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Messages posted by: Barrack Obama
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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I haven't had a chance to check it out yet. I was wondering if anyone plays this version because everyone seems to be playing OB 2D regularly.

Tyrant wrote:By you saying anyone who doesn't agree with you isn't a student of the game and are all teenagers living in their parent's basements just shows me what type of mentality you're working with.

I don't need to waste my time with that.

It was the best way for me at the time to get my point across to you Ty. It's me Salvador, bro. I couldn't remember my forum password info so I created this name under the ID that I've been under since I came back two weeks ago. Good to see you again. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
Tyrant wrote:Obama, I consider myself a fairly good student of the game.

But also in logic as well. I just don't see the point of factoring in draws and losses.

When you knock your opponent out, you win the fight. Therefor it makes sense to tally KO percentage based on actual wins.

If you go 5-5-1 (5KOs). You have a KO percentage of 100%. Because you "WON" 5 fights and WON BY KNOCKOUT in 5 out of those 5 fights. What does counting those 5 losses and 1 draw get you other than a 45% KO average?

It would be a different story if you could knock your opponent cold and still lose the fight. Which realistically only happens via DQ if say you hit him while he was down.

It's subjective, but I feel KO percentage should only be based on wins since it goes on your record as a "W" when you KO someone.

Well you aren't a student of the game if you still don't get it. Nor are you a student of the game if you deny the Sweet Science's method.

Perhaps the current method works for teenagers, 20 year olds still living in their parent's basements, or people that just don't understand the sport. I will continue to vehemently contend that the current method is one-dimensional, an inaccurate reflection of reality. However, to each their own, even when their own is a flawed and limited perspective.
goldenboy88 wrote:that might work for real boxing. but then again they dont have thousands and thousands of fights.

The total number of fights doesn't make a difference. The concept is still the same.

In fact, it makes even more sense to use this calculation here because we do have some people that have thousands of fights. This means that typically someone with that many fights will be someone that is very experienced/skilled. Having a high percentage of KOs in comparison to total wins can be deceiving because although that person may win more of their fights by KO, they may also have a high KO loss percentage or it could reflect how poor of a boxer that person is.

For example, would you really want to give this person props?

John Smith OB Record

5000 wins
4900 KOs
8000 losses
10 draws

This person yields a 98% KO rate per the current calculation system.

Per my proposed system this person's actual KO percentage is 38%

Now isn't it evident which calculation reflects the person's overall caliber as a fighter?

This person's record merely reflects that if and when he wins, it's usually by KO. However, this in no way captures the individual's overall skill, and that is my overall point. In summary, the current calculation system is quite flawed.

Tyrant wrote:That is the most absurd thing I've heard...

When you KO someone, you win...therefor your only take into account your wins...not losses and draws....

How is it ridiculous? It's an accurate representation because it takes every fight into consideration. It's the way the professional ranks do it.

The way you guys have been doing it is one's KO Percentage in Total Victories and that's not really as impressive as the overall picture, IMO.

You're a student of the game, aren't you Tyrant?
monkeytail wrote:Did you learn this valuable information the same time as you were gaining the rest of your wisdom and knowledge being a community organizer on the south side of Chicago?

one question though..... why is it always southside.... what about the north east and westside...?

I actually learned this following the sport of boxing. However, I will give some credit to some of the celebrities I hang out with.
goldenboy88 wrote:how does that make sence? your ko % should only be your wins correct?

That's not how it works.

The correct KO ratio takes into consideration one's losses and draws. This new percentage yields an accurate representation of what one's knockout percentage is against all opponents in all of our fights.

Hence, if you lose a fight, that counts against your KO percentage because you didn't score a KO.

It makes sense too because this percentage captures the full picture. This is why this KO percentage is used in the sport of boxing.
I've noticed that many of you have been incorrectly calculating your KO percentage by dividing your total number of KOs into your total number of victories. However, this is incorrect.

The correct way to calculate one's actual KO percentage is to divide your total number of KOs into your total number of fights (wins, losses, and draws).

Red Viper wrote:
The Contender wrote:
Ray Johnson wrote:I'm going to guess you're Rocky.. and if you are, wow:

Rocky aka The Contender the 2nd best technical boxer in this game. he is patient with his fighting and flawless with his approach. he can also slug very well and his name says it all. he truly is a contender for any title he decides to fight for.

I don't know if you're right or wrong or if you're rocky or not.. but if you are rocky.. then you really love yourself

I did not do these rankings and I don't have a slightest clue who did. Do you REALLY think I would ever include anyone with a lag like Boon has in any of the rankings I make? Funny detail is that I was just informed about this by Boon.

While I find these power rankings to be fine I would have personally included Profsback in top 10 and myself as 3rd but that is just my personal opinion.

Just in case these is any confusion some mod could and should compare IP's just to confirm that I did not do these rankings.

I hate to say this but I have to disagree with you on this one. Prof is not top 10 material because he has good boxing skills but his defence sucks. I can beat Prof easily when I trap Prof at the corner. Even California Kid can beat this chump, so erase Prof from the fighters to watch list and replace him with TRPCHE, Polski and California Kid.

The reason is because California beaten Prof. Polski is a very good fighter with pretty good offensive skills. He gave me a good fight yesterday. As for TRPCHE, he is a very underrated fighter with good skills and he does fight a lot better than his record shows.

Boon is not top 10 Material? You have to got to be kidding me right. Boon is defiatnly top 10 material in my book. Lag or not, he has very good boxing skills and can beat most of the fighters that are in this game and possibly some of the top 10 fighters.

The person I should add to the top 10 list is Barack Obama A.K.A. Salvador Sanchez because he has exceptional boxing skills and is very close to the top five.

Including yourself 3rd? Um, I don't think so. My win against you yesterday just proved myself to be the 3rd best in this game. The 4th spot is the right spot for you.

Heres my opinion for top 10
1. Fatny
2. Black Bear
3. Red Viper
4. The Contender
5. X-treme Skillz
6. Salvador Sanchez.
7. Nigel Benn
8. Dirk Diggler A.K.A. Boon
9. Goldenboy69
10. Jigsaw

Rankings Update
I put Goldenboy ahead of chopper because goldenboy beaten him in the tournament

Salvador Sanchez becomes the number six spot.

Nigel and Boon moved down into a rank.

X-treme sKillz is a lot better than number eight, so hes defiantly top 5 material.

1-4 are stayed the same.

More fighters are added to the watched fighters list.

Here are the fighters to watch list.

Captain America
California Kid
40 time Online Boxing Champion- all of my accounts
17- OBC
8- OBA
7- OBW
4- SA
2- NA
2- OBF
Greatest Slugger in OB History
Greatest KO Artist in OB History
Member Since Februray 2003
Will be a future HOF
OB Name- Red Viper

I just came back this past weekend so who knows where I fit into the mix right now. However, I don't understand how you can rate yourself #3 when a washed up vet like me is 10-1 against you after less than week of playing against you. Perhaps it's just styles but many of the guys that you rate below you give me better fights.

Don't take it the wrong way. You're a very good fighter, but I think you give yourself more credit than what you really should. Hey, I'm not afraid to admit I'm rusty and washed up right now. I'll need at least a month or two to shake the cobwebs off.
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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