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Messages posted by: Larry Holmes
Forum Index » Profile for Larry Holmes » Messages posted by Larry Holmes
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Unstoppable wrote:ok since only nigel and fatny have the titles we can set up a series or something and u guys can get a chance to reach a feat that very few have accomplished and that is SUPERCHAMP


Agreed fatnye deserves a shot at the superchampionship.


Correction, sugarray is not there.
My all time list :
1. HTF
2. Lab
3. Lerry
5. Unstop
6. Mike Tyson
7. Fatny
8. M.A. Barrera
9. Salvador-Sanchez
10. Jermain Taylor
11. Sugarray
12. Tyrant

List over Unbeatable Champs.
Champs that for a certain amount of time was completely untouchable until someone
lured their style to end their regime.
When I mean unbeatable I mean that that person had a certain advantage in technique
and strategy and was somehow ahead of everyone else.
Their style was at the time unique and innovative and they took the game to another level.
Much like Ali or Tyson at their primes.
A slight lose of skill/form or others improving was usually enough to end their reign.
We have yet to see a fighter reaching the absolute top twice.

1) Lab
Nobody could beat him and that was the period with the greatest competition. Ruled for about 3-4 months.
He is on top of this list because the way he ruled was absolutely astonishing. Never seen anyone like that, he simply toyed with everybody and crushed them at will. All this while mocking and making a fool out of everyone. He also invented the style UG and the taunt Chicken Dance.
Couldnt or wouldnt adjust so that was the end for him.

2) HTF
Ruled about 5-6 months or so but in a slightly weaker period than lab.
Hard to measure those two I'd say thay HTF is overall better just he didnt have the same competition.

3) Mike Tyson
Ruled for about 2 months in an early but very tough era. His constant pressure just crushed everyone.
Never really regained his former dominance but still has the potential

4) MAB
Ruled for about 2-3 weeks in possible the toughest era ever. If I recall it correctly he unified when most on this list was active, including Lab. Noone came close to beating him. With his constant pressure style he must be in 100% shape or his style fails him. Suddenly he lost it and never really came back.

5) Salvador-Sanchez
Ruled with much confidence for about a month in the best era as well. Was giving Lab fits until lab took over the Unbeatable role.

6) Unstoppable.
Had about 3 months of supremacy.
He could adjust but somehow lacks concentration.
Other adjusting to his style and fatnys sudden improval ended his time at the absolute top.

7) Fatny, the current Boss.
Has the same aura as the others. Lets see how long it lasts.
He is this low on the list because he is still the boss and we can not yet put him in a historical perspective.
Sugar Ray Robinson wrote:I noticed that the last 4 times that he fought Fatny he won very convincingly every time. Is there a reason for why he only keeps getting non-title fights?

Yeah Nigel challenged me last time just didnt feel like going for it. Fatny already gave me plenty of titlefights and would give me more if I asked him.
1) Fatny..if he keep this up he could be HOF. As a matter of fact if he unifies against Newguy then I think he has done enough.
2) Unstop. Right now beats everyone more than they beat him (except fatny)
3) Sugar Ray Robinson. Has been pretty good lately, beaten me and unstop and gave Fatny a run for his money. But he didnt do it long enough to put him higher than 3
4) Me. I suck right now or the others or just too good now.
5) Tyson. He sucks even more
6) NG he just dont fight.
Pretty impressive, a throwback to the old days of defending champions. Zero paper there !
Alright you defended your not a ducker after all.
Where should I be it's not my title..just stating the facts you didnt defend then used excuses like all the others..the game was working well after that w15 1 dope mexican but where were you ?

Next time you pull a post like this make sure you prove you qualities as a champ first.
Sugar Ray Robinson wrote:
Larry Holmes wrote:Bump ! Funny !

For your information, it's not my fault that every time I've tried to log on over the last week or so, the damn game has been down. I have a life. I'm not going to sit here 24 hours a day to wait when the server is up. Maybe you could do that though since you have no life at all. Good job.

For a pretended n00b you have a big mouth. Im sure all the other paperchamps had similar excuses. Funny how they all "get a life" as soon as they have a title. Next time dont be so quick to judge others.
Bump ! Funny !
I think it's over. fatny said he would retire and forfeit the tournment. Then it stopped.
Loose Cannon wrote:OB has changed so much in the year that I took off... It's still fun, but not as good as I remember it. More people defended titles and less people had all these grudges.

All that seems to go on now is constant bickering over who is who, what username is someone using and the titles are rarely defended. Hopefully the golden days of OB aren't gone forever.

Wtf are u talkng about ? I've never seen a time without bickering over who is who. And with good reason some of them are so annoying.
The golden days are only over if people stop playing the game.
Yes that was great. You koed me right on the bell.
Dont retire Fatny your a great fight dont let bad losers (cough cough) make you quit. Your the first to ever beat me in the stamina game and I dont wanna see you quit before that style is cracked
Paul Dion wrote:haha no wonder i struggled beating you, your a vet! hmph

The record of 1597-1338 didnt tip you off ?
Lerry TKO9 blanco
Lerry KO3 Blanco
Forum Index » Profile for Larry Holmes » Messages posted by Larry Holmes
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