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Messages posted by: boondickies
Forum Index » Profile for boondickies » Messages posted by boondickies
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RapeDick, name 9 fighters that are better (proven)? U cant.
I beat red, I beat Blanco, I beat Tigeruppercut over and over again. Yesterday I beat Boxa, man I am top 10, definitely.
Sure Oscar, Noobs beat me occassionaly. If you start to beat red, me, flash and blanco on a regular basis, even you can make it to the top 10! lol
I wanna see Unstop vs Fatny.
Gracias Blanco, ya es hora, despues de haber jugado este juego por más de 4 años ...
oh I forgot, I also beat Blanco the last 3 or 4 times we fought.
I think I should be mentioned in the next top 10 rankings. And Iam not talking about to 10 lag
With a ping of 150 which isnt that bad I can beat:

7. Red Viper
8. Flash
9. Boxa

With regards,

Dick E. Boon
Without being arrogant, I´d like to add myself to the top ten. I can beat:

7. Red Viper
8. Flash
9. Boxa

Check the records. Ok I lag a bit, but when my ping is 150 it isnt THAT slow and I still beat ppl up.

Dick E. Boon

Forum Index » Profile for boondickies » Messages posted by boondickies
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