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Messages posted by: Rocky Marciano
Forum Index » Profile for Rocky Marciano » Messages posted by Rocky Marciano
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You are correct.

Either way Ricky Hatton just ducked me big time.
Ricky Hatton is Fernando Vargas so you can all stop claiming to be Hatton.

Congrats Vargas for finally making it. I suppose you had to do it this way since no one but me gave you title shots. You had to go and hide behind alts like we talked about
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There is no server at all at the moment.

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Barrack Obama wrote:
Rocky Marciano wrote:"239 posts in 5 months isn't a lot"

It is a lot HERE and that is all that matters my friend.

"I don't post that often, well at least not as much as you do."

Not only it is a lot HERE but it is also way more than I post. You can find your own original claim I was replying to you quoted above. Stop making BS claims out of your ass. You are wrong again.

"What's that saying?"

It is saying you were WRONG in your original claim that he was up in all 3.

Now stop talking pure BS and just admit it is you making all those alts.

I'm sure you have a lot of forum posting alts. Hence, that would put you above me for sure.

Stop being so paranoid Rocky. If you want to look at the King of Alts, look in the mirror.

Actually I have only really use this name to post on these forums so you are wrong again. Other two names I have used to post here have less than [insert some small number here, I dont have time to check] posts in total. Since you did not make any BS claims (well you did not do any claims) on your last post I consider this discussion to be over. Next time please check the facts before you get all heated and start posting... Have a happy weekend!
Dark Destroyer wrote:
Barrack Obama wrote:I don't know bro. Looking through his record, he's fought and defended against most of the current top 10. You really can't fault someone for the fact that many very good fighters are retired. He's basically cleaned up what's currently here.

I can fault someone who clearly knows the game well. If someone like John became super champion, he would just be lucky he was in a era where all the greats were nowhere to be seen and would deserve his success, but this Hatton guy is more calculated. He was obviously around when all the big guns were, but seems to have made a new identity to probably achieve a better win/loss record which is why he probably ducks. Another possible reason for this alt creation is that he is probably seen as a right dick under his proper name so a change of character might rack up them votes. Just an observation, could be wrong, just seems extremely suspicious.

If I am not mistaken this guy used an alt that was made in 2003.
"239 posts in 5 months isn't a lot"

It is a lot HERE and that is all that matters my friend.

"I don't post that often, well at least not as much as you do."

Not only it is a lot HERE but it is also way more than I post. You can find your own original claim I was replying to you quoted above. Stop making BS claims out of your ass. You are wrong again.

"What's that saying?"

It is saying you were WRONG in your original claim that he was up in all 3.

Now stop talking pure BS and just admit it is you making all those alts.

Your just too funny Salvador. You rant to Red Viper about this and that and how he should carry himself when you are exactly the same. Red Viper gets all angry when he feels he is not given credit he deserves and makes a posts all in red. You made a post and some people, including me, replied not agreeing giving reasons why they disagree with you. Ever since you have been posting a lot (well you were posting a LOT before that too) whining acting all hurt feeling you were not given credit you think you deserve. Seriously where is the difference? There is none.

Wait! I admit I am wrong. There is a difference! Red Viper makes his post all in red while you use plain black.

You are not in any position to talk to Red Viper the way you have been talking to him. Also Red Viper is entitle to make his post the way he does and it is none of your business.

By the way Weed was not up in all 3 fights. You are wrong again but that's hardly surprising. Facts have never been your strong point. You always fail to check facts and talk out of your ass not having a clue. This is not the first time

"I don't post that often,"

Oh please. Do I really have to (again) dig up the fact of you making close to half the post and threads in OB in just few months than I have made in about two years.

Registration date: 13/08/2008 19:11:13
Number of messages posted: [239] Messages posted by Barrack Obama

Created topics: [20] Topics created by Barrack Obama

Registration date: 19/03/2007 18:04:56
Number of messages posted: [521] Messages posted by Rocky Marciano

Created topics: [48] Topics created by Rocky Marciano

LMAO! 239 posts in less than 5 months. Seriously Salvador just stop with the BS please. You talk a lot but always get shown wrong by facts. Why an earth wont you check what you are talking about before making these posts of yours...

ps. Why don't you just man up and admit it is you behind all those alts
"Wasn't Unbeaten one of your alts?"

Quite funny I was just about to ask the same. I retired the guy by schooling him in a title match. He kept ducking me for weeks and finally got courage to accept my challenge. Unbeaten, Ricky Hatton etc. are all same guy in my honest opinion and again yes I do think it is you behind those alts. However, you will of course deny it.

