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Messages posted by: Sugar Ray Robinson
Forum Index » Profile for Sugar Ray Robinson » Messages posted by Sugar Ray Robinson
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Tyrant wrote:
Sugar Ray Robinson wrote:I think the idea of tournaments is great but there is no organization to put them together and complete them.

I've come up with a few suggestions which should ensure that a tournament will be completed within a few days.

Could I host my own tournament applying my system? I'd even be willing to put up a small prize.

we've had a system in the past...I even used an official bracket...but where the go bad is when fighters who decide they don't want to show up anymore or players all of a sudden who get to the finals can't adjust timezones...

tournaments have been run well for the most part...the players just need to make more of an effort to actually fight when they get to the semi finals and finals

Thank you for the input Tyrant.

I'm just going to run with my idea and see what happens.
Sugar Ray Robinson Presents the 1st Annual U.S. Online Boxing Tournament

Since there are more American based Online Boxing players, it's more efficient to run a tournament for the convenience of players who reside in this region.


- You must have at least 200 fights on your record in order to qualify for entry and each player is allotted one entry only.

- European players and others from around the world are invited to join, however, they must be present during the set date(s) otherwise they'll be dropped from the tournament.

- Each round will consist of a best of 3 series.

- As the Director of the tournament, I will rank all entrants, and put together the bracket system for the tournament.

- I will actively manage the tournament bracket system on the day I schedule the tourney.

- If a player doesn't show up for a fight, his opponent will be given a bye.

- If a player refuses to complete his series, he will be disqualified and his opponent will receive a bye.

- Other issues that arise during the tournament will be addressed and rectified by yours truly the day of tournament.

- Our goal is to finish the tournament within 3-4 hours, however, if another day is needed, the tournament will conclude no later than the following day.

How To Join

If you're interested in signing up, please post your OB Username and also post your preferred schedule. In other words, list the day(s) and times that are most convenient for you. This will allow me to put together the best schedule possible for all participants.

For example:

Sugar Ray Robinson

Thursday - 8-11 AM Pacific Time
Saturday - 8-12 PM Pacific Time


John Smith

Any day from 7-11 PM Eastern Time


The winner of the tournament will receive a suprise prize bundle worth roughly $25 USD.

Final Notes

The tournament entry close date will be announced after enough slots have been filled.

My target date for this tournament is Saturday, March 10, 2007.

If you have any questions, you may email me at

Good luck!

I see no point in a newb tournament. If you want to be recognized and gain rank then just keep fighting, improve, and continue to climb up the rankings.

That said, the tournament I'm proposing would allow anyone to apply. However, if participants don't show up for the set dates (time frame), then their opponent gets a bye.

My goal is to get everyone online all at once.

I'm even considering it making it a North American tournament to accomodate U.S. players since there are more of us around. The Europeans could have their own tournament and their tournament winner would face ours.

Details will soon follow.
I think the idea of tournaments is great but there is no organization to put them together and complete them.

I've come up with a few suggestions which should ensure that a tournament will be completed within a few days.

Could I host my own tournament applying my system? I'd even be willing to put up a small prize.
I noticed that the last 4 times that he fought Fatny he won very convincingly every time. Is there a reason for why he only keeps getting non-title fights?
USA wrote:i dont think sugar ray should be on your list all u do is nothing but complain and complain and loose and loose again so thats a mistake to make yourself in the top 10 nukka

Perhaps because your connection is horrible.
Bold As Love wrote:ACTIVE TOP TWENTY
1 Fatny
2 Larry Holmes
3 Nigel Benn
4 Mike Tyso
5 Unstoppable
6 Sugar Ray Robinson
7 That 1 Dope Mexican
9 TiggerUppercut
10 Boxa
11 The Sickness
12 Blanco
13 Red Viper
14 Flash
15 Yacoob
16 Kayonda
17 Ken Norton


1 Fatny
2 Here To Fight
3 Larry Holmes
4 Nigel Benn
5 Mike Tyson
6 Unstoppable
7 sugarray
8 Laboratory
9 Jermain Taylor
10 Tyrant
11 USA
12 Sugar Ray Robinson
13 Couture
14 Salvador Sanchez
15 Ashton
16 GodFather
17 Street Bully
18 Fernando Vargas
19 Greg Haugen
20 Marvin Hagler

These list are based on recent fights, Head to Head and some of my opinion. Is fatny close to being mentioned for HOF?

