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Messages posted by: Dick E. Boon
Forum Index » Profile for Dick E. Boon » Messages posted by Dick E. Boon
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OMG, the game has lost its credibility, TRPCHE champ???? I call that title inflation!!

Hehe, nice work champ!
Redneck, take your head out of Mikkels ass please.
Red Viper wrote:Yep, the last fighter that I have nailed with just all shorts uppercuts was Reaper. Before he went down on the mat, I nailed him with four short uppercuts and axed his head off in seconds.

The fire is still there Viper, that's a good thing. And you can make some noise with the current settings, they tend to be sug favourites.
Baby come back!!
Rick James the musician?
She's a very kinky girl, the kind you don't take home to mother ....
Great music.
How can I freeze a fight Unstop?

And to Mikkel, I didnĀ“t know he froze. I threw 2 jabs in his face to see if he would move. All I saw was fear in his eyes.

This is me fighting Unstop on his alt yesterday so you know where the fear is coming from:

Tonight I am gonna knock this Joker out and hand him over his retirement cheque.
Yes I hit him once to see if he was there! When it seemed he wasn't I logged off, what else could I do? Then I logged on two times later on to fight Unstop. One time he was fighting Alca Trash and the second time he wasnt there. Tonight we will fight again.
Yes Boon is for real and Unstop is the first one to get knocked out tonight.
no worries mate
i signed on right after the fight, then you were fighting alca trash
i was online again now but you werent there
lets fight tomorrow
didnt do this on purpose, gotta believe me
mikkel if you want to strip me no problem
very happy with the new settings!
I agree with you guys. Setting are over done now, the settings of say 1 month ago just needed a little adjustment.
johnbludger wrote:Heres my bio, made by Boon & Fatny.

Elected: Sept. 17-2010
Won: 4059
Lost: 1856
Draw: 34
KO: 3972
Quote: "He's also the last to become Superchamp with an incredible Title Record. " ~Dick E. Boon & Fatny

Eeeeh John, Fatny and I never wrote that, you did!
You forgot to add the Parental Advisory label John.

It hurts my eyes to see legends like Vargas, Fatny, Mike Tyson and friends like Trpche go down face first after you tested their chins with your right hand, often followed up by that sneaky short hook while on the way to the canvas already.
server not responding
The new settings might mean the end of Fatnys career. I dont see him stand there and trade punches with the new generation under the new power settings.
Viper these new setting are perfect for you. I expect you back in the ring soon. I think you might be able to make some noise now and maybe even win a title.
Forum Index » Profile for Dick E. Boon » Messages posted by Dick E. Boon
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