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Messages posted by: boondickies
Forum Index » Profile for boondickies » Messages posted by boondickies
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Dick Emanuel Boon taking out Reapdick in an 8 round war.
We all hate you reaper. Live with your loss:
Reaper finally you had the guts to fight me again and you got knocked the fuck out, the way you like it!
Point is Reaper that your title doesnt mean anything if you dont defend it against top players.

So if you dont start to defend your title against good opposition, the reaper era will end before it even began.
For once i agree with Reapdick. You still havent committed suicide Yacoob. Nobody takes you serious until you pull the trigger on yourself.
i fully agree bear
A wise decision Sniper, you were clearly over the top. There are not many fighters who can call it a day after a career to be by many considered mediocre. You can, thats great!

All the best, Dick Boon
Unstop wrote: ´u would probably beat me alot on that connection´.

In that case Unstop, can I get a shot at all your belts?
Rocky, in answer to your questions:
1) the fight took place yesterday, November 1 2007.
2) My ping was 150.

I agree you cant judge a fighter by a single fight. If Unstop and I fight again he will probably beat me. Unstop is a better fighter than I am, no doubt. So is Fatny and a few others. My point is that there are some fighters in the top 10 that are. But if you need a 120 ping or lower to be able to make it to the top 10, I probably wont be in it until Bolivia get a proper connection.
Oh well, I will wait
Rocky, maybe my second rd ko win over Unstop will prove Iam top 10?
Rocky, maybe my second rd ko win over Unstop will prove Iam top 10?
Rocky, sure Feroz beat me. I dont want to take anything away from him. But if you judge me over 1 performence pls also take into account I was leading on all the scorecards after rd 5 (I think you started watching in Rd 5, I beat him easily in the first 5). And a top 10 player can beat another top 10 player. I am not saying Feroz shouldnt be in the top 10. But I do know I am better than Flash, Blanco (beat him 5 times in a row), Tiger, Red and I knocked out Boxa last time we fought.

If Iam not top 10, then please start making a top 20 list.
And if I dont appear on your 20 list, then god damnit you shouldnt be allowed to post any more top X lists!
How can you rank these fighters above me?
6. Boxa
7. TBF Feroz
8. Blanco
9. Flash

I beat Blanco 5 times in a row. Flash and Boxa cant handle me either.

It says more about your rankings thank about my skills.
Damn Reaper are you really that stupid??

Read my post. I said in my post I do beat top 10 fighters like:
7. Red Viper
8. Flash
9. Boxa

Then I also beat Blanco, Boxa, Tigeruppercut, Polski etc.

By the way, you are an ass but you probably have to be considered top 10 too. And stop avoiding me if you think your so good.
Lately my ping comes down to 150. But I admit it is still not a very good connection. But I beat fighters like Tigeruppercut, Red Viper, Blanco, Godlike, Polski etc on a regular basis over and over again.
Forum Index » Profile for boondickies » Messages posted by boondickies
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