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Messages posted by: BlackBear
Forum Index » Profile for BlackBear » Messages posted by BlackBear
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donny, move the other power rankings thread last month to 'history of OB'

So we can all look back at it.
See reaper, everyone else agree's with me,

Nigel is right your record is padded, including title defenses.

Mikkel I personally think he should be stripped from the titles he has, but at the end of the day it is all up to you.
I am sure everyone would agree with me when i say this, I believe that reaper should be stripped from the titles that he has,


Because he has only defended his titles against noobs, and is just building up his records, when other title contenders come online he makes up stupid excuses about he cannot fight due to his keyboard, which is a bold face lie, he fought yesterday with no problems, and yet still told me he isnt going to defend his title because of his keyboard.

He should be stripped, or i do believe that it the system should be the way it was before with scheduled title fights, and if the champion doesnt come online he loses it.

Please take this under consideration.
I recently lost to Larry Holmes due to decision, well it froze on round 11 or 12, scorecards wasnt far apart.

End of the day i lost the title, ah well

Now I am seeking for a title,

Watch out current Champs, Here comes the BEAR!


You ducked me, ducked every other person you know you'll lose to, you are no champ.

Paper chump more like.
Not For Long . . .
wow, i never would have expected this from you larry , but thank you.

I'll be waiting for that rifle tyrant.
I will soon become the champ,

Im waiting for you unstop...

I personally think that paying again would lose alot of players but at the end of the day its all up to mikkel.

However if it did come bback i wouldnt e able to afford it since i have no money coming in and therefore i would retire as a OB fighter.
Yep i remember fighting you back in 2003,

Looking foreward to seeing you in the ring,

Welcome back.
Iam now going to be inactive for a while, you guys may see me online sometimes when i am free.

Started first day of college today, i think its shit lol but for now i gotta concentrate on that.

I'll be back... Just not yet.

Later everyone.

I will stop as soon as you stop point hogging and don't give rem's.

Ok you fought me today, maybe because it wasnt for any points? am i right?

If it was for points you wouldnt have fought me, thats a fact, me and everyone on OB knows.
Personally, no you shouldn't.

Answer me this,

What kind of leader would you be if you lose against fighters who you should really be beating as your the leader?
Sorry to burst your bubble lads, but Mikkel already said new ideas would be considered in OB3D not in 2D.

So this is a suggestion for OB3D, good idea though.
^^^ Exactly.

It just shows how hated u really are on OB.

How does it feel?
Forum Index » Profile for BlackBear » Messages posted by BlackBear
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