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Messages posted by: monkeytail
Forum Index » Profile for monkeytail » Messages posted by monkeytail
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Tyrant wrote:yeah I wouldn't have argued a win for Cotto, for Mosley or a DRAW

but I guess for the sport, Cotto's win makes "future" sense

That fight could have went either way. Was a great fight. I'm glad u knew he would win cause I watched the fight and at the end of the 12th, I had no idea which way the judges were going to lean.
Wow that was close. Thought I was gonna have to find a new hobby after work if he did decide to eliminate the viewing fights.....
Eddie u need to download Physx_7.09. I had the same problem. Don t ask me where it is but Stoppy posted the link in another thread earlier. Can't Remember exactly which one it was but if you click on the link he gave and download it the rest will work just fine.
Damn I knew I should have taken those typing courses when I had the chance. Looks good Mikkel. Going to be hell training my left hand to hit more than one button.
Damm it!! Rub it in.. Shot a 5 point saturday with my bow.
Getting bout that time again.
HTF wrote:i am glad although if what u said few days ago i true u dont just change like that instantly

I agree with you 100% HTF. Personally I think he was just making a joke out of something that is very serious, especially to people who have witnessed this first hand and been affected by it for life.
Tyrant wrote:I think it is petty to be mad over this guys. Eventually those who are the best will win the titles. Just have fun and play.

This is getting scary. I'm starting to agree with you more and more. Next thing you know I'll be drinking carrot juice instead of ole reliable Morgan
Did you give a rematch? In order to be the Champ u have to beat the champ 2x in a row.
Yea i guess you guys are right. Why take a chance in ending a fight when you can win by decision and not take any chances. A boxer who is a decision fighter should never lose by a KO by gettin caught. But I can see both sides. Anyway you look at it the tourney is a great idea. After all Mayweather is the most exciting boxer out there
Why dont you just PM Mikkel if wishes to tell you he will?
Tyrant you powder puff even Sugar Ray Leonard in contender knows the TKO or KO is worth more than a dec... If u lose by knockout be it 1 or 3 you were not man enough to finish the fight on your feet in the ring. Do u want a tourney of runners or fighters?? Not being able to finish the fight is worth more than being able to run for 12 rds and get a decision.

Does the average boxing fan want a JT fight like he had Spinks or do they want to watch a fight like the one with Pavlik.

JT could make PPV in a rematch with Pavlik. Do u think people would pay for a replay of the Spinks fight?
Wow Mr. Boon that was nice. He tried to graduate from pre-school so you had to school him. Great Job.
HTF vs. Monkeytail

HTF had -1

Monkeytail had -3

Damn those were the days sighhhhh
Forum Index » Profile for monkeytail » Messages posted by monkeytail
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