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Messages posted by: Larry Holmes
Forum Index » Profile for Larry Holmes » Messages posted by Larry Holmes
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Its partly true boon he gives shot to people that pose a risk, but that he is fairly sure that he will beat.

He aint a bad champ but nothing like example unstop was..he handed shots (and beatings) left right all night..

Still not bad for a nob
sterlihalla wrote:hes jus bcome one of them guys that is ruining the fun of ob.

Why I mean considering he had a 26-0 record when u fought him u must have known it was an alt, and u could just refuse to fight him.
But u chose to on ur own free will.
Then u lose and start cying ? it makes no sense at all.
I can find the first 1000 threads on youtube with mma people dissing boxing and predicting it dead within 10 years.
Even rogan did it. It's really not understandable to me how you can deny it.
I never understood these posts. Reminds me of the mma fanatics "boxing is dead" kind of threads.
If people don't wanna play they don't wanna play, it will not change whatever you say, maybe it will even make it worse when new players read this, they'll think what kind of sucky game is this.

The times I've been online there's about 10-15 people online, but it varies throughout the day.
Whats prepared to wait a few weeks for the "rematch".
Skillz wrote:

Watch this please.

I didnt see it before..looks as if he was outclassed.
I don't agree with you that the arguments comes mostly from boxing fans, on most threads I've read the mma people are always declaring boxing as "dead" and boring and one-dimensional, soon to be taken over by mma.
Boxing has been declared dead since the introduction of karate in the 70ties but it still didn't happen.
Don't argue with me on this one donny, you know that's what they say.

This is something that I don't understand, how can destroying boxing make them bigger ? Whats next on the hitlist, football ?
Even Rogan did that, on air. This is really what pisses me off but I'm sure you 'll find boxing fans doing the same.'
Well Di Bella wasn't to smart either, they should have found someone better (I would pay to see Don King in that discussion
Most mma fans I've talked to have some kind of strange intense hate for boxing which I can't explain.

Maybe we should just stop reading those posts since mostly fanatics of some kind post there, and they are not an expression of the common opinion.

Btw, I saw some fights from UFC #1 and that was actually interesting, UFC is so far removed from that now. I really liked the tournament setup.
I will never go there, I don't like those arrogant frontrunners. They are just not my type, not a single one of their fighters. But I have nothing against the art itself.
sterlihalla wrote:I think mayweather would get brutalised in mma he wudnet be pretty boy floyd mayweather anymore.

He would still be more pretty than you, j/k
Donny_king wrote:Hahahaha, skip to 5:15 and see what that muppet (Mayweather) has to say about it (UFC).
I'd love to see that guy in the Octagon, his running wouldn't help him one bit.

He just don't like it, like any normal person He don't run he box. I think his running would help, it's really hard catching someone with a nice footwork. If they went for the shoot they might just end up in the air, looking silly. Don't underestimate boxing and don't believe the hype.

Listen to Rogan "it's much more exciting than any other combat sport out there". Yes to HIM, and he said that to just to provoke Di Bella for no other reason than to spark a stupid argument. Why do the UFC dudes always talks like everything they say is a scientifically proven fact.

EDIT:LOL I just read some responses on that thread, and I just knew it, very soon they started talking about who would win, Bruce Lee or some other dude. BRUCE LEE WAS AN ACTOR GET IT INTO YOUR THICK MMA SKULL, HE NEVER FOUGHT ANYONE, HE NEVER HAD A PROVEN DOCUMENTED VICTORY AGAINST ANYONE IN THE GODDAMN WORLD. This shows what kind of mental midgets these people are, and they are going to take over boxing ? ROFL !!
UFC has to stop forming mmas image. Let the sport have a free image, like boxing. As long as they hold on to their shitkicker redneck image it wont progress into a world sport since everyone who aint a shitkicker themselves cant relate to the shit.

LOL that was some biased shit !.

But it might be a set of rules for everyone..but the truth is as soon as you start in UFC you forget everything else, and just practice for the things that works there. So infact it's just a new sport, like boxing.
It is not a place where every MMA artist from different backgrounds can fight.

This fool floyd senior needs to stfu. None knows whats going to happen if Floyd would fight in MMA. I know for sure that he could vipe out entire K1 not sure about UFC.
Floyd sr cannot be taking seriously, he looks like a junky on crack and he hates his son and the ever opportunistic MMA press prob paid
him $50 dollars to say this. Floyd Sr is a bum himself, SRL gave him a beating that lasted a lifetime now he wants to get back at boxing because everyone in it kept whuppin on him.
It doesn't sound as if he likes his son a lot. Would be cool to see Floyd do this though.
But if they meet the octagon wouldnt be fair. I mean those guys have been training for that ruleset. MMA is not even MMA anymore, I mean common no neckpunches, lowblows,throat blows, blows in the back, kidneys, no small joint manipulation, no headbutts, no kicking at the knees and the list goes on. They are the best at their "sport" doesnt mean they are the best figthers in the world. UFC is not Ultimate anymore it's VMFC Very Modified Fighting Championship. Or just mix of boxing and wrestling and thaiboxing that's really what it is. They still thrive on that "bloodsport" image but it's totally undeserved, what they are doing is just adapting more and more to their rules. 90% of all combatsport are usesless in the octagon, but that doenst mean they are really usesless does it ?
I predict that it's popularity will decline alot over the next few years, first of all it has no real strength behind it, just a blownup organization and a tv network. This leaves it very vulnerable if one of those goes bankrupt or change course.
Boxing is and official sport with thousands of organizations and even countries behind it, the support and strength is massive. It is not dependent on any one person or organization, it just exist everywhere, it has space and freedom to move, the flow of lifegiving oxygene is ever present.
Another thing that ppl dont understand, the majority of the population does not enjoy violence if it gets to "real". But many find boxing enough modified and removed from the street violence image to be "houseclean".
So theres a market for MMA of course, the mass of always searching for the more and more violent and extreme.
But those people are not really devoted and are not faithfull fans, once something uglier comes along they will change or suddenly they will just lose interrest. They are not really interrested in the technical side of the sport so they never really gets hooked.
Boxing fans are truly hooked and cannot be converted by any force on earth, this is the main difference between MMA and boxing.
Also boxing fans have no interrest in violence, to them it's a sport. They
dont engage in the endless and tiresome dumbass discussions about "what is best, karate or kungfu" who would win in a streetfight, Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris. Boxing fans dont care they just love their sport.

Not to say that there's no real fans who actually understands whats going on in MMA, of course there are. But those are not the ones driving the market.
Once that market for redneck dumbasses has be exploited or the dumbasses has gotten smarter, you'll see this so called sport crumble under it's own weight.

Halleluja, Lerru has spoken.
Especially u, noblet
sterlihalla wrote:lool my coach told me big punchers got big asses lol he was tellin me its all in the ass lol i know a exercises that i do that helps my hips and ass lol i do it sometime lol it surppose to build power.
All in the ass
Look at mike tysons ass it was huge lol

Forum Index » Profile for Larry Holmes » Messages posted by Larry Holmes
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