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Messages posted by: Triangle Man
Forum Index » Profile for Triangle Man » Messages posted by Triangle Man
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You'll get your wish racist, don't worry. At least he allowed me to have my final words.

Incase everyone just looks a the last post made instead of reading the previous few, I'll post again:

Read the big post I just made and tell me how you CAN'T see it that way?

I'm simply asking for the respect and show of class from you and others to not have to stare at a racial slur that offends me all day, and I'm getting fucking banned for it. What the fuck. I can't even believe this.
Mikkel wrote:..And common sense..

Common sense? Common sense should tell you that you shouldn't allow racist slurs in sigs to begin with, and there wouldn't have been a big stir about it to begin with.

Common sense should tell you that if you don't show someone some respect, you wont get any in return.

That's common sense. Don't look at me like I'm the bad guy here.
Mikkel wrote:You will carry on with this discussion until we see it your way, which will never happen.
Come back when u have a sense of proportion.

I can't come back. I'll be banned.

Read the big post I just made and tell me how you CAN'T see it that way?

I'm simply asking for the respect and show of class from you and others to not have to stare at a racial slur that offends me all day, and I'm getting fucking banned for it. What the fuck.
monkeytail wrote:So this is OB now?

Yes. Cat can have "White Boy" (an extremely offensive racial slur) in his sig and it's cool and Mikkel at one point said he actually encourages it "because it's funny", but I can't have "Nigger" (an extremely offensive racial slur) in mine.

Yeah, no double-standards here! LOL

But don't worry, your circle-jerk community will be back to it's calm, normal sea of accepted white racism (no one else though! You wouldn't wanna be racist!).

The waves of a call for equality will be quelled with my banishment and you can all stop feeling upset in your tummies because you have to look at racial slurs that aren't against whites this time.
Mikkel wrote:Its a free country but this forum is a dictatorship (Im the dictator) so either you stop this or get the hell out.

Exactly. So if you wanna be the racist dictator and ban me for having a racial slur but say it's ok for Cat to have one, then so be it.

Again, I'm absolutely willing to take mine down and not say another word about it as long as he's gotta take his down.

If I have to stare at a racial slur that offends me all day, so does everyone else. Or ban me and have a double-standard. It's fine, just as long as you fully understand and admit that it's bullshit and a double-standard.

Mikkel wrote: Edit just read your post and can see that theres no reasoning with you. Bye bye little man, will ban you when I get home.

What the fuck do you MEAN there's no reasoning with me?! Jesus fucking Christ man, I've been TRYING to reason with you the whole fucking time!

My reasoning/compromise is - he takes down his racism, I take down mine. It's that simple.

But whatever, bye bye little racist double-standard motherfucker.

You know what you're doing. I hope you feel fuckin ashamed of yourself. But you probably don't.
[double post]
Mikkel wrote:I dont wanna treat you unfairly but you have taken this over the top. And some of the others too. So to everyone else stop this or get banned.

Regarding your sig, I think its very offensive and must go. I dont think catfish sig is offensive, we just have to disagree on that. Im not going into another lengthy discussion.

So one racist slur is ok to stare at on the screen all day in a boxing forum, but the other is not. I see how it is racists. Very nice double-standard. Not changing it unless he changes his, so, ban hammer me or whatever you're gonna do. I'm not gonna sit there and look at a fuckin racist slur that's extremely offensive to me the whole day and have everyone say it's ok, but then have everyone say mine is very offensive (the exact same fuckin' thing) and is only a bannable offense NOW when they have to look at one THEY don't like.

My last post was absolutely right, and I'm sure deep down you agree, you just wont admit it here for whatever reason.

So whatever, see ya.

P.S.: Ray brought it back up in here when the thread was dead, yet I'm the one that gets banned for "taking it too far" by replying to it. Lmao, whatever.

Just know that I'm essentially getting banned for asking for some respect and for you to have some fuckin' class. You people are amazing. Never seen a bigger double-standard in my life anywhere.

Oh and of course you don't think his sig is offensive, you're not white I dont' think? LoL.

And it doesn't matter if you don't think it's offensive or not - I do. I can just as easily say, "I don't think nigger is offensive. You're taking it way too personally and taking it over the top. I guess we just leave it and agree to disagree on this one."

That's your opinion, and either remove em both or let em both stay, but don't have a fuckin' double-standard and keep the white racist slur and get rid of the black one. What the fuck is that, seriously?

Mikkel wrote: It's really annoying how you come here to raise hell over no goddamn thing. Stop it now or get your ip banned.