"Anyways, Lion King, Weed Grinder, and Manny Pacquiao took the titles from you and Vargas."

Vargas got lagged to hell by some alt. I dont care enough to go check which one it was. I was there to see once the lag tricks. They boxed maybe once or twice. Big frigging whoopy doo. Couple of matches mean... shit. As a bonus it does not matter since all these alts popping up are by same person plus maybe his friend. Lion King ducked me. I never boxed him since he never accepted. Manny Pacquiao same story- ducked me. They are the same guy (and his friend or something) anyway. I beat his alts before he made those. There were quite few. Anyway I was not really even playing and only popping up once every now and then just to box all these new alts. Despite me being rusty as hell Weed managed to lose close to all rounds and then put on download (or something else) to lag it to hell. I suppose it was the same guy and he finally managed to squeeze out a win. Big frigging whoopi doo. I can do the same to let's say Fatny but that would not exactly count, would it? Hell I could even win a single match again Fatny legit (luck is a factor) but then again that also would mean... nothing.

"I remember reading the forum where he (Vargas) announced his retirement and Dirk pointed out that it was probably because he had just gotten schooled by Manny Pacquiao. I watched the fight and you could see the frustration in him."

LMAO. Get a clue Salvador and please stop trying to figure out why other people do things they do. You never get it right. Vargas does not have time for OB at the moment. Other than being busy with work and other more official things he was also going trough and maybe still is some troubling issues in his life. He'll get back when he can.

"I think it's funny how you always talk about being able to beat everyone.

I never talk about being able to beat everyone. That's you writing your typical BS. Period. I can hold my own and lose to some people time after time. Larry is a good example. Now since this is not the first time you come and write BS like this for you: I c-a-n n-o-t b-e-a-t e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e. Please try to get that and never ever claim such thing again. End of story.

By the way why do you even care so much if you are not even playing the game? It should not matter to you since it does not concern you. You seem to post awful lot... Now why dont you just fess up it's you behind all those alts.

Tyrant wrote:Either way, he accomplished the task. I'll add him to the list.

Should you not first clear out his identity. He might already been on the HOF list and adding ALTs to HOF list is more than lame.
"The nobodies he beat were guys whom I believe took two titles from Rocky and Vargas, two very good fighters in their own right."

This is simply put not true. I am afraid you are talking about something you do not know about Salvador. Vargas never lost legit to anyone else but me. Yeah for sure some alt lag trick Koed him and then immediately logged off to avoid rm. Does not really count, does it?

I GAVE Vargas a title and left which was also the reason I gave him a title in the first place. Later on I came back. Vargas was getting frustrated both with people not giving him title shots (those alts) and new alts (same guy) using lag tricks to tko/ko him. I asked for my title back and Vargas GAVE it back to me. Then he wanted to box for real for his second title and we boxed and I won. He retired from OB for now but he will be back when he again has time for OB. Now the reason why he left is a combination of people not giving him title shots and not really having time for OB at the moment.

At some point I TKOed this alt guy hogging the titles taking one of his titles. He retired that alt and make new ones. I suppose I got lag trick KOed by one of his alts at one point, just like Vargas got and for sure the guy logged off immediately It really was a nice trick and I fell for it in a position where he lost ever single round. It really did not matter that much anyway. See in the end I had to go again because of not having time to defend and play and I GAVE one of my titles to Boon as x-mas gift So I left with a title and picked a guy to give it as a gift.

Also this Ricky Hatton has never given me a title shot. I asked for one and he declined despite me being rusty and playing on bad computer. I dont blame him since he has been making lot of alts for a good while and I had pleasure of TKOing those alts of his few times.

"I use to think it was Vargas but from the looks of it, he actually retired Vargas. Maybe it's Ashton? Greg Haugen? "

I used to think it is you and still think it is you my dear Salvador.

I would like to get in on this with my own team: Team Rocky Marciano

Where are the team lists?

Who all were on Paul's team? I could take it over... provided that Trpeche is on that team.

How do I pick boxers?

So many things I need to know!

OB is the same as ever...
I am not active and have not been for a good while apart from making few silly alts while having access only to silly dial up type (when it comest o speed) of connection and grand old slowwww computer, that can not even handle ob2d.

I just got home but am leaving town again tomorrow. Starting from next Monday I will once again have access to good connection and computer. Provided that I have time I will try to play some OB again and stay active.
Forum Index » Profile for Rocky Marciano » Messages posted by Rocky Marciano
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