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Messages posted by: monkeytail
Forum Index » Profile for monkeytail » Messages posted by monkeytail
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Chutebox got his ass handed yo him Saturday Nite.
Im not saying JT could come back now and dominate people. I am saying that JT based upon what he has done already without ever fighting another fight should be inducted in HOF... Why does HOF have to be current fighters at the time someone just decides hey we need another HOF'er. Just like the true HOF many greats get overlooked for yrs based on bias and JT is one of them. Tyrant the gayest OB fighter (next to Punchyboy) should also be inducted not cause what he is now, but for what he has done for OB. He was not only a great (gay) fighter but he also was a great trainer. Who btw trained the last 2 HOF'ers before Fatny. Those credentials by themselves should get him inducted if the HOF is a true representation of skills.

Ok this is my last post about the bias of the HOF. aka. Haugen being in and JT and Tyrant not being in.
I think the HOF fighters that have been inducted during my time were all legit, except Haugen, but thats just my opinion. Although I do feel that at least one was over-looked bad because of a few HOF'ers personal feelings. With that said the only 2 that i feel should have been HOFers is Jermain Taylor and Tyrant ( I still hate you gay style) as for any HOF'ers at this present time I dont see the talent out there yet. There are a few up and comers that may develop into HOF'ers, but overall the HOF is pretty legit. It should be hard to get in the HOF or else what would it really mean to be inducted.

sterlihalla wrote:why wud people want to pm u because of a post?

I have no idea???
i'd pay to play for sure... not sure it would be my account but there are a few guys out there i'd pay for with no problem. I dont fight enough to pay but enjoy watching quality fights and fighters.... I say pay to play and the guys out there ( u know who im talking about) just pm me with the info. i d be more than happy to cover ya for 3 months, and to all the d**ckheads out there dont bother PMing me,, What comes around goes around
Happy B-day old man. Seems like every year you young bucks are getting closer and closer to catching the Monkster in years. Just remember don't drink to much of the punch even if you know them..

Just one more comment about not being Just Watching.... JW im pretty sure I know who you are and for the record Monk has nothing to do with zero tolerence or the leader from this point forward hes becoming a joke.
This Just Watching character is not me. Not sure who he is but evidently hes hiding behind JW. Show your true identity sir.
I'm looking for a response from Toos, Kid and the Cynical one. Time to join. The only qualifications here:
Captain Morgan is drank in the corner.
There will be no decisions either KO them or get KO'ed
Trash talk is fine. But there is Zero tolorence to ignorance.

And if my spelling is bad, thats your problem drink some more Morgan it will make more sense
Yea but Tyson was always downloading porn
Tyrant wrote:
Unpredictable wrote:Reaper STFU and fight LArry, Black Bear, DOpe Mexican, me and all the rest of top 10 fighters and lets see if you still have all those points after that.

I bet you won't.

and I know you know it which is why you keep ducking all those people.

He wouldn't fight me on his #1 ranked Reaper name just because Oscar wouldn't fight him...Oscar signed off and Reaper went onto his Diego Corrales name looking for a fight...saying he is a man of his word and his word was to not fight anyone else but Oscar because he was mad...

I just get the feeling that Reaper, you seem to be doing anything you can to hold onto your top 1-2 rankings in the event that Mikkel brings on a #1 vs #2 title opportunity...

Tyrant im starting to feel for ya.. As much as I always hated fighting your gay arse, I always had respect for ya.... But cmon man whats going on you been avoiding the great Larry (can't use that other word), and now your new student Reaper turns out this way..
Counseling it's never too late.
Tyrant are you still ducking Larry?
At this stage in their careers neither fighter really wants to engage. I look for another Mayweather/Dela Hoya fight.... RJJ UD..
is it wireless or satellite?

Cause wireless no satellite almost impossible to play
I say just let the top 2 two go at it... The first title win can't really be counted anyways cause they never beat the champ. Then lets go from there. We will see what kinda champs they are and who they defend against it won't take long to sort it out after they get the belt. They can hug the points but they will be exposed for the fighters they are in a timely fashion. Just remember guys you all fought on a daily basis till u got ranked then u went under other names. So if ya want the belt get the belt and defend the belt against top competition and i'm not talking top ranked competition either. Everybody on OB knows who the top players are no matter what the rank says beside them.

And if you decide not to defend like a champion make sure you show your friends the message board as well. Im sure they will enjoy it as much as they do seeing your name at the top.
Forum Index » Profile for monkeytail » Messages posted by monkeytail
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