And remove your sig also.

No, what's "really annoying" is how I come onto a BOXING GAME MESSAGE BOARD and have to look at racial slurs. That's something worth raising hell over. If cat's sig originally siad, "I eat big dumb niggers", all you blacks would've "raised hell over no goddamn thing". Why? Because you don't like seeing racial slurs against you in a boxing forum where it has absolutely no place or point.

If you're gonna allow racial slurs on your message board, don't be fuckin pissed off and get all pissy when someone says something about it.

And I will remove my sig with the racist slur in it when cat removes his sig with the racist slur in it. If that's a problem to you, then it's a problem. Not backing down on this one, because I'm right.

And you know it, too. You'd just rather ban me than do the right thing simply because you don't want to deal with confrontation, and you don't want things stirred up in the little community - even if it means letting racism slide so-as not to cause a ruccus. Sickening.
Ray Johnson wrote:What don't you get? I'll make it really simple:
White racially insulting White = ok
Black racially insulting Black = ok
White racially insulting Black = bad
Black racially insulting White = bad

The only one who is degrading their culture here, is you. I'll break it down for you, again:

Nobody thinks that any white culture is bad because catfish said "I eat little white boys". People think that catfish is bad.

I don't even know why you're talking about black people. Nobody said anything about insulting a different race then their own, because it's completely different.

It's completely different because there is no logic in it at all. You feel the need to defend your race when you've pissed off more people in your own race then catfish!

You already phailed when oscar made points but now you're continuing because you are stubborn.. you probably know that you are wrong but don't want to back down.


Is it easier to understand things now that i've broken them down for you?

Who are you to say it's ok? I'm white and have to look at "white boy" everytime he posts, and it makes me fuckin sick, idc who posted it. I'm the one that has to read it, and I'm the one telling you I don't see it as ok.

And no, I don't think it's ok to bash my race, whether you are my race or not; I actually still have respect for it, which is especially rare in a day and age where it's popular to either piss on whites, and/or take advantage of their compassion (which is usually fake compassion intimidated out of us for fear of being called racist for things that aren't even racist, especially because we all know how many honest people have lost their jobs over it.) and understanding for everyone else - even if you are white yourself. I don't think any race should stand for that kind of shit, even if it's their own race doing it. I think it's stupid and pointless but I guess that's just my opinion.

How am I degrading my culture btw? For not wanting to have it racially slurred? That makes sense, LOL.

And no, nobody probably directly thinks white culture is bad because catfish said whiteboy. But it's one of those small steps that, when seen 450,000 times a month, desensitizes people to the word "White boy", and 6 months to a year later, it becomes socially acceptable to call a white guy "white boy". Hell you see it in schools already even, and its' not just white on white. It'll be someone of another race that may not even mean a whole lot of harm saying it, who might go, "Man, look at that white boy's shorts, them things look tacky man" or whatever, idk, lol. He's not making fun of the race - he's making fun of the shorts. He's not meaning to be racist or anything, that wasn't his intent or intention and he's probably not even racist. But because everyone's so desensitized to the word "white boy", he doesn't even think twice when saying it. And since whites rarely say anything about it anymore when they hear it, for a multitude of reasons, it becomes more and more acceptable each time.

Now put it on the other foot and say, "Damn, that niggers shorts are tacky", the room would gasp in horror, he'd probably get shot in school on the spot, and he would absolutely be suspended, possibly expelled.

Which brings us to the next thing. Why am I talking about blacks? So you can get a better grasp on the severity of the words. Most people don't think white boy is that bad for some reason which is assanine, yet it's like an atomic bomb drops when someone says nigger. This is also why I'm choosing to use blacks in the example and not someone else - it's not that I have anything specifically against blacks. I'm trying to show how it's no different, and I'm using comparisons that use the N word so that you can see how when the colors are flipped, how big of an effect it has. And when I hear white boy, I get the same feeling as blacks do when they hear nigger.

White boy is a slur just like Nigger, and I don't care who says it - I don't wanna look at that fuckin trash on my screen everytime cat makes a post in a boxing game forum - that's mostly what it boils down to.

Oh and I didn't "phail" on Oscar, I answered his points. I like how everytime an argument comes up anywhere in the world, once someone has a good point once (even though I had SEVERAL before Oscar had ONE, one of maybe 2 or 3 that have even really been legit), people hone in on it and think, "Owned, convo over!" before the other guy even responds if they agree with his side/point, especially when the response can and usually does rival it, or is on par with it, etc. If I was at a complete loss of words, or I admitted he was right (which I have no problem doing when there actually is no counter-point), or something like that, sure, I'd have "phailed", but I didn't, I responded with something that made sense. Anyway..

