive and disgusting to YOU, the same goes for you; Stfu, don't get your panties in a bunch, suck it up, and deal with it.
Oscar wrote: [his post here]

Right, but they've been mixed in for a long time now, and they get everything free now, which is an imbalance. Sure, some will argue (maybe even me) that it's a fair imbalance to repair an injustification as long as it's not permanent (the "keeping down" wasn't permanent) - and in it's justice takes away the ability to complain about things. They had right to at first, ebcaues things were uneven. Now they're even, and have gone beyond even into the "making up for" stage, so there's no reason to be "belly-aching" anymore.

Don't forget too, Irishmen were treated like absolute fucking **SHIT** when the big bulk of them started arriving in this country. At the time we came here, we were treated worse than blacks were at the time. We were refused jobs, called racial slurs, beaten up and murdered, banned from certain stores, etc, just as blacks once were. But all of that was lifted, and then we were given fair and equal rights and opprotunites just like everyone else, AND we didn't get free shit, and you don't hear them complaining. We have right to, but we don't, save for me bringing it up now (probably the only time you'll hear about it in your life).

Mikkel wrote: Then good, lets conclude that you and catfish are both racist.


I'm gonna go grab some food, bbl/be in the game later.
Mikkel wrote:
Then dont act like ur better than any other racist.


And I wont, as long as I'm not the only one being fingered out to be racist for the same actions.
Mikkel wrote:So in your oppinion, if someone is "racist" (catfish), it gives you the right to be racist too by adding that sig ?

When it's acknowledged and blatantly purposely ignored, and not only ignored but encouraged, yes, absolutely.

An alternate answer is, "No, in my opinion it's my right to speak up about it and request it be changed.", which I did, and found out that it's accepted and no big deal.. Sooo, what's the big deal. Everything's equal and good to go. Back to boxing.
sterlihalla wrote:lmao is this a joke? rofl triangle man cant be serious.

lmao is this a joke? rofl sterlihalla can't be serious about lmao'ing about this being a joke.

Professor wrote:Hmmm. Im sorry Triangle, I didn't realise that you were blind and can't see the pointed hat that is on your head.

"NO YOU shutup!"

1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:Thats not true.It does matter who says them and you just have to deal with that.

It doesn't, and you'll just have to deal with that.

Now that that stuff's out of the way, moving on..
Oscar wrote:

You're trying to create a single white culture. There isn't a black culture or Asian culture so why should there be white? Cultures are split much further than that, like Chinese, Japanese, tribal, Zulu, German and on and on and on. That's why you're appearing as a Nazi.

I see what you're getting at, but I mean, there is. I guess I could be more specific by saying American White or American Black. Take a trip to the ghetto and tell me there's not a culture there. Or take a trip to the richy parts Anaheim Hills and tell me there's not a culture there (I don't know anything first hand about Anaheim aside from a friend who lives there, was just kinda painting the mental picture, but you know what I mean).

Culture will always exsist, it's an everyday part of living. Even if you erase people's minds today, right now, and start anew, cultures will form through actions, locations, etc.
1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:You dont get that its not because catfish is white. That is when its a joke. In your sig it is racist cuz ur white and your using the word nigger as an offensive.

Racial slurs are racial slurs no matter who says em, and I take offense to it. You're saying if I take offense to it, too fuckin bad. I'm saying the same to everyone else. If you take offense to a racial slur, too fuckin bad. Deal with it.
Professor wrote:You forgot your pointed hat Nazi go get it and dont come back.

Explain. What about anything I said suggests that I'm a Nazi White Supremecist?
1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:Now that is racist triangle. Why did you even put that in your sig? your starting to look like the real racist here.

The white thing is racist too; racism spawns racism. If he changes it so it's not specifically "white boys", a racist slur, mine will change to "black kids" instead of a racial slur. But no worries I'm just kidding and you can admit and accept that it's funny, I mean sometimes little black gangbangers just need a spanking.

Oscar wrote:The world is multi-cultural, deal with it or join the KKK.

Exactly. So why am I being called a nazi racist white supremecist for acknowledging mine.
Mikkel wrote:
ITs just triangle, the way u say "white culture" just sounds so Nazi.

Yeah, probably because the media plants the seed in your head that "white culture" = Nazi. Whereas they planted that "Black Culture" = Pride, tradition, peace-seeking through equality, etc.. Just an example, but if not that, at least when you hear "Black Culture" the first thing that pops into your head isnt, "Black panther white hating racist motherfuckers", you know?

It's not entirely your fault for that view, it's what's been pounded into your head since birth basically.

It's just word-association triggers. Kinda like Pavlov's bell but a little different. Dog hears ding, knows it means food. People hear "White Culture", know it means Nazi or White Supremecist. It's pretty gay.
Oscar wrote:
White culture not existing is a good thing

Now somebody can say THAT, and THAT's not seen as racist or offensive. Un-fucking-believable.

Ok, so, whites are the only people that aren't supposed to have a culture then? We're supposed to abandon ours and mix and melt into everyone elses? For what? Fuck you, you know?

You all abandon your cultures then, and forget about your history and your pasts and your traditions. No more black history month, no more BET, no more United Negro College Fund, none of that shit, all gone then.
Professor wrote:I think this little Nazi should shut his mouth.

What's nazi or racist about anything I said that wasn't being used as an example?

Here we fucking go AGAIN. Everytime a white guy talks about race, he's instantly a nazi white supremecist. What the fuck are you talking about?
Professor wrote:Yeah Mik you should fix that

Now that both sides have been heard from, agreed.
1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:So basically you accidently let it slip that u dont like mexicans and then tried to cover it up.

If you're talking about the book store quote, I never talked about Mexicans at all. I said something about going to MEXICO, and I said Cancun which is a Mexican City.. That's about it. If you're talking about something else, quote it cause idk which part you're talking about unless you're making it up.
Mikkel wrote:Why do you keep saying "white culture" ? it doesnt exist.

Thank you, and that's the problem right there. It's because of "innocent" little sigs like that, multipled by seeing it 450,000 times a month, that the white culture is dieing off. Nobody has any respect for it, including most whites now-a-days. Whites have a very rich culture, we're just not usually allowed to show it in today's world without someone twisting it and slapping "Racist!" on it.

I only look like a fanatic because I actually care, and most whites don't, sadly. Which like you said, is why whites are rapidly losing their culture. So when one finally says something, he looks like an extremist, you know?

I don't think it's fun to say "I eat little white boys" much like you wouldn't think it's fun to say, "I eat little niggers", but I get what you're saying.

And alright, yeah, it might be fun to say you whomp bratty little white rich kids, using a racial slur to accomplish that. Cool, just don't ban me when my sig is, "I eat little nigger gangbanger wanna-bees".

Guess we've come full circle and there's nothing else left to say. Good deal and we'll move on.
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