If you are a current active fighter that feels you should be on the active list then speak up or only use one name.

On the All time list some of the newer fighters might be able to take out some of the inactive hall of famers in a fight due to change in game and fighting styles.

Isn't all-time greatness based on a fighter's dominance during his peak?

The way you're basing it is like saying that Manny Pacquiao is GREATER all-time than Willie Pep simply because he could possibly defeat him in a head to head matchup. That's not the way I view greatness. You gotta look at the whole picture. Just my two cents.
Not everyone will agree with my list, but for what it's worth, here's my top 10 based on my PERSONAL experience while playing here over the last three months.

1. Fatny: He's the strongest, toughest, and most consistent fighter around right now. Great all-around fighter.

2. Larry Holmes: He's the best technical boxer in the game right now. He's been off a bit over the last month or so, but he seems to be getting back into top shape. That's not good news for us.

3. Unstoppable:
Like Larry said, he still beats most people more than they beat him, although a few fighters give him problems stylistically. He can bang or box when he wants to, but his main weakness is that he loves to bang too much sometimes.

4. Nigel Benn: Nigel has good skills and can beat anyone when he's in top shape. The knock on him is that he hasn't been able to put together a run where he can consistently beat most of the top fighters.

5. Sugar Ray Robinson:
I still have a long way to go before I can reach the top.

6. Mike Tyson: I'd probably rate him higher but he seems to be the only fighter on this list who chooses his fights "strategically." He often times won't fight the top guys more than once, especially if he loses. It also appears that he loves to feed on a lot of newbies. Sorry Mike. Prove me wrong.

7. That 1 Dope Mexican: He should fight more because when he does he's pretty good. His biggest weakness is that he gets discouraged too quickly.

8. Boxa: Just like his name says, he's a "Boxa." Tough little cookie that has some good skills. It'll be interesting to see if he improves or plateaus from where he's at now.

9. Blanco: I don't think we've fought in awhile, but I recall him being solid.

10. Flash:
He should fight more too because I see good potential in him. He just needs to keep fighting more often to continue to improve.

Just kidding.
BoXa wrote:sorry i didnt feel like the shot, i cant play more than 3 long fights in row.

i will be gettin that title back tho

Yes GFs, but we both know why you didn't want the rematch after our last fight.

You took me by surprise by KOing me with those nasty body shots the first two fights, and then when I decided to box, you could barely win a round.
I'd say he's clearly the #1 fighter right now. Good job man.

What's up with Peter Pan anyways? He hasn't defended in 5 weeks. What ever happened to stripping him? This is ridiculous.
Shouldn't there be a rule for number of times a fighter must defend a week if he wants to keep the title? It's been about 3 weeks since kinkon or Peter Pan have made a defense. I don't think it's fair because it locks up the titles so that a really good fighter who's on a tear like Fatny can't unify them all when he deserves the chance to at least try. I say strip those fake champs. It's been too long.
Larry Holmes wrote:Alright you defended your not a ducker after all.
Thank you. When the game is up, I play, and I definitely defend or in last's night case, lose the title to a better fighter. haha

By the way, what's up with kinkon and Peter Pan? They should be stripped because they haven't defended in weeks. What's the rule on that?
Mikkel wrote:What kind of scripts ?

Is was some weird code/language. It's hard to describe. He just kept repeating it over and over again.
Last night I signed on really late, and I saw Rocky Balboa Jr. running some strange script. We then fought, I won, and then the game froze. After that it was down for the rest of the night.

Mikkel, you should look into this because I believe he's trying to sabotage your game.
Forum Index » Profile for Sugar Ray Robinson » Messages posted by Sugar Ray Robinson
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