Anyway, yeah, most of the black stuff comes from examples where I'm showing comparisons so you understand that it's just as powerful a word.

Why do I have racist shit against blacks in my sig? (Though from the way I view races, such as Whites and White Trash, Mexicans and Cockroaches, Blacks and Niggers, etc, anyone respectable shouldn't take offense anyway. I'm not gonna call gangbanging trash "Blacks" because they don't deserve it. I don't think it's a proper representation of what you guys would actually like to be thought of and seen as - murderers and loud obnoxious uneducated thieves, but correct me if I'm wrong. You can be offended, and have right to be like I am with white boy, I'm just stating for the record, but I guess that's a whole 'nother convo. I like Whites, fuckin hate white trash. I like Mexicans, fuckin hate cockroaches. I like Blacks, fuckin hate niggers. You get what I mean I think. But Anyway)...

It's in my sig because when I had to look at "white boy" in every thread, you and all the blacks (and whites who don't happen to be offended by "White Boy" though you should) laughed and said it's all good, I shouldn't have a problem looking at it, I need to unbunch my panties, suck it up, and deal with it.

Now when you have to look at "nigger" everytime I post, you'll see how disgusting it is to have to stare at a racial slur every page and that it has no place here and there's no need for that kind of shit to be in a place like this. It's to scale. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, you'll see what I'm saying when you've gotta look at a slur that offends you in every page.

As long as I have to look at it and everyone thinks it's ok and cool that I've gotta look at a slur that pisses me off every page, and it's no big deal that I have to look at that shit in a boxing forum where it doesn't belong, you can look at one that does the same to you - and I'll tell you the same thing I was told. Stfu, don't get your panties in a bunch, it's no big deal, suck it up and deal with it.

After you see it for weeks and it disgusts you everytime and you notice how gross it is that we're trying to talk boxing and yet you have to look at a racial slur the whole time, now that you have a word to look at that does that to you, you might see my point after a while.

And also, idc how long everyone has known cat or how long the sig has been there or whatever, another point is that yeah - newbs like me DON'T know cat, and we DON'T know that he's white (I still don't know for sure, how could I or any of you unless he's shown pictures), and so when new people come onto the forum, all excited to dig into the world of boxing and get talking about OB3D/2D, what they see instead is a guy calling people white boy and it simply doesn't have a fuckin place here, joke or not (which I still don't think it was at all, I think you were all trying to play it down to try an make me look bad. There's wiggers that honestly call other white people White Boy and Cracker and White Bread, and they actually mean it, they're dead serious and mean it the same way a racist from another race does. I don't know how they're not embarassed when they do it considering they're white too, and don't realize how hilarious it sounds, and in their head they think it's totally normal and score one for the... idk, anti-white I guess? lol.. And I'm pondering whether or not cat was a case of that. You may be able to tell me different if you know him better, but I'm just telling you what it looks like when new people come to the forum).

So, if newbies come in and gasp at White Boy, but you say it's fine and it's not damaging to the game or forums and it's cool and we should suck it up, then you should have no problem with newbies coming in and gasping at Nigger. You've stated your cases that looking at racial slurs in a forum about boxing and a boxing game is perfectly fine and not damaging to the game or forums.

So I guess it's all good. I'm letting you know both slurs'll drive some people away from the forums, but hey, fair is fair.

Don't wanna look at Nigger all day because it has no place here and it offends you and makes you sick? No problem, I have enough respect and class for that request to take it down - as long as I'm given the same respect and he has to take his down so I don't have to look at White Boy all day (something that offends me and makes me sick).

You've gotta give respect to get it.

Until then, we'll both enjoy staring at racial slurs in every thread.

Oh yeah, even this late at night I'm in 3D sometimes, so if you can run it now and feel the urge to play, check in and see if I'm/anyone else is there. I still get matches even at midnight to 4am Pacific sometimes, so I'm not the only one.

Even when it's empty I usually sit in there for a couple hours with it alt-tabbed while doing other stuff incase someone comes in (especially actual newbs who may not know if anyone actually plays it or not. It's disheartening to log in for the first time to an empty lobby. I only say "actual newbs" because even though I'm technically a newb too I've been playing 3D tons.), so yeah, send me a challenge if you come in so I hear the ding sound and I can alt-tab back in.

The sound doesn't always play when tabbed though, so if I don't reply to it, I usually alt-tab back in and check every few minutes, so just wait around. If I havn't checked up in like 10 minutes I may be afk talking to someone in the other room for a minute or something like that.

