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Messages posted by: Dick E. Boon
Forum Index » Profile for Dick E. Boon » Messages posted by Dick E. Boon
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Fatny feel free to defend the belt. I am not sure if I can be online tonight or tomorrow. I don't want to use it as an excuse but I broke my little 2 toe 2 weeks ago. This prevented me from landing my Boon shots. I have to see a doctor this weekend.
Gf champ, and Gl with defending. Sharks like Yacoob, Vargas, Trpche and PB will be coming after you!
Thats good news! Maybe the new Viper will stand up!
Viper came back guys! 18 fights with 11 wins last night. He is on the right track!
But Viper I work 8 hours a day as well and still find time to whoop ass. Redneck works 2 hours a day and also plays. I am sure you can do the same. It´s relaxing playing an hour a day and we can use a fighter like you to shake up the division.
Come online tonite yacoob and you get the chance to redeem yourself.
And we still don't know who sent the Viper into retirement. Somebody out there knows it and it's about time they tell the truth. Maybe we should hand out a reward as some might don't want to say they knocked Viper out, cause they know Viper might come back to prove them wrong.
Indeed, Maxie last night claimed to have sent Red Viper into retirement. Maxie apparently whooped Viper so bad Viper hung up the glooves for good. Finally closure for all those who wondered why Viper wasn't playing no more. Thank you Maxie for coming out with the truth.
The nominees are:
1) Yacoob
2) Rocky
3) Dark Destroyer
4) Redneck never ending talking
5) Boons jab+lag
6) His mother
Redneck wrote:
BlaBla wrote: This is the best boxing game i have played, and ive played all the greats.

I think only 1percent of this guys knows that this game exists. But i am sure mikkel gets the honor he deserves one day...

Lets hope Mikkel doesnt cut of one of his ears or jumps of a bridge before that.
How can one ignore a love letter like this?
I'll be back soon, and I might bring Mr Viper along with me.
See you buddy!
I want to marry Redneck. This guy is too good to be true. He is more loyal than my dog. He is Gods gift to OB.
sterlihalla wrote:I returned after obviously being retired and i am stil semi retired every now and again i come online.
I fought the champion boon dickie and early rounds i had lost being knocked down more than 4 times being outboxed i decided to walk boon down antonio magarito style.
So i jus went to the body all night long intill boon faded then i knocked him out and became the new champ.
Reaper jus broke ur fine china

you freeze ko'd me puppet! rewatch the last rd!
I shut down my store but will re-open again on Sunday!
street bully was never heard from again but fernando vargas aka pena found his way to this game again!
Forum Index » Profile for Dick E. Boon » Messages posted by Dick E. Boon
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