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Messages posted by: Triangle Man
Forum Index » Profile for Triangle Man » Messages posted by Triangle Man
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Wasn't banned, I just got busy.
1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:What is your problem with alts anyway?? Your always whining about them.

Well, because alts make you lose accountability for your actions (unless you come out and openly say "This is my alt, I'm just switching names"). But well, at the same time, it messes with stats too if stats are kept.

You might have a normal name you normally play everyone on and it has a so-so record, but then make an alt and just beat on newbs and get a 100-1 record and be statistically the best - which is a false representation when you boil it down.

But yeah, with 95% of alts made in any game, they're used used to duck games (someone is on that you know will beat you at the time and you don't wanna get a loss), they're used to avoid accountability (you talked shit and now you don't wanna back it up for fear of losing, or maybe you've said something you wanna take back but don't wanna get flamed for it), and are generally used for being a pussy (for example, I know a guy on NHL2k8 for Xbox360 that confessed to me one night that he has 2 accounts. He talks alot of shit in the lobby, and when someone tells him to step up and play, he leaves the lobby and comes on a little later with his alt. Then he plays the guy on his alt like 10 times to get used to how they play, and loses 8 or 9 of the games. Then once he gets the other guy down a little more, he switches back to his main and says, "Ok I'm here now, let's go!!", and if he winds up winning, he talks shit all week, when in reality he's like 1 for 10 against the guy. Yeah.)

So idk, that probably explains it
Oh yeah, forgot about turning your firewall off. There's also something you can do with opening certain ports to improve your connection I think but I'd have to ask my brother how to do it. I dont' think it would affect actually logging in though, just your connection after you have.

That and once you get in the game, even if your firewall is off, it still says something about opening some port and checking your firewall settings, but I think it says that to everyone, even if that port is open and your firewall is off.

The game runs best on 640x400 (I think that's it? the lowest one) in windowed mode, and if it's off-center after the change, just reposition it with your monitor (using the buttons on your monitor. I had to do this).
Np, that'll be $168, your session goes for 3 more minutes if there's anything you'd like to add
Fernando Vargas wrote:
All I'm trying to say is lets stop arguing about insignificant things and lets just enjoy the game, no matter whos champ..


Cheating and ruining the entire goal of boxing (long-term), and crushing the spirit of boxing and the game, and competition in general is an "insignificant thing"? Seems monumentally significant to me, idk, maybe I'm the only one.

And yes, they could all get along, if people didn't glitch/pad wins and belts and titles. Again, blame the *action* not the *reaction*. No cheat/glitch/stat-pad, no bitching about it and it's degredation to the game. Simple.

Gotta give respect to get it.

And I'm speaking from the viewpoint and perspective of someone who doesn't even play 2D, so my emotions about any wins/losses/titles doesn't get in the way of what I'm saying since I don't even play it (so it doesn't pertain to me). I can just see by common sense that it's extremely damaging to the game overall if that's what was really taking place (and I assume it is since Catfish admitted it).

[EDIT]: I'm still just, appauled at the mentality here. So you're going to lay down and roll over on your back in the fetal position, and let someone come in and rape and destroy and ruin a game you love and glitch the game for titles, pissing all over it and the spirit OF it, all because you're scared an argument will ensue, and you want people to "smile, and get along, and be happy under beaming bright rainbows that magically rain gumdrops", even though the offending parties are purposely shitting and pissing all over you (and anyone that plays the game they're ruining through glitches/pads)?

So you're going to let them do this and not say anything about it, all because you don't wanna see any argument about it, just because seeing confrontation makes you fussy and feel sick in your tummy?

Amazing. Absolutely amazing.

Nobody LIKES arguing, but it's necissary at times, that's just the way it is.

I mean seriously, what's more damaging to the game: an argument, or glitching/cheating? If I'm a newbie coming in, I can handle an argument. I'm not gonna stick around though if I see that all the top guys cheat and that's how they got there. It takes away the whole will to play the game imo.

I just get this mental picture of like, you guys (the peace-at-any-cost seekers I mean) having a toddler, who gets fussy if you try to give her anything but chocolate and sweets.. And so as soon as she starts to make a whiney noise when you bring real food her way, you drop everything and quickly dash to the cabinet and grab fist-fulls of candybars and shove them into the kids mouth while you're bawling, and then when your wife is like, "WTF ARE YOU DOING?!", your response is, "She's getting fussy!! I just can't take the fussiness! Just give her what she wants, get more chocolate, hurry, get the Hershey's Syrup from the fridge!! SHE'S GETTING FUSSY, PLEASE HURRY!! It doesn't matter if she's unhealthy or fat or not eating real food, she's getting FUSSY babe! I don't like fussiness, just give her what she wants! Please! I can't take this, babe!!! More chocolate, fast!! Don't worry about her teeth, or anything like that, we don't want things to become fussy!!"