I'll probably be in in about 40 mins to an hour I think. Maybe sooner or later, not that that helps, but that's my estimation anyway lol.
goldenboy88 wrote:i saw a guy in an mma fight get dqed for pretending to kick dirt on someone once he koed him.. the ref thought he was going for a cheap shot

LOL! That's awesome.
Last you'll ever hear about it, especially in a different thread (thought I've already had that done to me once already), but just for one last point:

"Mexpride = vagras"

Guess vagras is a racist then, because his name is Mexican Pride, and as we know from before, Pride means extreme hatred, supremacy, and racism - right guys? It can't possibly mean what it says - having pride in your culture and meaning nothing else. Guess he should "pick up his Mexican supremist hat and go home".

Anyway, thanks for the update cause I was getting confused in some of the topics.
Very nice! What's your name and is there anywhere we can go to look at your record/fights/etc? Where're you from and where're you fighting out of? Err, not to get all personal, LoL, I just find it interesting is all!
Just tried it again tonight, the performance is much better!

Only problems right now are that sometimes knockdowns are being called slips when they aren't, and it still can 10-count someone for a loss (unless that was originally intended, idk?), the hooks still seem a little weird, mostly just the left one, though the uppercut improved.

The only other thing is that now that the performance is better, I think the stamina is way too high. You can basically fire off a 15-punch quick-flurry before you start to get tired, and because each punch is at pretty much full stamina, every single shot in the 15-swing quick-flurry has the power to knock someone from full to 1hp. I havn't had a round go past 2 yet I don't think (I only lost one, so I'm not losing and just complaining lol). The guy I was playing last agreed.

Oh yeah, and the foot speed was a huge improvement! It used to be that when a guy ran when hurt, it would take up 3/4ths of the round's time just to follow him to the opposite corner. Now it takes about the time that it should and is in great sync with the clock imo.

Idk, just my thoughts!

[EDIT]: Oh yeah, and the 8-count timer rarely works now. It usually cuts off immediately after the guy gets up, and his opponent can swing without any seperation or count.
Oscar wrote:The thing is Triangle Man, all of what you mentioned looks good and would be fun but the actual boxing involved in the game looks hideous. Compared to games like Fight Night or even OB, the boxing is sooo robotic, and don't get me wrong I've not just took the first example I've seen, I've cruised around youtube looking at numerous videos but in every single one I find myself pulling this face D: when watching them robots box. I'm still tempted to rent it but you can't hide the fact that they've clearly missed the whole point of a boxing game.

Yeah, I thought it looked really robotic in the videos too, that was one of my biggest concerns, but the videos don't really portray the feel of the game. When you're actually playing it it doesn't seem so robotic like that. I wouldn't say it's quite as pretty animation-wise as FN, but it's nothing you really take notice of mid-fight.

Ster wrote: Lol you dont sound very positive about prizefighter yourself even though you suppose to be defending it.
So what do you give it out of 10? Because if you have noticed gamers have gave there own rating and don king prize fighter has never gotten anything over 6 enless its by someone completely blind.
Our very own Tyrant ob player gave the game 6.5 i think and thats being very generous.
Ganranteed if i read a games mag with this game in it the score will be below 7 but hey you didnt prove much in that post anyway so good for you.
Doesnt matter what you say man the fact is it sucked because of a bad roster and gameplay them two things will kill any boxing game.

Well it should matter what I, and anyone in here says, the thread is a discussion about the game =P.

I'm pretty positive about it, just not the online mode as of yet. So many people are complaining about the online rapid health regen that I'm sure they'll pop in and tweak it. I normally don't expect companies to do that kind of thing, but 2k fixed some major problems with NHL 2k8 a couple weeks after release, so I'm sure they'll tweak Prizefighter too.

Again, a good 85% or more of the "reviews" I've seen are written by people who reviewed after getting schooled after playing the game for 5 minutes without getting good with the controls (or knowing them, for that matter!)

Overall I thought single-player was better than FN, but I guess with all the controversey and side-takers surroudning the game, it's probably a safe bet to rent it and try it yourself - but don't judge it until a couple hours in when you've gotten a little more used to the controls. Like I said, alot of people came in after playing for 10 minutes with, "OMFG THIS GAME SUCKS!", and then came back a couple hours later with, "Now that I learned the controls, this is pretty sweet!"
catfish2 wrote:

hey pal, keep the racism out of the forums.

Ditto. Yours spawned mine.
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