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Messages posted by: Larry Holmes
Forum Index » Profile for Larry Holmes » Messages posted by Larry Holmes
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I will win..when the time comes I'll shut the mouth of any bigmouth upstart.
Just wanted to share this fight with you was Tyson vs Fatny and to my surprise Tyson pulled a narrow points win.
I was very surprised that Tyson all of a sudden would master modern way of fighting, bobbing weaving counterpunching and slugging..
Plus fighting excellent off the ropes when hurt.

The fight before I just said that he was fighting old school..and he did, straight up jabbing down and moving back and was nice to see the change which proves that Mike tyson is an all time great.


Whos daddy and whats ur point on exit ?

Ill wait for u in 2 minutes so u can try to redeem urself..

Whos ur daddy ?

Proves point on exit..
Is pretty impressive right now, who is he ?
There wasnt a HTF to spoil your prime back then. Without HTF Unstop would have been totally dominant when he was in shape.
MAB, SAL ,Street and me etc would've been consumed like YACOOB flakes.
Plus the game is much more varied right now, supports more styles..theres stamina, wigling, crawling and's unknown if you could make it to HOF now LabRat.
I remember how you capitalized on the totally onesided 7-9, 7-9 - fast flurry- back to 7-9 UG style back then. I've seen how uve been totally pwned on your comeback, a TRUE HOF'er would make a comeback on any game and still make a decent showing.
Unless you make an inpact now you can't say s***t. Don't act like a relaxed, leaned back pensionist HOF whos enjoying his retirement with a cigar and a scotch, going on and on about how todays kids can't fight.
You were awsome in your time but in this universe you need to prove yourself every day or you aint NADA.
Happy Birthday T..

BTW Lab..once you were the one with a small clan of youve been reduced to Yacoobs cheerleader or Yacoobs hunchbacked servant (Yes I did say that) .. But I guess that's just the immense power of Yacoob.
Lol i made it up, it was just an example of what prop happened.
What do you mean ?
Are you one of these kind ? :
pjo6> lerry
pjo6> lerry fight me !
pjo6> Can u train me ?
* HTF went online
Fernando Vargas> I must improve my defence
pjo6> LERRY !
*HTF is starting a fight !
*Larry Holmes is starting a fight !
pjo6> U duck me !!
Larry Holmes> gl

Sorry bout it but I try to avoid fighting n00bs cause I dont want my record to appear padded.

This is a convincing KO
My point was actually that you would have to be a ko wrecking machine for years to get in lol.
But maybe there should be an " honorable mention" or "OBHOF prospects" page for those who are getting close.
In "my time" everyone who could fight and were good would get in the hof. including me lol. But today u have to be a demolition ko wrecking machine for years to be even considered. I think we have to make some rules about this.
this has blown way out of proportion lol
= "It's just a game"
Why even post at this forum, "its just a game".
I understand Nigells frustration..when someone don't give you a rematch in a titlebout then losses the title to someone's annoying.
Then when you mention it you get the "its only a game" comment which is even more annoying.
You can't just be as irritating as possible then "its only a game relax LOL !" unless your about 6 years old.

A game is something that you can and should take serious to some degree, at least try to follow the unwritten rules and treat other players with respect, if not you cause alot of frustration to other players.
When you ARE wrong in some rare cases then at least have the decency to admit it and appologize, even if you think someone else is overreacting.

Is that you in that avatar unstop ?
Forum Index » Profile for Larry Holmes » Messages posted by Larry Holmes
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