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Messages posted by: Dick E. Boon
Forum Index » Profile for Dick E. Boon » Messages posted by Dick E. Boon
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We got TRPCHE back on board but still no sign of living legend Red Viper
Who has any news on the current whereabouts of former title challenger and human punching bag Trpche?
Klitschko vs Haye, the biggest fight since Trpche vs Dick E. Boon, is on!
Im a Haye fan but I think he bit off more than he can chew.
Although I regret Vipers decision to hang the gloves up for a while, I respect and understand his decision. Vipers a winner. He wont play once in a while to get knocked out. Vipers here to win. With his crowd pleasing style he will make a huge impact on the game once he announces his come back. We cant wait ..... In the mean time, Viper good luck with the study. First things first. Yur a wise man.
Good to hear from you Viper.
The big questions is of course why you are never playing this game no more?
Game is ok, not as many players as a few months back, but still ppl are playing and enjoying hitting each other in the face.
title says it all.
I want my shot Mikkel! Iam on a 18 fight win streak Iam the #1 contender and I want my shot.
In ´my time´ a tattoo was only for a very few, nowadays it seems 50% of the youngsters have a tattoo. Gone is the tabu on the tattoo.
I wonder what that gun tattoo looks like in 20 years from now.
try beating a laggy boon mikkel! thats a challenge
Cant the 3 of you take a private room somewhere? Put it on my bill.
slip - jab goes right thru the defense? How can you block this punch? What an unpleasant surprise after 4 weeks of absence.
Horrible, just horrible.
Iam in Europe at the moment, will be playing again in about 1 weeks time.
sterlihalla wrote:I seen u duck alot of people that cud of had shots all u was bothered about was talking on chat and declineing challengers.
Reason for 2 is because of people like u.

You are probably too dumb to realise it but you just proved my point
Just force the champ to defend more, to be more active. That solves the problem Captain. Once that change is made, why to have 2 belts?
johnbludger wrote:Boon what do you think about bring back another title? If theres 19 players online at once then I think there should be another title but thats just me.

Here comes the official Boon opinion: keep 1 belt but force the champ to defend more. 1 time a week is not enough. The champ has other things to do than defending his belt? Fine, strip him and give the belt to people that are more active. My proposal is the champ has to defend at least once every 2 days against 2 different people (negotiable). If not he is automatically stripped and the belt goes to the number 1 challenger.
Forum Index » Profile for Dick E. Boon » Messages posted by Dick E. Boon
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