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Messages posted by: monkeytail
Forum Index » Profile for monkeytail » Messages posted by monkeytail
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Hey Pappy. Sounds like the new so called CHUMP needs to change his name to "Extremely Lame". You still the peoples CHAMP pappy.

Cynical one thats the way my screen always looked back when we used to play all nite long.
I'd still like to see it when a champ vacates that the number 1 ranked automatically gets the belt. Then there isn't a problem trying to get 2 fighters together or anything. The game just goes on as if nothing ever happened. Not sure how much work that would be, but once the code is put in then the extra worry and hassle is over. Just my opinion.
[b]Guys all the racists shit and wannabe gangster rap needs to be left in your home rooms at school. OB has always been a great, competitive, fun game, where people talked shit with the gloves. It's great to talk smack but bringin in race, gangsta bs, etc. just takes away from the game. There are a lot of new guys playing and this is no way to promote the game, and/or to keep top competitors in the game.. There are many chat rooms and blogs on the net that these opinions can be expressed in freely and possibly even appreciated.


No Responses Needed. Just Wanted to Express My Opinion.
Never have been a big Fairweather fan, but I have to agree with the come back kid, TYRANT...

The 12th and Final Round Ended like this:

"Noob was begging Unstoppable to get up one more time"
Notta. The knockdown was caused by a head shot. The two body shots on the way down just drained the remaining energy to the body. Now if the first body shot would have taken all the energy, then the second would have ended it, but it didn't.
Usa? He look pretty healthy saturday did he? Maybe Unstoppable and The Boss are brothers. People u guys cry wolfe too many times it may just come back and bite ya.,, You don't kid about shit like that..
Damn, Hate to here that.

Hopefully, this is just another one of those sick jokes that come around every year or so about the drive by shootings.
I too remember my first KO, it came in this fight:
this scene is from rd 1.


Don't really know who this guy is but it looks as if he has defended the title, although it was against questionable opposition. I know that there has been many times in the past when the champ would go for a week or more with out defending. i.e. Happy Kilmore and not be stripped. I think that if titles are gonna be stripped there should be a set of guidelines as to how or why a champ is stripped. For example if a champ goes for more than 5 days without defending, he gets stripped period doesnt matter why or who he is. For instance, say you went on Vacation for 2 weeks well then you lost your title and #1 ranked gets it automatically.

This is just my opinion, but just as in the HOF criteria there are no set guidelines, and i think we all know if it would have been Larry, HTF, etc. the belt would not have been stripped so quick, and a defense of a title is a defense of a title doesnt matter who it was against. Cause just like in real boxing the champs very seldom take on the toughest competitors in their division unless its a mandatory. Ok ill shut up now...
To Pay or not to Pay? That is the question. Heads yes tails no:::
The suspense is killing me.

Damn so close
Hey Pappy,

What's my poo poo got to do with this conversation? Some one step in it???
Just curious, but has anyone ever checked out the standards they use for the boxing hall of fame. better yet ask Greg Haugen what it takes to be a HOF'er then maybe JT could get there, but wait JT lost the popularity contest didnt he.

I say Mogray, JT, Tyrant,Turkish Warrior,and numerous others have been just as good or better than a few of the Hof'ers but they lost the popularity contests. Put JT's 318 title wins up against some of the current HOF'ers. Unstoppable 336 MAB 259.

JT's record 3150-692 (never dominated?) sugarrays record 3500-2144 (he should be what?) tyrant's record 3418-1277 (just retired never considered good enough)

Turkish Warrior 1634-897. 81 title wins (never considered?) Fernando Vargas 1454-480 83 title wins( being considered?) Sugarray 101 title wins in 5644 fights (being considered because?)

These are just a few random stats. I think Mogray got it right in his posts. Every fool here votes for his buddies. MOGRAY FOR PRESIDENT
Forum Index » Profile for monkeytail » Messages posted by monkeytail
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