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Messages posted by: Dick E. Boon
Forum Index » Profile for Dick E. Boon » Messages posted by Dick E. Boon
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HTF I just explained you why I denied your challenges and I stated I had been pretty active last week. According to Mikkels rule a champ must defend once week, I defended like 10 times last week, every time I was online and every time against fighters that would give me a shot too. You are not one of them.
When you were champ you declined so many of my challenges HTF (Oh Boon I am tired, Boon your ping is too high, I have to go etc etc). I don´t blame you, but don´t start crying on the forum when I don´t fight you. I simply don´t fight people that don´t fight me when they are champ. What goes around comes around kid.
I had 10 defenses in 7 days againt Trpche, Slugger and Yacoob. I also offered Fatny a shot but he refused. Correct I don´t give shots to HTF and never will because he ducks me when he is champ.
yup nice pics indeed.
There are plenty of fighters online when I wanna fight.
Yes htf = here to fight
Yes htf = very rude
Yes htf = a great fighter
Yes htf = an arrogant prick
Thanks for the post Nicola. Most people play around 21.00 Eastern American time, so that would be bed time for you, around 02.00 Norway time.
Last couple of days it´s been a bit quiet. The champ isn´t defending much against class opposition so people lose interest. Hope we can fight soon.

I dont think these guys are cheaters eithers. But if they are, just don't fight them. I don't understand this whole thread and the other thread where Redneck announces his retirement. Just dont fight the guys you dont wanna fight and problem solved.
I like the current settings. Amen.
Take a look at this fight, Boon vs Trpche today:
The jab won me the fight.
Viper there are rumors of you having 5 final good bye fights before hanging them up for good, scheduled for January 2011. Is that true?
Nice pic Josh. Is the referee in the pic Ultimate Fighter winner Roy Nelson?
Mikkel wrote:I think in general it's good that the search engine doesnt have access to endless pages of strange data. I mean look at those keywords ? "The Smashing Machine","Bozo The Clown" and "popeye". Then on top of all that "The Sniper". No search engine can make sense of it.

I agree, not until the search bot sees the name Dick E. Boon he knows to categorize this website as gay porn.
I love it when these big boys collide. Brock Lesnar makes me think a Red Viper somehow. Of course I would be Cain Velasquez ...
Thx for spending some time on OB2D and I love to see that this game is back!
Great to see you are back! (whoever your are ...)
Forum Index » Profile for Dick E. Boon » Messages posted by Dick E. Boon
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