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Messages posted by: el capillo
Forum Index » Profile for el capillo » Messages posted by el capillo
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who feels we should make this a 8 man tourney?
whats are you asking?

new guys who fight like the vets?

well i feel that ob is going towards spamming and inside fighting. boxing is kinda downplayed. the jab is just a weak long punch to be honest.

tho trpche to me box/fights very well. just cant keep getting the wins.
EDDIE54 wrote:1) I'm joining the U.S Army
2) I felt like it lol
3) I don't have a third reason ahahahah
great reasons bruv
uhm....eddie retired.
should i get trpche?
actually paul you sent me a supposive fight card already planned......why dont you just use that one?

it gets pdp on the way and doesnt effect your uni work

oh for god sake not boone
WHY WHY ou tof every top 30-5 fighter did you choose one will fight him.

can i fight for a pdp european title shot?
i know weight is suppose to be an issue but when haye is 220 pounds inside the ring at cruiser and monte barret is barely edging over 230. it shouldnt really make that much a difference.
also the heavier the wieght the less it makes a difference.
someone going from light-heavy to cruiser i feel is a far more dangerous jump in weight.

also haye is a world classer. where as barret hasnt shown anything against any elite fighters. he got chinned by a huge but still a slow plodding and not a massive hitter in valuev. was getting swarmed over by tye fucking fields (even tho he was looking for the steam to run out) also he was pretty badly beaten by couser.

im not fully convinced on hayes chin but it's not as bad as people are thinking.
haye tko early or mid rounds
Earnie_Shavers wrote:The titles are fucked up at the moment. Just the like the real heavyweight division, theres been too many champs in 1 week. We need some1 to dominate again the titles dont mean much at the moment.
nah nah nah check the 154 titles.

nobody can hold a belt longer than 6 months.
Paul Dion wrote:I have a certain strategy that I am working is very defensive...but also is only useful in a 15 round title fight though...or in some cases a 12 round fight.

It's basically luring your opponent into thinking you are hurt...let them hit you to the point you are in the red...keep doing this...BUT DON'T..I REPEAT...DON'T let them knock you down...this is vital...
Once they have you in the red multiple times and don't knock you down...they usually get restless and throw A LOT of punches...make sure when they have this "attack surge" make sure you defend and don't get hit...
A good way to lure the opponent in is to crouch a they instinctivley go for the body hook...but after crouching for a second, stand back up... move back...cross arms...move back and fourth..don't just stand still, keep moving...even wiggle your head a lot!!! JUST DON'T STAND STILL!!!

Ok...if you follow those instructions, and survive up until the 10th round...this is when you implament the second phase of strategy... by the 10th round...your opponent should be really gassed and tired...your stamina bar should be full... this is the time where I tend to counter punch...and then follow the counters with forward moving and pressure... lots of punches in bunches!!! Keep this up until you knock him out...

A lot of you will disagree with me and say it's a lame tactic...but it worked for me against a lot of fighters...however it doesn't work against smart only use this tactic against aggressive fighters that like to attack!

Hope that helps!

LOL what mug would get fooled by that get out of here
African Assassin wrote:Nah my defence is nothing like what Ike says. I can not stay in mid range i just can do it for somereason. I either stay on the outside and keep my opponents honest with well timed jabs and from no where rush to the inside and attack, or just rush to the inside and make my opponent miss all their power punches for about 20 seconds and clinch. If you do this you will notice that as the fight wears on the rounds will be scored closely, but that your opponent will have half or thee times less stamina then you, which allows me to put on one of my patented late round rallies that usually win the fight for me
exactly...viper copuld come in and say duck down and throw body shots and barge him agaisnt the ropes ECT.

there is no right way of defending...only wrong ways of defending
ShockandAwe wrote:2 fights on any given day mean nothing, thats the beauty of OB. i throttle john 9 out of 10 times when we fight normally yet he stepped up when it mattered. lots of examples of it. viper is a better fighter then me yet I have been winning more of our fights lately.. doesnt mean I am better then him.


Paul Dion wrote:
Dream Kid wrote:Hi

thread stealer

1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:
Red Viper wrote:I voted for McCain, but oh well. I hope Obama does a better job as president than George Bush was.

why did you vote for mccain? he would have done worse then bush lol. DEMOCRATS WOHOO!!
he is the underdog of politics
come on you must of seen that coming.

on another note...i was so fascinated by it. yet woudl th eamericans have a live debate of prescott and campball?
Forum Index » Profile for el capillo » Messages posted by el capillo
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