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Messages posted by: Larry Holmes
Forum Index » Profile for Larry Holmes » Messages posted by Larry Holmes
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After little thinking: its fatny ! I havent ever fought anybody whos like some kind of damn machine. But he is..its a mathematical certainty that you will lose. This guy is not human !.
So imho he is the goat of all time.
I took this off Unstops signature..but I was there as well when he said it.
This is after chrille got lucky against unstop and took his title, reaper didnt want chrille to rematch, but instead give HIM a shot.
There aint much to say other than..welcome to germany Reaper..

Reaper> i rematch everyone <----------
Reaper> remember u said u wud give me the first defense
Reaper> u dont have to defend
Reaper> u wont get banned for it
Reaper> theres no rules chrille
Reaper> no rules
Reaper> i rematch everyone <----------
U can't say, just "because u aint bad and fights everyone" you should have the all time KO record. I'm sure so many fulfill that requiement.. in fact new ones would pop up every day. U have to be a constant dangerous force that even HTF would be a little nervous fighting.
I remember Marvin Hagler, I felt like i was walking in a minefield fighting him. Everybody did.
So if you can't understand why you dont get this "title" then lets just conclude that you dont, and move on without your understanding !
I dont now the criteria for this, obviously there should be some..or else anyone with a 2-0-2 record would be considered the greatest undefeated ko artist in the world. Quality of opposition, titles won etc. has alot to say. The game has changed a lot, because of stamina almost all fights are won by ko. This gives the false impression that todays fighters are bigger punchers..what it says to ME is that they just spam their energy in less than 3 rounds, then they either ko the other guy or gets koed..then after 2 months of that they ask for "ko record" ?

I dont know a whole lot about u crilla but u ask for a lot, you're a nob and there are so many before you, like viper, hagler etc.
Be a force, someone people fear to fight. None fears u.
Win some titles, win some glory then come back.
This is just redicilous.

So my answer is, you dont deserve squat..sorry to say it but if u dont like the answer dont ask.
"DIckie lags alot"
"Dickie can make a fight feel like a year"

Yeah yeah but still never seen u rival top laggers like africans assasin and other laggers with their whopping 450 ping, sometimes more than 700.

Not taking anything away from dickie he is a great lagger just never saw him dominate laggers like African Assasin when they were in their prime time lag.
Has he at any time been the worst lagger or has he always been behind Super Laggers like African Assasin ? I'd say right now AF is pretty damn near perfect in his lagness but of course Dickie is not far behind..will he ever be the Supreme Lagger ?
Has he at any time had the worst lag or has he always been #2 after guys like African Assasin etc ?
Why do u double post ?
sterlihalla wrote:
104 defenses been undisputed champ 4 times and 104 defenses so i done well.

What do u mean by undisputed champ ?
Well there was a few times I was rated #1 p4p..dont remember who else fought at that time probably none special.
I felt a little rusty after a couple of weeks with no fighting still it was more than plenty enough to Hattonize Reaper in round 9.

Just thought I would post it not that its anything significant but since he is posting all his wins..

By round 9 after a savage beating he was totally calzaghed and could only pray to be able to go the distance. But of course The Great Lerry would not let him do such thing.

This fight clearly proves the difference between HOF'ers and upstarts like reaper who try to mention themselves in the same breath as the great HOFers .

His Excuse ?

"Your fights always takes so long thats why i dont bother lol"
BB really improved lately, HTF u cant compare him with the bb u used to fight. He is very close to HOF level if he is not already there..
You swarm the messageboard with annoying posts you have at least one post in every goddamn subject, your signature is 2 miles long and dumb as hell, you spam about ur meaningless private life, you lol constantly without any fun reason, you try to turn every subject into a reaper hate thread,you refuse to spell even the easiest words correctly, you are not able to respond to anything in a logical way, if someone tells A to you you will answer with B and end it with a LOL, you're new but you already have more than thousands worthless posts so far.

People are leaving because your goal is to annoy everyone as much as possible so yeah u cant destroy it by urself but a handful of your kind could.
So you are going to tell me that because someone talks thrash to you you judge an entire community based on him ? Are yo so dumb ?
I dont think theres one community on the web where that type dont exist, so either your a total internet nob or just plain dumb.

There are a few retards, like Reaper who has been polluting ob with his presence for a while now and would like to take all of OB down to his level.
A guy like reaper can ruin a game then when its destroyed he will say "lolz omg none play tis dumbazz game nmore" and then go hunting for another game to wreck.

Other than that the people on OB are amazing.

But trashtalk has always been part of ob, so you have to get used to it. Nobs who beat u up and refuse rematch etc. If you can't handle that then dont play games online, or just dont play games at all.
That looks easy, I'll try that strategy as well.
Forum Index » Profile for Larry Holmes » Messages posted by Larry Holmes
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