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Messages posted by: Barrack Obama
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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I didn't vacate, and I've defended that title regularly of late. Strange. It's cool though. I'm glad the glitch was finally fixed. Hopefully, Redviper will give me a crack soon. I'm already rated #1.
Hey Paul. How about giving me a shot? Everyone knows that title is really mine. There shouldn't be split titles in a division. Give me the opportunity to finally merge them. After that you'll have to beat me to get a title. That's the way it should be instead of having some paper title floating around.

Again, I gave you plenty of shots. Just remember this. Anyone that doesn't give me a shot at that split title will no longer be given shots at all. Hence, you don't want to piss me off because I will eventually correct this glitch and hold every title. Be fair Paul.
Dick wrote:Whose yur gf, the pretty one or the ugly one?

You're lucky that Redneck is currently with you. You couldn't get a girl even if you paid one. She'd just give you your money back and walk away in disgust.
Redneck wrote:barrack..go cry. Its funny that you are never online to defend your title. You Paper-Champ.

It's called having a job, dumbass.

Look at my record, I defend plenty during the evenings.
Dick wrote:Agree with you Redneck, Goldenshower stands for Tyson intelligence here.

I think it's now pretty apparent that you and Redneck take showers together. It's also rather embarassing that you choose to associate yourself with such vermin. It says a lot about your character.
Hopefully I can get a shot from the winner so I can finally fix the glitch in OBW. You guys better not duck considering that I've given each of you plenty of shots of late.
edder1234 wrote:Im an idiot then right?>?? when i got the title i kept defending so wat am i??

We know you're a very good fighter and you're probably better than TKO, but TKO finally eradicated us of that fungus that was too scared to fight the top fighters.

I'm pretty sure he'll give you a shot tomorrow.
I agree with HTF. Enjoy it for a day Champ.
This victory is so great that he needs to bask in it for a day. I say he deserves it. I know TKO will defend against you guys tomorrow.
TKO wrote:I am finally a champion and I don't want to defend it the same day I get it. But now everyone doesn't seem to like me I don't get why. Anyway now I'm being called a ducker and redneck jr. Goldenboy says i don't deserve the title if I don't defend the first time I get it. But I don't what none of yall say I'm doing what HTF told me to do.

So all yall haters please shut up.

P.S. I would be defending it tomrrow

Congratulations. I'm proud of you for finally exposing the coward. I know you're going to defend your title tomorrow. Enjoy the victory.

I probably won't be able to fight at all tomorrow because of work and then an engagement afterwards, but I look forward to fighting you for the title. If you're going to defend it against someone else, just make sure it's someone that will defend it proudly against the best available opposition.

Good job.
I'm sure you all know, but I thought I'd publish it.

With the exception of TRPCHE, any fighter that is logged on under a ping of 140-150 will very likely be Redneck.
Redneck wrote:i think dick is right here. Whats wrong with you Barrack? You wanna face a Champ with a bad ping but you duck if same Ex-Champ wants a shot from you? What the fuck is wrong with you? This is against all logic.


That was when I first came back and had zero titles. Did I get my shot? I don't think so.

Dick wrote:Please stick to the subject Sal: when I am champ I should give you a shot and when you are champ you dont give me a shot ....?

You should take some basic logic courses when you begin high school.
Dick wrote:So let me get this right:
When I am champ I should give you a shot and when you are champ you dont give me a shot ....
You are a funny guy Sal.

What don't you understand? The basic principles don't apply to you because you have a high ping/lag filled connection. I don't even consider you a legit top 10 power ranked fighter. I only count players with real connections.
Dick wrote:Both of you duck fighters, both are duckers.

I don't duck anyone in this game. Do you count? Of course not. I don't count players with choppy/lag filled connections.

Now go play with your boyfriend Redneck.
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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