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Messages posted by: el capillo
Forum Index » Profile for el capillo » Messages posted by el capillo
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Paul Dion wrote:I'm sleepy now coz I stayed up all night to watch it. I wanted Obama to win. He will make America change from being one of the most hated countries in the world to one of the most loved.
In the words of Ike...JAHBLESS!
salom my brother
bit of a dud fight. vanda was content to stay inforn tof him and then randomly throw a ritgh hand. chavez musta thought he was sugaray clay jones jr when he dropped his hands and got caught by a combination.

vanda shouldnt of landed as much as he did.
a load of different defences are needed to compensate.

i like to box and move always throwign the jab. knowing that if they come back with anything I.E. hook,cross i am in a position to come back slip or just simply move out the way.

on the inside i personally like to cross my arms and stay just in the same distance of a right uppercut. at this distance you all body punches are either too far or too close and head shots are nullified by the block.

problem is that if your oppoant looks for it he will throw the spam jabs then as soon as you raise your arms to block from striaghts you get tagged by a left hook.

also slipping to you right (blocks left hand punches) and getting real close...just before your clinchign ais a masterful defence.

just taking a millistep back to land a right cross will keep people from swarming you.

i was looking back at my fights during my 15 fight losing streak and i noticed that i forgot to move at all...that little bounce back and forward makes it very hard top land clean shots. just leaning and ducking can get you so far, but once people put combinations together had it.
whats that coming over the hill is it a wanker is it a wanker?
Paul Dion wrote:
el capillo wrote:also i felt like i was the best fighter in the world after beating paul 12 to 3 rounds

Hey now don't get too carried away Ike.
I had a strategy...I wanted you to was a 15 round fight so I thought it was a good strategy...So I hardly threw any punches at you...and I let you throw LOTS at me...I did this on purpose...I wanted to knock you out in the later rounds when you have no stamina left...unfortunately for only started to really gas out at round it only gave me 2 rounds to go all out for the KO or TKO... you gotta admit I almost had you in that last round.
true but i believe a man on the moon saw your stratagy.

it was a case of me either trying to swarm you to a tko which could of dragged me in to staminaliscous fight...and it seems i was in both.
johnbludger wrote:thx guys but i dont like to brag about myself good fight golden i tried my best and played smart
i also became champ tonight aswell. i know what you mean you just subconcsiously play smarter. i think it just cements you when you become champ gives you a reason to win and come back. also i felt like i was the best fighter in the world after beating paul 12 to 3 rounds... but do feel bare jaded now. like oh thats it...thats what i have been staying up for until 2 o clock in the morning for.

wow the steam doesnt stop on this express.
it's been almost 2 weeks
yeah he has been on last night about a hour after you left last night.
come on speed speed my man
may i join?
Earnie_Shavers wrote:Ya know in ur sig paul it says class: B.

How do ya work out what class u r lol I see that in a few ppls sigs.
i dunno there was a phase where a ton of guys were saying they were a certain class (viper being humble as ever saying A-) but after a while about 80% of everyone were saying class B.....well i find that funny anyways.
i think roy jones has alot of instant snap and speed that joe doesnt have where as joe uses fast combination his a to b speed is pretty average.

thing is roy hasnt got the legs that he used to and sits on the ropes which joe will def take advantage of.

joes koes have come from attrition and accuracy not form a one solid shot. his left hand is good but to ko guys he has to swing it like a bat to hurt them and against any verison of roy jones that is foolish.

calzaghe ud with roy jones stelaing a few rounds.

the game of life itself

prophetic aint it

or if your in a bit of a blue mood


totally outboxing reaper....

i remember making a guidline manual on how to beat him on here.

in th elast round he has absolutly NO stamina it was hilarious every time i jabbed he be honest i think im the one who galvenised him to becoming more defencive.

when i retired for a year or so i had a retirment fight with dion.

won every round knocked him down 5 times and in th eend he just couldnt get out the way of the shots.
i dont watch mma but...i love it when a pretencious prick gets koed.

tries to be smart ot throw a reverse right elbow....then walks into a right hand that had NO power on it.
Forum Index » Profile for el capillo » Messages posted by el capillo
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