Idk. That's just what I picture. Sorry for the slight off-topic at the end there, lol.
I was getting this last night too. I assume it's down, it did that one other time too.
dread wrote:bonkers


And I'll add one more time before I go just incase people don't go back and read before my ban (I'll edit the other so it's not spam. Yeah, see, I can still save some amount of class and give some respect even while being shit on):

Originally posted by: someone, I forget. Not a direct quote wrote: "Doesn't matter you'll be banned anyway LOL"

Yeah I know, I'm going to get banned from a forum by racists because I asked for a racist slur to be removed, got told to fuck off, and then made a sig of my own with a racist slur in it because I was shown that it's ok, and I get banned.

You all know I'm right if you go and read the bigger post I made towards the end of this - you just don't want to admit it because you wanna chase off the little white boy sticking up for himself and not wanting to take racism, probably because you see this as your golden chance to get back at the white man for calling you niggers back in the day.

Which again is bullshit considering my heritage had nothing to fucking do with it.

If it's not that, it's simply that you must internally be going, "Oops! He had a great point and he was right with that last big post, but, I've gone a little too far in the argument now to turn back. I think it would make me look like a pussy and look stupid if I suddenly turned back and agreed with him. Sucks, but, I gotta follow through now .

So, just know that by letting him keep his sig, and banning me, you're being racist, and UNBELIEVABLY hypocritical, and having by far and away the biggest double-standard I've experienced from anyone or any group of people in my life.

Guess that's all I have to say.

See ya.

Bring the racist, hypocritical, double-standard ban-hammer down.

*waits for it*
Professor wrote:I will by the time you are unbanned, I'll be a full grown man.
Goodbye fool.

k racist.
Professor wrote:kthxbai



Grow up.
monkeytail wrote:This topic has no place on OB.

You're exactly right. Racist slurs, have no place on OB.

Yet I get banned for pointing that out and making a ruckus when it's allowed to stay.
[deleted my post to advance at the end to be seen before ban]
Mikkel wrote:
No reason to comment on that..going to bed now, get ur final word and enjoy ur banishment.

Because it makes sense and you don't want to admit it because you don't like me personally? (which is funny, because the reason that you don't like me is because I stirred up your forum by asking for a racist slur to be removed from a signature)
Mikkel wrote:I dont recall u "kindly" asking for anything, when u didnt get what u wanted u made a sig that was 10 times worse than catfish. The fact that u cant see that is really disturbing, but the point is, that cant be called "kind".

Nigger isn't any worse than White Boy - they're both racist.

And yeah, you just admitted that I asked for it kindly in your very wording. "When you didn't get what you wanted". YEAH - WHAT I "WANTED" WAS TO NOT HAVE TO LOOK AT A RACIST SLUR IN EVERY THREAD.

"How hard is that to understand"?
Mikkel wrote:TO wrap this up, none but u see catfish as a racial slur or whatever u say. Its only u and I have the feeling u spark this conversation up where ever u go.

UM, yeah, when I see white boy, I do spark something. Just like when a black guy sees nigger, he says something. Is there something wrong with that?

And no, I see "white boy" as a racial slur, which it is, and kindly asked for it to be removed, and got told to fuck off. So I tried a different approach - equality. But now that it's somethign that offends YOU, it's not so funny and cool to look at is it.
Mikkel wrote:
Triangle Man wrote:
Mikkel wrote:You will carry on with this discussion until we see it your way, which will never happen.
Come back when u have a sense of proportion.

I can't. I'll be banned.

Read the big post I just made and tell me how you CAN'T see it that way?

I'm simply asking for the respect and show of class from you and others to not have to stare at a racial slur that offends me all day, and I'm getting fucking banned for it. What the fuck.

U might have gotten longer with a different aproach, but the "do what I say or ill put all kind of stuff in my sig and spam the forums endlessly" method didnt work so well.

I didn't "spam endlessly", we were having a discussion. Replying to someone talking to you is spam? I made a post, got a reply, replied to it. They replied to my reply, etc, that's called a discussion.

And I only took that approach once I kindly asked for it to be removed, an you laughed at me and told me it's no big deal and is acceptable and funny. I didn't start that approach - I started with a civil, respectful one, and then had my face spit in.

And I'm not Yacoob or whoever, but think what you want. If I'm open and honest and courageous enough to say the things I've said here, do you honestly think I'd have to hide my fuckin name behind an alt? Do I seem like the kind of person that's scared of social shunning or reprecussions? I mean goddamn, I'm taking a ban on the chin for a forum of a game I love simply because I believe I'm right. And I dont' see how you can disagree when I simply asked for people to have enough respect and class to remove a racist slur so I didn't have to stare at "white boy" everytime I read a post.
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