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Messages posted by: Sugar Ray Robinson
Forum Index » Profile for Sugar Ray Robinson » Messages posted by Sugar Ray Robinson
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Another thing I've noticed that many people are always in the Tournament room. Now how is there suppose to be progress in the OBC, OBW, OBF if hardly anyone ever fights there?

This game should have one or two titles. This way people all reside in the same rooms and progress is made.
Please read my thread in the Technical Issues forum. I just started playing, I'm having fun, but I believe that there are too many titles around considering the lack of players in this game. Anyone agree?
I've been playing this game for about two weeks now trying to learn the ropes and I just have one problem with it. I believe there are too many titles. Why not just have two major governing bodies as opposed to all the one that exist now? I don't think there are enough players to justify all those titles. Frankly, I see this game being held back since two of the titles aren't even filled.

Less is better sometimes. Just my thoughts.

Forum Index » Profile for Sugar Ray Robinson » Messages posted by Sugar Ray Robinson
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