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Messages posted by: BlackBear
Forum Index » Profile for BlackBear » Messages posted by BlackBear
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The stamina is way too high, it doesnt go down i prefered it the way it was, unless this is a bug.
i agree BlackRed is a good fighter with great hand speed, tough to beat.
should be shorter, something like 2 mins each round real time and yes the stamina goes down way too quick but a good thing for boxers and not for sluggers who use power punches every time.

You Shut The F**k Up.
I was wondering if it would be possible to have a stats chart at the end of each fight, just like a scorecard.
For Example,

Punches Thrown:
Punches Landed:
Average: %

Then we could have a rankings system, showing who has the best punch accuracy.

Not sure if it would work, but i think it would be great to include it into OB.

Feel free to post any other ideas/comments.
You cant even beat me, let alone fatny.
i think ill give fatny a good fight for the title,

HTF took him to 15 rounds and fought well,

recently ive beaten HTF twice, im not saying i can beat him all the time and that maybe he was rusty, i have also been beating sugarray by rounds also, maybe he wasnt on form, i've also been causing larry trouble by taking rounds and giving him a hard fight, but i do think i can i have a chance against fatny
thanks guys,

I really appreciate it, and those who think im a padder, just step in the ring with me, and we will see.
ShockandAwe wrote:black bear HTF would destroy you.. considering I have beaten you and I am fairly new

Don't get too happy that you beat me.

He has beat me twice, i have beat him once.

We have only had 3 fights against eachother, that doesnt mean nothing.

We had them fights quite a while ago, but i have improved, i think i can beat him.
wow, im a padder? i can't recall me being one.

HTF i think i have what it takes to beat you.

el capillo, i don't have a clue who you are.

thanks sugarray, we always have great fights.

Boxa im suprised, we've had some great fights back in the day, i do think your a better fighter than me but i can also get some victories against you.
If your going to go, Just go. I never did like racist people, so just do us all a favour and never come back.
i agree with sugarray's current top 10.
I'm good enough, my record says it all...

GCSE's its over now so i finally can relax and hurt people
Im back everyone after 2 weeks or so doing my exams iam finally back to cause havoc

Ill see you all in the ring
Fatny has easilly become a legend in this game, he has destroyed everyone and will always give a title shot. I think other people should have a chance also fatny is a legend without a doubt
Forum Index » Profile for BlackBear » Messages posted by BlackBear
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